How are you preparing for the Asian century?


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I have a 15 year old Chinese gf from Singapore (im 19)

Gonna have many happa kids with her desu

Absolute state

Patrician taste

Is this even legal?

>"Father........, Why did you bear me??"


>15 year old gf
the van is already on its way

This happens so often, I wonder what SEAfags think of Australians

Nope, but that makes it even better desu

elliot was raised by a cuck dad and some disgusting thai woman. 100% its in how you raise the kid that determines if they're autistic or not, not just being half asian

who cares what they think lmao

all women over the age of 20 are sluts who have taken miles of cock and are completely worthless, but get them young and they're yours *forever*

>over the age of 20 are sluts who have taken miles of cock
I know girls who are still virgins at 25.

You do realize they can find you if you post shit like that online?

how many? and how do you know they're telling the truth?

but why would they care? the age of consent is 16 in australia, I can wait

Two. They'd get beheaded otherwise.


kek, of course they would. ill change my statement then

all *white* women over the age of 20 are used up sluts who have taken miles of cock and are worthless. get a little teenage girl and make her your perfect wife.

Show me your property

I'm not, I don't want to feel like forest gump, with kids with a superior inteligence

>elliot was raised by a cuck dad and some disgusting thai woman

>Rodger was born in London, England, and moved to the United States with his parents when he was five years old.[62] He was raised in Los Angeles. His mother is Li Chin Rodger, a Malaysian research assistant for a film company

Nice try at deflection, malay monkey.

malaysian and thai are like exactly the same

what property?

I know you're meming but in case you're really this retarded, Malays are Javanese offshoots while Thais are descended from Southern Chinese. Malays have also been corrupted by Islamic and British colonial influences, although I guess that's redundant. They have no real cultural legacy.

Meanwhile Thailand is the best country to have ever existed in the entirety of human history.

We have the best food, the best martial arts, the best cultural traditions, the best religion, the best society and the most fuckable people on the planet.

Whatever flaws there may be are inconsequential and frankly irrelevant when weighed against the unmatched legacy of our birthright. We are the blessed children of the Chakri Dynasty and the immortal sires of the Sukhothai Kingdom that ruled over Greater Siam - the first and only power to conquer the entire Indochina Peninsula atop the ruins of the fallen Khmer Empire.

We have never been and will never be conquered or colonized. When all the other nations around us fell to European or Japanese rule, to Islam or Catholicism... we stood. We remained. We adapted. We survived.

That you would even speak of malays in the same breath as us shows you're just a malay monkey trying to get some of this superior Siamese action.

華人 are the same no matter in which country they live.
There are so many of them there's no point generalising, and I'm sure the baby would not be autistic if you put your dicc in Joyce Chu.

your gf

Wait, what I don't get is why Thailand is the way it is now. What happened?

I'm not preparing at all. You should help me out by giving one free qt asian gf to me.

Why is Korea the way it is now? What happened?

i really dont give a shit though. all you yellow rice monkeys are the same as far as im concerned.


No, no, wait, I really don't mean that as an insult. I just wanted to ask what has happened to you guys recently

I'm calling the cops

go for it, too bad singapore police have no jurisdiction in australia :^)

Thank Japan for making the place civilised

>says the monkey hiding behind the aussie flag
You didn't think I knew? It's always obvious when a self-hating gook tries to pretend he's white.

Then be specific. I don't have time to decipher the meaning of your vague questions.


no wonder your country is turning chinese holy shit

I mean good for you, and I wish you a happy life but pls don't bring your racial politics into your son's life we don't need anymore rodgers

Well, everyone and their mother decided to send their kids to karate/Taekwando class, so i'd assume alot of the places can't afford hard sparring in fear of brain damage etc etc

I mean if you want the hard stuff go sign up to be a north korean citizen and learn from their spec ops, apparently both north and south korean spec ops uses it


That is not a very cute gf

Actually, I am abit concerned for the girl and OP might go to jail if he does anything stupid;ident=9f804d76-c39f-4e35-8cfe-1be8dd20bfe9;page=0;query=DocId:"025e7646-947b-462c-b557-60aa55dc7b42" Status:inforce Depth:0;rec=0

i dont date her because of political shit, i date her because i love her. i think shes beautiful

im white but okay. just so you know i wasnt trying to bash thai people or anything, i just remember seeing a pic of his ugly SEAmonkey mother and couldnt remember if it said she was thai or malay. so i guess its malaysians that are disgusting and thai are still best ladyboys

give me recommendation for best place to look for an Asian gf and no traps please

So a few things I was wondering about was

1. Is the monarchy in your country stable?
2. Where do all the memes about Thai women and all that stuff about your country come from?

Still got this big ol' dick so I think I will be fine.

5'5 karate boy can get up in my face but she'll still want what I have to offer

The US, Australia, or Canada.

Only in western countries do beautiful Asian girls want to date whites.

Wait, that's your gf? I thought you were posting a Malaysian. Here's my gf. She's 27.

Get your life together m8.

His mother wasnt that far from your gf when she was younger

Pretty cute

Which memes about women? The monarchy doesn't run the country, that responsibility rests with the military and the privy council.

why does everyone say that women in your country are actually men?


By any chance Is she ladyboy? ??

I don't know, I don't base my reality on memes. We have a population of over 67 million. Would be difficult without women.

>this thread

oh well, guess ill try and only have girls then


Was your last meal a dog? Did your last phone explode? Did your last boat sink? Are you about to nuked?

Pls answer my question:)

Please user, have mercy

dunno why ur so mean gookbro, i think shes qt

Answer mine. :)

I asked you first so you should answer me

That's a straight up lie, Yes its easy as fuck to get cute asian girls in Australia but it's just as easy if you are a good looking white guy in asia.

People need to remember but just because you're foreign in their country that doesn't make you desirable outside the poorer communities. You still have to be fucking good looking and not some autismo.

The U.S has 0 asians compared to here, Never been to Canada.

dun fite pls

Legal as long as he doesn't fuck her. She'll be legal when she's 16 though (assuming OP doesn't live in South Australia or Tasmania, where it is 17).

QLD, but im not the OP of the thread, one of the Thai dudes is

Because most tourists like me hang around Soi 4/11 and Pattaya where there is a large percentage of ladyboys. Who sometimes do look better then the ladies weirdly enough.

>he couldn't get a white girl so he got a gook

wtf i love thai patriotism now

I like Snickers crunch so you should answer me. Did your mom have plastic surgery?

At least she looks pure. Wish you luck

t.1.60 m brown monkey living in a third world country

Did you say you like ladyboy?

Sorry, I meant OP as in the original poster of the subject in question.


jesus christ man, I'm sure you can do better than that

I have horse cock, will rip them apart.

Can't wait for whites to be bred out of existence by chink sluts. Get rid of them please.

>brits acting all disappointed
im kinda sure you guys will be a co owned state by pakistan and india desu

maybe scotland and norn will b spared


White cock belongs to Asian pussy

Explain this plz.


either hapas or a stereotype

china's version of goths/fashion retards

pls gib singapore gf

Did you say you rape and eat dog? :)

chinks with surgery and heavily edited images

They're korean plastic abominations.

our women are status whores, they are (mostly) no different than the aussie women that would drop their panties at the sight of a saudi prince

here is the ideal chinese man

and this would be his IRL counterpart

but also
beta as fuck

>our women are status whores
At least Chinese realise that themselves

why do you think you hear stories about some chinese guys marrying ukrainians and ugandans

china actually is a good place for a woman if your talented, even more so now with all these thirsty ass westerneners (only negatives is that english teachers don't exactly earn much)

how do thais feel about foreigners speaking their language?
also, what are the main dialects of thai?
do you have a "scotland"? as in poor, communistic, and speak something so butchered nobody else can understand them?

i think i watched her child porn clips few years ago


They better hope they don't run into the much hotter Finnish firefighters.

I just said i admired their phsyique you raging homo

Why do you even bother trying to banter? It's so easy to point out you lost Falklands War or you're all a bunch of nigger monkeys. Go home. And remember you'll never get the Falklands.

>mango cum and rice


I'm studying Maoism, I'm very optimistic for full world communism, but also disappointed that we Europeans didn't bring it about. Of course my country is communist but Europe is generally reactionary and don't even get me started on the United States, they are the worst of the worst. I guess Maoism-Third Worldism was right all along but I still would have wished that Europe wouldn't have to be destroyed.

Not even the CCP practices Maoism anymore though