You mad, Sup Forums?
You mad, Sup Forums?
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Fuck u cunt
No. It was fully expected. She is probably the most corrupt politician the US has ever seen so there was no way she was going to get burnt.
You could mishandle and store top secret information now!
all Americans should be, you moron
So is lying to the FBI legal now?
You know, she has no legitimacy anymore, intent or no intent. Who would vote for a candidate with such a history in handling classified information? Will she keep the country just as secure as her email servers?
No. I am sad. I'm not angry yet. Maybe later. Right now I am just sad. Whatever trust or respect I had for our system of government is just gone now.
pretty much this a) it was expected
b) you don't win votes when the director of the FBI stands up and tells the country you and your staff are incompetent buffoons.
If you fucking Yank cunts elect this bitch, I will swim across the Atlantic and personally call each and every one of you a fucking cuck, while singing "God save the Queen".
And go full on beserk with my illegal plastic butter knife. (that I obtained from 'Jimmy the lad' down the pub). - Don't tell Scotland Yard.
I shall force you all to drive on the correct side of the road and drink hot tea with milk in it. And eat buttered crumpets with strawberry jam. And fucking HAGGIS.
Iced tea is an affront to Her Majesty and is probably a declaration of war.
You fucking bastards.
You fucking wanker cunts.
Not so cocky now, eh?
You're shaking in your boots now.
America will burn brighter than us up north.
>hot tea in the summer
dumb limey cunt
She's literally above the law.
And you can fuck off too.
Iced tea is for queers. Hot tea is a man's drink.
It gives makes one's bollocks firmer.
Hot tea and crumpets is for honour and glory.
You French fucking turncoat. I just fucking know you are from Quebec.
You bastards put a leaf on your flag in defiance of Her Brittanic Majesty.
What a bunch of cunts. I'll deck you first, cunt.
Sup Forums so mad lol
Who /keking/ here?
Lad he's probably not even white, let alone a filthy quebecois
No. Kind of relieved. I think Hillary will be the easiest to defeat in November.
Yes I manage a very mundane record account for the USAF and have been trained in this very matter. She by every account should be barred from holding a federally appointed office for the rest of her natural life. This is a travesty that has at every junction showcased how flagrantly corrupt and unjust our system has become. Fuck her she can not become President. She will finish what Obama started in destroying this country.
I'd eat haggis without coercion but apparently it's illegal to sell it here due to health concerns or something. If I want to eat it I might have slaughter my own goat.
I mad, all right
I'm enraged. I feel sick and scared that this is what my country is down to.
I'm sorry, but was the Clinton case already dropped? Oh, that's right. The case isn't over yet. In fact, it's only passed to the DOJ. Does not having the FBI investigating you count as a loss? Is that what you're saying? Because if you're saying that I can assure you that you're wrong. Why would you make this topic when the investigation is still on? The DOJ are still investigating right now and they have been the best forensic team in the West for how many years now? They're investigating one of the worst presidential candidates in the USA who just happen to have a FBI connection because they're feeding off the energy of her husband. But you know what? She's still a fucking crook. Trump is one of the best fucking candidates in the USA, they went 17-1 last year and would of won the polls if the muslim didn't shoot up the club. Maybe you should shut the fuck up before you make retarded topics like this. You know why? Because you're going to be embarrassed when Hillary is indicted and someone bumps this topic. Are you a fucking drunk? Are you retarded? Are you autistic? You are a fucking idiot and you should never make a topic on this board again and I'm fucking serious. I almost have a feeling you're the only guy making all these anti-Trump topics because you're a faggot hater who doesn't like the team because they're good. Fuck you, be good at something in YOUR life and then maybe try to troll these fucking candidates on the board, like I give a fuck. It's so easy to spot out your threads now, you're a retard. Always doing stupid shit like this. Why don't you try to be a good poster? Just for once? For once in your fucking life try not to make a topic like this. That's just you, you're always right at getting it wrong. Fuck you. You are nothing.
Well I'm glad you're getting the feeling that liberals had from about 2002-2008. Feels shitty, doesn't it? Although I suppose Clinton's mistakes and lies didn't lead to 4,000 dead Americans so really you're not even close to that level yet.
Kill yourself.
I can't even be mad.
I've been leaning toward the likelihood that Trump was an (((independent))) sock puppet injected into the election for Hillary to capitalize on the reaction that the public would have to his populist rhetoric at a time when she needed her opposition to seem dumber than she is.
Easiest to defeat by whom? Gary Johnson.
These spergs are always mad, it's just a question of degree. Wait until the moron loses, then you'll see some shit.
you still got your guns in a worst case scenario
Kek is the god of chaos. He doesn't actually care who sits on the throne, he just wants to see the world burn.
Even if you are on the left, how could this not make you mad? The FBI basically came out and said that yeah, she broke the law, but we aren't going to prosecute because reasons.
Does the fact that certain powerful individuals are apparently above the law not bother you?
>Clinton's mistakes and lies didn't lead to 4,000 dead Americans
So you didn't even watch the press conference you're gloating about. Nice.
Have fun celebrating your murder queen's triumph over the law, shitbag.
Hopefully it's
>We aren't going to prosecute because of reason
>Reasons being we've got even more damning dirt on her from the sketchy-as-fuck Clinton Foundation and we're going to crucify her in October
We live in a country where a person can be corrupt, power hungry, psychopathic, evil, money-hungry, two faced, deceitful, opportunistic, and blatantly thirsty for attention and domination over other human beings - but so long as she isn’t saying “politically incorrect” things - she’s the good guy! And yet, we have a person who is none of those things - who by all accounts is a normal human being with a soul and seemingly normal ethical properties - and if he says something “offensive” he is the bad guy. There is something deeply, deeply wrong with our culture today. The only solution is to completely obliterate it.
Political incorrectness is the new rebellion.
Of course it doesn't bother them.
They literally want a tyrranical dictatorship and the Constitution has always stood in their way.
are you ? its your country that will get run by a criminal
>shows how corrupt she and the system is
The FBI guy basically said, there is a crime but we wont pursue it
The cover-up continues. Obviously Bill told A.G. Lynch what conclusion the Justice Department and the FBI should reach, and they bowed to his demands. Corrupt criminal Democrats closing ranks to protect their own. No surprises here.
There are two systems of Justice: one for We The a People, and one for The High And Mighty.
Lol no I love seeing the alt-right boners on here get upset.
I'm furious
I'm willing to die in civil war at this point so long as this cunt gets ghadafied
>Mr. FBI basically said "what she did is grossly negligent and against the law, but we're not going to indict because she's untouchable"
>Look beyond the surface and look at the subtext. He's fucking dogwhistling. The Obama administration is not allowing hin to proceed and forcing him to say no indictment, but he's doing so in such a way that obviously tips off and tells everyone that hes being forced to say it.
>This is not a totally terrible scenario. Clinton looks completely corrupt. If she were actually indicted, then the DNC would step in and nominate someone else. No point in making her look bad if it causes them to pick another dem that has a better chance of winning
>FBI stands up and tells the country you and your staff are incompetent buffoons.
I'm pissed they said this bit aren't pursuing gross negligence charges
What has she done thats so corrupt?
Real answers, not snark
>You got nothing, friend
>Sent from Bongladesh
>To warrant a criminal charge, Mr. Comey said, there had to be evidence that Mrs. Clinton intentionally sent or received classified information — something that the F.B.I. did not find.
Dude there's no ammo
Yeah they're mad. I've seen three civil war 2.0 threads just this last ten minutes.
If its any consolation, at least you get to see Trump debate Hillary. And then lose the election.
Im no even mad, i will enjoy the world burn with dat bitch run usa. if this bitch win , it will not be no surprise Putin with XI Jinping (Chinese President) form a military alliance because Clinton arming Some East Country and pacific country and especially Japan.
FBI pls monitor this dangerous man
The blood clot will take care of you.
Is anyone really surprised? Check out nig and lib hate music
In which case, THIS is your new presidentrix
>Stop right there fiend!
soon, i guess laws are pretty much bullshit now? I mean fuck it, why obey when the elites don't give zero fucks.
any one remember the french revolution?
Breivik did literally nothng wrong.
Look at the repeating digits.
>what has she done thats so corrupt?
No. Now I get to see her fucking humiliated in every debate from now until November.
Obviously shes done nothing move along pls
“Although there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information, our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case.”
TRANSLATION: She’s guilty but we won’t prosecute.
“To be clear, this is not to suggest that in similar circumstances, a person who engaged in this activity would face no consequences.”
TRANSLATION: If you did this, you would be in prison.
To feel the warm thrill of confusion
That space cadet glow.
>FBI just spent 15 minutes with the world watching
>proceeds to torpedo her campaign
Why would anyone be mad?
This is the best outcome.
This isn't going away.
Everything Comey said to today about clinton was damning. You will be hearing his words over and over again during this election, just the rest of the planet did.
Of course they weren't going to prosecute.
Then they'd have to start dropping names of everyone else who was involved. I told you guys they would deem it a security risk.
Clinton: Lmao I have vag tho?!?!
Literally nothing will change. Clinton will remain in the lead and win come November. Cap this.
Do you honestly think that will sway her supporters? They probably rolled their eyes at him with every word he said. The worst thing he said about Clinton was that she was "careless" with her handling of emails, in which her supporters will just shout "SEXIST" and cling on to her even more. This was a great outcome for her, because I'm With Her shills are literally drones.
DNC shills end yourself now. Preferably by leaping off the nearest bridge.
Sup Forums confirmed butthurt
“Although there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information, our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case.”
TRANSLATION: She’s guilty but we won’t prosecute.
“To be clear, this is not to suggest that in similar circumstances, a person who engaged in this activity would face no consequences.”
TRANSLATION: If you did this, you would be in prison.
Her supporters don't matter, since she has the fewest of them of any Democratic Candidate in history, proportionally speaking.
What matters is independents, who make up about half of the country.
Trump is a "racist."
Hillary Clinton is now a criminal who got special treatment.
I don't think that user is shilling. It's pretty obvious where this election is going. I'd like to see America made great again but it's pretty clear who the electoral college will go for.
>Sup Forums
I take it back. This fucker is a shill.
You remind me of Jebheads from a few month ago. She's going to be butchered like a pig, because she cannot talk for shit.
50 caliber or maybe something a little lighter?
>Shillary's face when
Hello , im a black democrat and even i dont understand how you arent charged for doing something illegal.
>What has she done thats so corrupt?
>Real answers, not snark
“Although there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information, our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case.”
TRANSLATION: She’s guilty but we won’t prosecute.
“To be clear, this is not to suggest that in similar circumstances, a person who engaged in this activity would face no consequences.”
TRANSLATION: If you did this, you would be in prison.
what did he mean by this?
>68 years old
>Still running for president
I think shell be fine
The FBI called her incompetent and extremely careless.
I'm a libertarian, but given our VP I probably won't vote this year, so I say this without bias: this is probably better for trump.
This gives him alot of ammunition. If it had gone the other way, she'd have to drop out and be replaced by a canidate who would do much better against trump, be mere virtue of not being hated.
Shilldog is only in a worse position. Now the republicans have even more ammo, and she's still in the race. Not to mention her husbands meeting, her past, ect. Ect.
She ain't out of the woods yet.
liberals don't understand that though
We have a deal
This. I feel genuinely disappointed that the "untouchables" decided to let crooked Clinton get away with this.
I'm happy. We're going to elect the first woman president, we're going to take back the Senate, we're going to have a liberal majority SCOTUS. Sup Forums eternally BTFO.
It wasn't _criminal_ negligence, hence not a crime.
Yeah, I've been seething with rage at my desk for about twenty minutes now. I should have expected it. Hope this pisses off someone with the right information to do something.
the FBI said what occurred was quite illegal, they just won't follow it
Well, I got some bad news for you, sunshine:
We should all be mad. The powerful are immunized from justice. Especially the Clintons.
O-o-o-okay, Clive.
i'm pulling over EVERY car today with a Hillary sticker when i start my shift.
Nah, this will just serve as a highlight to the general public of just how corrupt our government has become.
We need Trump more than ever to reform it.
>Who would vote for a candidate with such a history in handling classified information?
Black people who want gibs, women who have been enslaved by feminism, Mexicans who want their brethren to take over, and Muslims who want to weaken America for the inevitable Muslim conquest.
Also Jews.
>Hillary isn't going to be indicted and is going to win the presidency
>there is nothing you Trump fags can do about it
>one of the biggest beneficiaries of corruption
>thinks he'll reform it
laughing out loud out loud
Isn't this your #1 reason for needing guns ?
To prevent government tyranny?
America confirmed biggest cucks on the planet
No. This is what I was hoping for. Clinton with an indictment would yank her out of the race and pull in either Sanders, who I believe will be harder to defeat, or Biden, who would be the hardest to defeat. This outcome leaves the weakest candidate in the weakest possible condition. The emails and evidence will go public and if the Republicans play their cards right they can smear her into obscurity. So actually, I am quite relieved.
>he doesn't realize the gun control speeches are all part of a staged plot to convince Americans that they're "fighting" the system by holding onto their guns
>meanwhile, they wouldn't dare use them in the face of true tyranny like witnessed today
McDonald's lets you do that? You must be working the drive-thru.
Do gun fetishists actually believe their greasy glock collection and cum-stained tacticool gear would make the government bat an eye?