What are you actually supposed to do when you have a gf?

What are you actually supposed to do when you have a gf?

shit i haven't thought about it

>stop playing vidya
>take care of your personal hygiene
>listen to her moan about her day
>make your peepee hard on demand (and soft when not wanted)

It's probably rather shitty you can't do anything alone anymore always have another human being annoying you to hangout even if you don't feel like it, you do nothing wrong but sometimes they're always pissed at you, always have to waste your money on them. gets pissed at you for talking to another girl but probably talks to 5 different guys and never shows you her phone.

listen to tom leykis

Cuddle and sweet sex.

get a bf instead, you will be like friends except he also will fuck you

no doubts what to do on your side, just get on all fours from time to time

You might be the first person to think that far ahead

benin in vagene

Stupid fucking Dutchman! You were supposed to get a bf so you could play vidya and wrestle together. Girls are shite companions

Sex until my willy cut off

She will tell you

are you going to gf a meat grinder?

you're doing it fucking wrong

I'll teach you the French way:

>play vidya with her
>let her take care of your personal hygiene
>listen to her moan all night
>make your peepee hard on demand (and make her peepee wet when not wanted so that you can get your peepee hard and wanted)

I usually spend some time with them.

>listen to her moan all night
>from jamal and mohamad

You spend time with your gf.
She must be something like a BRO with benefits (no homo).

play with her feminine benis

defend gf from roving packs of other men

>think about sex
>immediately relates it to cucking

You do you have such a fetish? Why are you obsessed by this? In the end, it mainly tells a lot about you.

You get motivation to travel somewhere on your vacations