
hullow edition

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any brockhampton man in



just done a sex wee

So I hear you're handling the dubs account

Ah yes... the ol' academic transcript...
Glad I finished that up


get on the boat, kid, we're going to Europe

you suck lol


I am indeed
you're from off-by-ones?

Fuck off, I'm the number wizard around here you little bitch; now SCRAM.

free the mandem





Cameron had the right idea when he said we should send the navy and destroy every ship off the north african coast


very cool dubs, but that's nothing






does thiis look like a virgin to you?



Like I said mate just fuck off, it's pathetic

women should not be in right wing spaces

Dubai seems a really depressing place lads. I have a friend that lives there and she Snapchats the places she walks through in normal day to day life. Apart from the meme buildings and attractions you see in the media, it really seems like a soulless and depressing place. Just endless tall glass skyscrapers and tower blocks, all this ostentatious buildings and wealth but there's no one in the streets, hardly a car on the roads

they're migrants and they should fucking stay where they are

did he say that?




im 177cm and weigh 56.9kg

all muslim countries are soulless and depressing.

Been watching uploads of their tour and it seems incredible

i grew up partially in abu dhabi and it was probably far nicer than any town or city in england and yankland

might become a brony lads

I HATE Nazis!

the ginger gf


I don't understand what's going on

>I Gave My Nigga Head Lol

i must have narcolepsy


Not a good idea lad.

>Socialism in Venezuela, Explained Through Memes
yeah he's really blowing the lid off those elite conspiracies here

make the head far smaller

I haven't seen the vids but I heard that they played STAR 7 times in a row at one of the shows

>it's Monday in 2 mins lads.

>Local Rorke killed in one punch after telling bouncer he'll "cave his skull in for being leftypol"



wish this fake nonsense would stop

what the fuck is this bitches problem

like Niles Crane?

Lets see paul allen's dubs

dude drugs lol



decided to browse /k/ for the first time in years. some interesting posts tbf

>she got her natural massive tits reduced


hope sophie howard didn't do the same

What's it like to have siblings lads?

Feels bad that I've never had one tbqh.


my brother is a cunt so nothing special

i feel like difference between growing up only child and with siblings is huge, like you can pretty much tell if people have siblings or not by how they act. I would make sure I had more than one kid.

>three fucking scimitars

good tbqh

got 2 older brothers, always there to play playstation with me, they tormented me mercilessly though

probably why you turned out bent

live like a king, die like a man. thats what i always say.


idk maybe
i spend a lot more time asleep than awake

account was closed right after i could wield dragon skimmies

*walks towards you*

I would be revolted if a woman I want to date had a diaper fetish. Absolutely disgusting.

alri shitpostbot

are you demented?

pretty good, can have a chat with them any time and trust them basically unconditionally (as they've never fucked me over).

fake and gay

no profile picture? not fooling me

dad accused me of going feral again lads


My younger brother is a normie. Still lives at home like myself. He works as an electrician. I don't have much in common with him, pretty sure he's embarrassed of his older brother being a failure though.

have an older brother. We didn't get on that well when we were younger. Since he went to uni up north, then moved to London for work I see him every couple of months. We get on really well now (i'm in my early 20's, he's nearly 30), he's probably my only real friend.


the queen is dead boys


*kicks your door*


used to sniff my sisters knickers when i lived at home. that was pretty nice i guess.

gonna do it lads, just downloaded the first episode of My Little Pony, wish me luck

I have nine siblings (six sisters and three brothres), all older.

It's pretty good tbqh.

that's nothing you should hear me play piano

you will regret this, it is a big mistake

used to beat my brother up all the time and have generally been more successful than him and am better looking, so think i gave him a few complexes LOL

you're going down a dark road lad

dont know how you normalrunts do stuff like that. I have a whole mental list of grievances of everyone i dont like, and they certainly wont go away.

Wow, he looks like he showers 7 times a day and has a great personality.

He almost certainly slays pu55y every time he goes to the club.

honestly just want to live in america for a month or so, go to walmart and eat supersized mcdonalds and go to the shooting range