What should have happened to them in 1945?

What should have happened to them in 1945?

Other urls found in this thread:


one nuke for every german that was alive

Nazis should have been left to govern again.

They should've won the war

They should have prevented their women from Russian army


Or else, restablish the monarchy as a constitutional system, would have saved us a lot of money

give all the land to belgium

It should have been split into a hundred different microcountries, something like the Holy Roman Empire but without anything holding them together.

germans are subhumans

germans are subhumans

fuck germany

Give us the land and move to israel


you mean like turkish city states?

Habsburg emperor instead of Hohenzollern


Should have been unified as a neutral state between NATO and Warsaw Pact

Well well..

Also I don't know anything about Turkey but whatever. The point is that g*Rmany should not ever be allowed to unite.

LOL no

Elective monarchy could save Germany

Every people have the right of self-determination



why did you make this thread? just to make us suffer?

fuck germany

berlin is called little istanbul

na thats bullshit. I like constitutional monarchy like the UK, netherlands, denmark.. etc.. ect..

Scattered like a thousand pieces to the wind. Broken up into historic regions once again.

Words can hurt asshole

Would you look at the OP flag. The question will then answer itself



jews been given a state in europe instead of palestine

How would your ideal Germany look like then? Describe it with a pic and some words

Germany did nothing wrong.

Didn't get the memo Hans?
No one likes you, intact most people hate you. These "question" threads are just created because putting german hate thread in the OP is boring and would probably get auto saged

in fact*

germanbros why are you not attacking the germany hating piece of shit with the geramn flag? the i am greek retard

pic halfway related, I don't care about Elsass but it would be more of a bismarkian idea, with a respect for the balance of power. I like the idea to unify europe as happend in the EU to tackle problems together.
But for germany, a constitutional monarchy would mean that the taxpayers wouldn't have to pay large sums to former head of gouvernment (they get three assistens, an office, driver, lifelong pension etcetc) even tho they didn't serve any purpose any more. A monarch would be a stable symbol for unity instead of every 5 years some other random old dude who serves just a paper service

germans are evil subhumans
you subhuman

manipulative yahudi parasite

fuck germany

They should have been divided into 8-10 smaller countries.

He only wants attention

not from you german subhumans

they should have been nuked 8-10 times

Bavaria should have been given to Austria, that new country should have had Austro-Bavarian dialect as the official language and not standard German, with education, tv shows, laws etc, in Austro-Bavarian dialect.
In a few generations they would be as different from Germans as the Dutch are.

Force Switzerland to accept Swabia (divide Swabia in smaller cantons).

Give French speaking Belgium to France to strengthen France, also give them Alsace and Lorraine.

Give Silesia to Poland (because they are slavs, even if they prefer belonging to Germany), and expulse all Germans from Gdansk and East Prussia.

Give Schleswig Holstein back to Denmark

Change the name of what remains of Germany to something less politically and ethnically charged, like Hanseatic Republic. With Hamburg as capital.

austrians are germans
germans are subhumans


Enjoy the massive civil unrest, and the international discredit of the allied incompetence in "ensuring peace with germany"
world would be a hell

They should have have kept their eastern lands. Poles don't belong there.

for what reason?
germans are evil subhumans

Dissolution into small states.
Just like it has been for almost thousand years before 1871.

But what about the soviet claims?
Your hanseatic state would be more like two-a rhinish one and the DDR doomed to fail later on, no?

That would be a great idea. I'd back it.

it wouldnt
fuck germany

They should have kept all of their pre-war territory (also no mass expulsions/genocide) but this territory should have been divided up into smaller states.

anglos and slavs should've killed us desu

bad post

good post

Destroyed entirely