Amy Schumer posted this on instagram yesterday. It's so brave of her. I want women all over our great nation to be able to be comfortable in their own skin! A few extra pounds means there's more to love!
Amy Schumer posted this on instagram yesterday. It's so brave of her...
Really makes you think...
I'd let her suck my dick, at least it would keep her from talking.
fuck this, I'm sand now
>muh body
no one cares you jewish bitch
>triggered by fat acceptance but not by a jewess feigning loyalty to america
Gross body, but hardly the worst.
I personally love the shitstorm that starts everytime some poor faggot makes one of these anti women or feminist threads. Gives me a chance to see just how upset I've made everyone and chuckle a bit.
You think jokes about kitchens or showing tits bother me? It just goes to show how much power any random female holds over you, they can pull your complete attention away from a topic just by having a vagoo.
Sure, you'll act tough and cynical here, but we all know it's just a desperate overcompensation for how much of a doormat you are IRL. If you decide to lash out and act a bit sexist now and then, I can't really complain.
After all, we do pretty much run the show.
Men rely on us, work for us, spend money on us, buy us houses and cars and clothes, sign prenups that we can turn around and cash in when we feel like ditching them for a younger, cuter piece of ass.
Got a kid with a girl? Don't fool yourself, it's HER kid, not yours. Piss her off and she'll take it and leave your ass, and you can pay her a nice chunk of child support for the rest of your life.
Yep, this is the power we hold over you. So you go ahead and make your rape jokes, really. I still know that when you see me on the streets you'll be watching, getting hard, and problably crying a tear or two because you know you'll always be a forever alone faggot.
Hey, at least she's patriotic and not a faggot who burns a flag on Independence Day
Anyone try to roll her back into the ocean?
>A few extra pounds means there's more to love!
A few extra pounds means a delusional and idiotic personality you have to deal with.
what kind of goyish name is Amy?
she's not even saluting the flag SHE'S FACING AWAY FROM IT
Keep it up femanon, pretty soon sex robots will be in full swing and pretty soon a whole lot of men will throw themselves at that instead if you act like a cunt.
Nice try dubs, but I can feel the penis resonating from your post.
There is objectively nothing objectionable to this pic.
This being Amy Schumer, the most suprising thing about this is that she's posing with a flag and not stomping on it.
Her body is disgusting. It's fat but has no curves. She also looks like ms. piggy and she's not funny.
you can tell that feature of her in 'plus size' women hurt her piggy ego.
Kek, she LOST weight for this pic. She was fatter several weeks ago.
>a few
If there's been a single thing that's worth being called a conspiracy to genocide white people, it's getting Americans fat.
Beached whale
shh uncle chuck is listening
This bait is not too bad.
I'd give a solid 6/10, like I would Amy Schumer.
I don't plan to buy in myself but VR porn is going to take off and guys are going to flock to it because there's no negative shaming or bitching involved.
And 99% of women will be alone except for the top 1% of whores who will still be good enough for alpha Chad.
You'd really give this a 6/10?
hey guys I hacked into Amy's phone and got some hot nudes! Check it out!
The sad thing is, is that her fiancee or whatever is a 9/10 hockey player or some shit. This bitch is ugly, unpleasant, and not funny. Goes to show you how many retards are out there, giving this bitch money and attention and laughing at her cancer jokes
It's because men look for character while women look for nothing but wealth and appearances. Women are shallow and incapable of deeper thought.
Why are her arms so fat?
Amy Schumer is a fat ugly pig
Amy Schumer has character? I mean I guess not all character is positive.
>0 hips detected
Sorry, she isn't even thicc. Wtf I hate her now
I'd still hit it, that's a late night 6 beers deep bar fuck. I hate that obnoxious bitch but I'll give her credit for the photo, I thought it would be some snarky liberal post about black slavery or how terrible America is, but it's patriotic at least.
Being fat is fucking disgusting, the only excuse for not being fit is having a serious physical condition
>average looking
A huge can of 'so what'
Top kek