Our guy?

Our guy?

Pump your brakes OP

>doesn't fall for succubus tricks
>loves vidya
>knows science magicks and D&D alignments
>is stone cold Negan
Literally our guy. I love how non-Rick episodes have a 90% chance of being the best ones in the series

they should just kill ofoff Rick already

>Bitches leave
What did Eugene mean by this


So this is how he gets Rosita? She sees all these Negan bitches creaming for him and gets jelly?

Is that Bill Hicks?

The way Negan said "You don't have to be scared anymore" got my eyes watering.

Fuck off Sup Forums crybabies. Trump is a fucking dumb loser



Did Kevin Spacey gain weight?

JDM is so good man, I don't even care about the leaning anymore. Based portrayal.

>respects Eugene's intelligence and rewards it accordingly
>grants him access to special rewards and rations
>hot ladies massage him, feed him, and watch him play vidya
>free pickles and Chef Boyardee
Why shouldn't Eugene betray Rick?

Because there's a 90% chance of Negan randomly killing him at any time

because his friend and long time savior Abraham died for him and the sake of the team, if he was at all human he should feel an allegiance to Ricks group.

>I don't understand Negan
Just go.

Yeah Abe was his friend but Alexandria is fucking Povertyville now and Rosita is a dumb bully

>could have fucked the hot redhead or the thick, nerdy brunette when they were served up on a platter for him
>still didn't
>tfw I'll never get that golden opportunity

Rosita bullied his ass into making that bullet, and for some reason she didn't have him make more than one. She is fucking stupid.

Eugene is living the fuckin' high life, he just needs to stop being scared.

your allegiance shouldnt lie with whos the winning team, and thats the power of integrity

>could have fucked
>Negan said they were off limits
It's just like hanging out with a friend's girlfriend - Eugene is a total bro and literally our guy

Yeah but besides that

Negan bashed in the heads of two of his closest friends

>Closest friend
Eh. Eugene also kind of acknowledged Negan's motivation by stating the fact that Ricktatorship murdered ~40 of Negan's men.

if he is so smart and helpful why the fuck did rick and the other group not utilize him at all?

>Negan will never wrap his big strong arms around you, lean back, and whisper in your ear that you don't have to be scared anymore

There's no point in living

Rick was too busy indulging in Jungle Fever to properly utilize his minions.

Because they know he's also full of shit.

what's the girl's name with the great tits and barcode tatt on her neck?

Laura (or Lauren) I think. I thought Negan was going to offer her up to Eugene as a carrot incentive but they went with a more interesting storyline with his rebel wives.

but he's obviously not that full of shit or he wouldn't actually be able to do anything

I'm hoping she bangs Eugene just because she wants to

shut your mouth. she's mine

Was Ron justified in wanting to kill his fathers killer and cucker and the guy who was cucking him?

Daily reminder that Negan was the best thing to have happened to the show since season 4.

he becomes semi-badass for a while after they beat negan.

You mean he kills tons of people like every season?

One of the better episodes in a long time. In a way, Negan reminds me of Griffith from Berserk.
> Casca: I understand; it's like each person has his own little light or small flame that he brings to the Band of the Hawk.
> Guts: Yeah, and to make sure those, weaker flames don't go out, each one casts it's own into the strongest fire of them all: A raging fire, that is Griffith. But, my light isn't to be seen among them. Still, after all this time, it's seems I'm just someone who stopped to warm himself at the bonfire in passing

the asian chick was hella fucking hot, would breed 10/10