Post Sup Forums-approved movies.
Post Sup Forums-approved movies
>Christfag propaganda
>Sup Forums approved
Don't forget "Der Ewige Jude".
>meme movies
why does Kevin Sorbo die at the end?
>God's not dead
>pol approved
Apocalypse Now!
that's fap material
That movie was shit.
That movie sucked. A lot. Like the motivations of characters didn't make sense and the debate scene didn't address half of the points made by either side.
I'm Christian, I try to go to church on occasion, but that movie honestly embarrassed me because of how preachy and broken it was. It was a hamfisted mess, and I honestly believe it hurt people's perception of us.
And this.
>edgy commie shit
Go back to fucking your cousin you retarded hilly billy.
No one here supports your dumbass creationist bullshit.
Legit interested in seeing this. The trailer fucking retarded, pretty badass nonetheless. Stream, anyone?
>people still pretend to like eva in the current year
>"rocks fall, everyone dies" the movie
that fucking filename
Why is Alfred wearing blue eye shadow?
Don't leave me hanging, m8s.
Back in the days of Dubya when Sup Forums approved this. How far has Sup Forums fallen
>Steven Doderbergh
I'm cautiously optimistic that this could be kino
one of the greatest
In the end they either find proof it happened or say it doesn't matter.
came here to post this
user, you know Sup Forums is a Christian Image Board.
This is a masterpiece
Life is cruel, the movie
Sup Forums didn't exist then
You don't even remember /n/ or /new/
We never liked that.
Otaku shit
>shit movie
>Sup Forums approved
>still trying to claim that "b-but Sup Forums is a christian board" bullshit when it's been proven to be false
The Man who would be King
Das Boot
Capricorn One
Black Hawk Down
Conspiracy Theory
Taxi Driver
Best movie
Highlight of Eastern Bloc cinematography.