Cloning slavery

Next month Cina gonna open big factory for mass human cloning.
And gonna sell clones in slavery.
What person you wanna clone and buy?

your mom, so i can fuck her adult and child form

Next month China gonna open big factory for mass human cloning.
And gonna sell clones in slavery.
What person you wanna clone and buy?

Uncle Ho



Dolan Trumf.
I want to hear his kid version spur senseless shit and get bright orange when he gets mad.

No way that's true

check dna codes and realised they used vietnamese to make clones

thas why its called mass pho-duction

i want 3 anzus

That star wars dude that play the clones in attack of the clones

god knows we don't need any more vietnamese

Proofs please



>What person you wanna clone and buy?

Why? You'd have to pay for 3 sets of plastic surgeries and the metric fuckton of cosmetics for all three. You'd be broke in no time.

It will cost 15 Bitcoins per 1 clone !
So choose wisely!

I have several thousands sitting from when I used to mine.

Emma watson clone please.

>clones in slavery
It ain't go right. Enjoy your clone rebellion.