Rate my British meal

Rate my British meal

Looks good, would eat.

I finished my British meal

Is that fish or chicken? Would eat regardless
rate my Finnish pizza

>no mushy peas


you're russian though you'd eat anything

Absolutely disgusting

>pea water all over the plate

looks poor


I like dipping the chips and fish in the pea water and vinegar because it tastes nice desu

The chips look real good lad.

would probably eat but I do not like the look of the pea water
get rid of that and it would be fine

You can literally eat this anywhere and call it local: potatoes came from america but everybody fries them, deep fried something, and fucking peas. Go to /ck/ so they can laugh at you.

Peajuice is great for dipping the chips in.

lets agree to disagree

I accept this agreement, as Anglos we just want peace.

Is that a kiev?


I would unironically eat that.



what does that have to do with the bongs meal, you primate?

post fucking machines

>no gravy
We've got a problem lads


all your tasting is the vinegar then because pea water is tasteless

you don't have gravy with fish you neanderthal

>gravy with fish


Love Karen, simple as.


>Anglos don't even have the decency to put vinegar in a salad
>instead, they pour it all over their potato chips like animals

all 3 items were frozen right?

>That water from the peas soaking your chips
You couldn't separate them could you?

I thought it was some sort of garlic butter.

I made salmon, rice, salad and asparagus today

That looks like a really nice, tasty, balanced meal.

Good job user!

Leave us alone, we just want peace!

Have some salmon here, but I'm just wondering what seasoning I should add to it.

Lemon and capers.

I would like onions or mushrooms with the peas

dill, honey, and apple cider vinegar

I actually made a pizza from scratch yesterday. Basically a veggie pizza,

Toppings were
>carmelized onions
>fresh cut mozzarella
>Shaved eggplant
>cut tomatoes slices
>black olive

Depends on how you're cooking it.

>white people
>using seasoning
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA sure thing honkey

some oil with a pan.

Make a sauce with butter, lemon juice and capers then. Add in a tiny bit of rosemary and black papper if so inclined.

>oil with a pan

So glad I'm not of angl* descent so I never have to eat that wretched shit for dinner every night.

looks tasty. definitely would eat finnish pizza

I would need sriracha to eat that

Drain the peas you disgusting twat.

wow it's almost as if comparing a 1.8m~ pop city to a 9m~ pop city favours the 1.8m~ pop city when you take into account things like traffic

and that when you compare similar population cities it doesn't favour the third world shithole

tfw forgot pic