
学习雷锋好榜样, 忠于革命忠于党 edition

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the sight of this confounds and startles the gook

What a shit thread!



Considering buying an iPad on finance £16.28 for 24 months not bad at all


first for winter bf

Rorkes going to blow a gasket at this

eating 2 sausage biscuits dipped in brown gravy

I'm not going to open this link!



real new non-chink shite

don't care!

man roll up in the dingdong

smack this chinks head like im playing pingpong

whats interest rate?


i care

Doing a fucking poo!

sod off


*downs my pint*


>thread splitting
fuck off autist

Thanks lads

They music has no lyrics. It's all electric guitar and shit. It has raven caws too

The music video is in greyscale and looks gothic. Ravens are flying around what looks like a craggy island filled with ruins and dead trees

more like lei peng

Donut care mate

Rorke has gone absolutely nuts

shall NOT be posting in thread number 79848456

heh heh

German far-right mongs BTFO

literally got an apple up my arse as i type this

the big wedding is basically the woman wanting to feel like an important celebrity for a day

>Considering buying an iPad on finance £16.28 for 24 months not bad at all

that's pretty degenerate, mate!

disgusting brown swill

Should be paying £340 but would be paying £390 instead cba to work out that percentage

literally me



shut up

>You're on gladiators
>you're about to do the "duel"
>You're up against shadow

what do you do lil whiteboi?


only heard of afd tbf
they sound alri

memes are psyops

>buying things on finance

hit him in the neck

bradley posting is rorke meme btw


literally what do people do with these things lmao like just get a phone and a laptop nigga

the delicate stomach of the mainland European can't handle it

how x
need a fat gf with massive chebs to impregnate simple as

bait but it's insane how many people nonchalantly do dumb shit like this

got more records than the KGB


iPads are good for wanking

literally nothing else though

Reckon I could HEEM the eliminator, wouldn't even be a challenge


its quite fun going to a mediocre uni m8s

*tests positive for banned shitposting-enhancing substances*

ten toes in the chinatown
you best believe this chink's going down

what one

yes, they're far-right nutters

Bradleyposting is actually a left-wing gimmick sweetie.

t. chief Bradleyposter aka Craig, Cregg, Indian poster or Cheshire

just ate 3 double cheeseburgers from maccies

This is why you fail

17 x 24 is, just estimating here, nearly 500 dollars

That iPad will probably be worth 1/10th of that in 24 months


Why is it that ugly people are more attractive?

can't teach a yank new tricks


How do other London anons live with the fact that a terrorist attack could happen at any time?


the gay one?

how do you know its more fun that a good/bad uni if youve never tried one of those?

literally not manly enough to have sex with a woman like this



live in hampstead nothing happens here




>watching some fetish porn
>literal 10/10 latex qt getting tied up by a hideous fat middle age man


pull up in the four door triuck wid a ting thats peng (skrrt skrrt)

buss corn at the opp boy dere like mans lei feng

post Füße

stuff your cock up my arsehole

literally sara tier

UOM isn't even hard to get into lad

hate ugly kots
love cute kots

never ever post ugly kots on /brit/


why do we Irish have such command over the English language? Possibly the best poem I've ever heard

yaaaaas biotch, sthlay!

me father drank lager, his father drank lager, his father's father was an alchoholic too


siblings both went to good unis, fun in their own right but it was pretty chill just going to the pub every evening with zero expectation


seems a bit strong, but they are the successor party to the Nazis

>tfw joe and his guest veer off from an interesting topic into a 30 minute tangent about UFC-related shite

>modern /brit/ are too young to remember gladiators


im not a mong
so its easy

5.41 people per year die in London from terrorism (on average ever since this ISIS stuff began)

thats a 0.000000568% rate
im not worried

Yeah but what if you're commuting to work in central London, or going out for a few beers with your m8s in Covent Garden, and some Rasheed gets a little bit terroristy. What then?


*scratches bollocks with your toothbrush*
*puts it back in the cup*

NPD I could understand, AfD are basically nationalistic classical liberals like UKIP

rupaul's drag race is high culture would recommend

really wonder how that happens
do the girls just want a daddy figure or do the fat blokes pay them a lot?