what do you guys think of him?
What do you guys think of him?
based but missing 80% of the truth
He was in Vietnam was I was still sucking on my mama's tit.
he is fucking daffy
He got knocked the fuck out by Chris Kyle.
He did not though and Chris Kyle got sued and lost
He's a goddamn sexual tyrannosaurs rex.
Open borders faggot.
>Riff Raff from Rocky Horror hairdo
He gave up on us and moved to Mexico unfortunately, other than that he is a great American.
x men2
some movie
The next part was even cringier.
Openly supporting Jill Stein and not Donald Trump.
Haha, he moved to Mexico because he swallowed too many red pills?
I don't blame him, honestly. I might end up moving too. We've descended into a banana republic.
I love it when he teams up with Alex Jones to uncover a Cuckspiracy Theory
The worm got cucked.
>we're coming for ya, globalists!
Who would have a pre-need for this many Cuck-Shacks?
He ain't got time to bleed.
I think I believe him now.
He has completely lost his mind.
He's a clown that lives in Mexico.
Also, he is partially responsible for flooding Minnesota with Somalis.
I hope he gets beheaded by a drug cartel
He moved to Mexico because he's a broke fuck and after 62yrs old they don't make you pay property taxes in Mexico. He's living way better off his remaining money in Mexico than he could here. That's literally the only reason. Has nothing to do with giving up on us
Based Captain Freedom
And I for one love it.
This senile boomer getting BTFO by Gavin McInnes