OBESITY: We need a serious discussion on how to end obesity. Pic related, at 6'2 and 325 lbs, has a BMI of 41...

OBESITY: We need a serious discussion on how to end obesity. Pic related, at 6'2 and 325 lbs, has a BMI of 41.7 which is well into the obesity range. For starters, I say they pay higher premiums for healthcare. We should also have mandatory boot camps for fatties.

You need a serious discussion on how to end circumcision.

You need a serious discussion on how to run an Olympic tournament, Cuckinho.


Kids should learn how to diet, how to perform structured exercise (instead of the "play basketball for 45 minutes" physical education they currently get) and how to cook.

If parents won't do it, schools should.

He's right though.

I'd be ok with mandatory boot camps. Being imprisoned in a fitness camp would probably be the only way I could stick to an exercise regimen.

Fatty here. I would appreciate a fitness camp requirement and I wouldn't mind paying for it

I still have my foreskin. Feels good.

>I say they pay higher premiums for healthcare.

But they already do. It's something the "health at any size" crowd is extra mad about.

stopped reading there you fucking idiot

What would happen if we get a single-payer healthcare system and combine in with obesity rates that are through the roof? The nation's budget would literally sink under its own weight.

Shouldn't you be stacking firewood with your Albanian neighbors?

at least put a daily recommended % for sugar. Let people know that low fat =/= diet foot because they often add sugar to maintain flavor.

School lunches need to change. French fries and pizza sauce should not count as vegetables.

War on food. Make food controlled substance. Can't sell or buy food without calorie card. No more calories left on you card? Can't buy food.

just be pricks to them, it works for smoking.

In fact you can make them pick up smoking/stimulants, nicotine mitigates estrogen which predisposes fat retention

What if I need more calories to gain weight and build muscle? Not everyone's a fat shit you know.

>What if I need more calories to gain weight and build muscle?
Then your fitness doctor could change you calorie card limit. Like other doctors can prescribe you drugs.

Well that's the problem with single-payer. You SHOULD have a social obligation to remain reasonably healthy if society is picking up the bill.

However, because the government is a magic piggy bank and you're specialâ„¢, fuck that--you deserve to be obese and drain your nation's coffers.

The people who take the most out put in the least, proportionally.

Why don't you just legalize weight loss drugs that cause in a small portion of their users heart attacks?

>We should also have mandatory boot camps for fatties.
as a fat person I would love if someone sent me to bootcamp for fatties. I would join the army if i wasn't an audio engineer and worried about getting hearing damage

meth is still used in appropriate cases.

>tfw my gf won't stop staring at that cover or learing at the other black men

As an ex-fatty. I dont think boot camps would help, not in the long-term.
But some sort of mandetory rules and guidelines to punish overweight people would be smart

Teasing, bullying and reality is the real cure. Make people realise how wrong it is to be fat, then give them inspiration.

how do you become thin man? how do I stop eating shit?

Professional athletes are not really a compelling argument against our obesity problem.

Isn't it obvious? all fatties should just be gassed. We should round up all fatfucks and fucking gas. They're all useless pieces of shit anyways. The laziest most disgusting slobs I've ever met have all been overweight by a large margin.

I know this picture triggers NFL fans, but the truth is that Vince Wilfork is obese. His BMI doesn't lie.



Leering, my son. Leering.

Food addiciton is a form of substance abuse and should be treated as such.

Here are a few ways to solve the obesity epidemic.

1) Stop normalising it. Stop all this "Im not fat Im big boned" nonsense.

2) Stop allowing them to use public health services like NHS for illnesses related to obesity

3) Education and culinary classes in schools. Teach kids how to cook cheap and healthy meals.

4) Taxes on "junk food", foods that contain certain unhealthy ingredients, or are prepared in certain ways.
This will serve to raise the price, generate a bit of tax revenue, and will make junk food less popular.

5) No Vat on healthy ingredients. Like raw chicken breast or beef. This makes them a more popular choice, and the cost of this will be offset by the tax revenue of the "junk foods tax".

>an elite athlete is not a good role model

>my fetish gets normalize as day pass thanks to leftist
>now everyone is after fat men
>now is a competition to see who is sexier while being fat

a fetish loses its purpose once being normalize and I hate that

Few more ideas to expand on 6) Tax raise on the obese.

7) Tax cut on the healthy weight and a larger cut for great bodies or athletic bodies.

8) More funding for althetic facilities, and gym facilites. Government grants and the like.

9) Make weight loss drugs like clembuterol available with the supervision of a trained medical professional.

Well if you've already realised you need to get in shape. You need some motivation, The Golden One has alot of positive and encouraging videos on how to get this motivation

>pic related

>2) Stop allowing them to use public health services like NHS for illnesses related to obesity
Would this also disqualify people from using state healthcare for sports related injuries or contracting illnesses from traveling abroad?

>Taxes on "junk food", foods that contain certain unhealthy ingredients,
>No Vat on healthy ingredients

Define healthy and unhealthy ingredients in a manner that could be applied as regulation.

You have a fetish towards fat men? That's gay and dumb bruh

As an obese employer and employer of the obese. I would simply spread the rate hike around evenly without telling any of the employees why their health insurance went up.

Obese employees in IT on average greatly out perform their thinner counter parts.

Current fatty. Borderline land whale.

I was CTO of a company that IPO'ed successfully two years ago, and am currently CEO of a company that will be able to IPO in about six months.

Teasing and bullying stops working after you are an adult and have money.

However the memories still remain. So when I see a skinny or fit employee I always go out of my way to make sure their manager's drive them into the ground.

I even have the sales and software development metric software rigged so I can drive down people's promoter / productivity scores.

Then I pull them into my office and berate them on how stupid they are and make them justify their employment.

They just sit there looking at the floor, wanting it to be over. I've had a few grovel and tell me about their disgusting litter of children and how they don't have anything else.

I typically keep most of them on until they break. Firing isn't 1/2 as fun, or painful as really breaking a person's sprit and belief in themselves.

I now torment these faggots because I know they would of tormented me. However, they probably torment poor fatties in return.

I would say it's probably a dead end, circle of karma move on both my and your part. Not going to solve anything, will probably perpetuate it.