Why people keep denying Mediterraneans are part of the Aryan race?
Why people keep denying Mediterraneans are part of the Aryan race?
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They're butthurt.
>implying Mediterranean women aren't the hottest on the planet
hello black haired people
I trust you're enjoying the sunny weather?
I'm blonde.
sure thing buddy
>yfw Nordids are just depigmented Meds(slender long faced dolicocephalic neolithics)
hows that country working out for you. before you think it, im obviously not croatian
Because the Fuhrer (God rest his soul) himself said Mediterraneans were inferior beings. Why do you keep denying the truth, Juanito?
roast me, but at least I'm blonde and you're not
woopsie, I think I pushed the butthurt button
I'm fine, thanks for asking
that just came out of the eternal inferiority complex of the Germanic, which nowadays manifests itself with the constant butthurt and resentment towards southerners
That's actually pretty fucking hilarious
Eternal Anglo, Protestantism, etc.
Kek saved
You guys realize that in Fascist Italy the debate whether Romans were Nordic or Mediterranean was a major thing right? Northern Italians claimed to be Nordic while Southern Italians claimed to be Mediterranean.
Incidentally Arabs are white because they're Mediterranean, anyone who says otherwise is one of those autistic "whiteness ends at the Greek border" fags.
>MFW aryans were literally nigger tier
>MFW niggers claim western culture as their just like aryans
>MFW dark haired, hazel/brown eyed people did and keep doing all the work
>MFW we were the master race all along and we don't even care
>civilizations with easy access to agriculture develop faster than those who live in frozen wastelands
who would have thought.
Germanic countries outclass non-Germanic countries in literally every category
Fascist Italy assumed an Evolian perspective on race first before just going with Germanic nordicism though, the two things are very different as the "Nordic" race in Evolian terms is a race of the spirit.
North Italians who think they are Nordic are completely deluded.
start arguing anytime
>countries with easy access to the atlantic and the new world developed more than those stuck in the mediterranean
see everyone can play the Jared Diamond card
TIL that 500% of all people mentioned are brits
>tfw Nordic head shape
feels good man
But Spain is a Mediterranean country that managed to achieve an amazing colonial empire and was a world superpower for a time. Same for France to a lesser extent.
Using the Jared Dimond buzzword doesn't change the fact that the Mediterranean region is much more conducive to agriculture thus giving Latins and other related peoples a very tiny headstart. The harsher northern climate, despite temporarily slowing progress, also sharpened the wit and intelligence of Germanic people considerably.
And? Spain indeed borders both the Med sea and the Atlantic, and this certainly gave them a headstart like the UK or France compared to Italy or the Ottoman Empire.
You can mix up material conditions to explain most shit without referring to race, and what Germanics did with such material conditions doesn't seem superhuman to me but pretty consequential.
You forgot the fact they were cucked by france around XIX century
Top lel
My point is that proximity to the new world has literally no effect on the genetic makeup of a group of people. This is an entirely irrelevant topic.
Britain and France still outperform cuckmany
>muh Germanic master raiss!11! 14/88!1!1!
Britain is Germanic you monkey. France has heavy Germanic influences as well, and has had a far larger population than Germany for all of their history.
Germans are just one strain of the Germanic family, and probably the worst out of us all anyways.
>proximity to the new world has literally no effect on the genetic makeup of a group of people
no one is suggesting this, but easy access to the new world provided material conditions that favored certain peoples over others, just as you suggested farming as being a more favorable condition in antiquity for southerners
>Britain is Germanic
East Britain is at most 30% Germanic. France is mostly continental Celtic as well.
Having access to the New World did not fundamentally transform the societies of Britain and France the same way that transitioning to agricultural sedentarism fundamentally changes a tribal hunter-gatherer society.
>nazi Germany was basically all just a bunch of autistic shit posters taken to an extreme.
>Why people keep denying
Only americans and Sup Forumsacks say that, i've never saw anyone in my whole life saying that southern europeans aren't part of the white race.
It provided those society with such a surplus of wealth that they were able to advance more than those who lost their well oiled trade routes and became poorer by the day because of that.
Moreover, the neolithic expansion is way older than the first mediterranean civilizations, farmers had reached Europe all around thousand years before that.
Literally irrelevant. How much money your society has over a period of 600 years doesn't change its genetic makeup in the present day.
m8 who the fuck is talking genetics here? I'm not talking genetics, I'm simply making a comparison similar to yours over material conditions that might favor development independently of the race of the peoples who are involved
>Yo hitler
>We won
>it was just a prank bro?!
The original topic of this thread was race. Race = genetics in case you didn't know.
who cares mr 64%?
yeah but right now I was only addressing your argument over material advantages of meds in antiquity
I think race matters but only when we're talking about actual races not what at most could be considered sub-races of the Caucasian race in this case, in particular among Europeans who are overall really damn similar.
Isn't it like Franco/Anglo/Germanic/Greek/Nordic?
Because they are either divide and conquer shills or butthurt Nordics and Germans with nothing to be proud about their history.
like the Romans/Italians you raging anal-slave faggot? lol
because theyre d&c jews
lol'ed tho
What is the definition of a significant figure in this case? What study is this even from?
They don't even have beady little eyes.
u sure about that?
This is coming from someone who is like 12% Irish. We are both subhuman.
>meme mutated
>about to go viral
shoo shoo anglo shill
Arabs are asian.
You must be a fuckig Arab Christian cuck. Kys puta
While I was in Upper Michigan the Finns were below the local Indian tribes on the racial totem pole.
Italians have a long history as Indian imposters - not even counting Iron Eyes Cody.
Germans are also cucks for the American Indian.
It isn't enough to be caucasian to be white, you have to be civilized too
>tfw dark-haired nordic
Feels völkisch.
Someone explain this to me.
Those are some of the European "races" according to old anthropology. They have some validity in terms of simple classification of phenotypes I guess. There are indeed various skull shapes inside Europe which are quite visible to the eye.
>Not Finn
You had one fucking job