Whats the best country in Latin America? What's the worse?

Whats the best country in Latin America? What's the worse?

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>map features a bunch of fuck off monkey islands in the Caribbean
>leaves out Cape Breton Island
we're only the 77th largest island on the planet

Ours is the safest :)
But they dismissed us because we are small and mestizo :)

Best is America

Worst is Spain

You got a roach on your flag colombia

rude :(

LOS is the worst and best at the same time.

America is a continent not a country

Best: Quebec
Worst: Haiti

Why are the French so amazing and shitty at the same time?

Are you some kind of faggot?

Sorry Ecuador

They were the first to be independent in the continent, they can have that name, they earned it.

United States Of America, or United States for short
and the citizens are United Statians (Estadounidenses)

Those digits

Un padre catalán le dice a su hijo:
- Jordi, ves a casa del vecino y pídele el martillo para clavar un clavo.

A los 2 minutos vuelve el Jordi:
- Papá, que dice el vecino que no nos deja el martillo porque se le desgasta.
- Cullons, hay que ver lo tacaños que son algunos. Venga saca el nuestro.

...Fair enough.
They could name their country "Virginia" or something like that.

Why the fuck is the US colored in? Outside of 10-12 states there are barely any Spics

Haiti, Jamaica, French Guyana, Suriname, Guyana and Belize aren't Latin American either


ahora uno de gallegos

¿hecho en españa o hecho en argentina?
uno de españa

Un gallego es condenado a muerte, y le dan a elegir que tipo de condena prefiere.
-Quisiera morir de sida
-Muy bien, concedido
Entonces un médico llega a su celda y le inyecta el virus del VIH, mientras el gallego empieza a reírse a carcajadas.

-Cómo puede reirse, si le estamos inyectando el virus del sida?
-¡De lo tontos que son!
-¿Qué? ¡Explíquese!
-Jajajaja, es que tengo un condón puesto!

no estuvo malo

They really should have gone with Freedonia or smth like that


Best is either Chile or Uruguay.
Worst is LOS.

>quarter of the population, rapidly approaching a third
>barely any

ajajaj estuvo bueno

You think all of them speak Spanish?

Most of them don't even speak good Spanish. Plus they only live in 10-12 states

You can't survive here speaking Spanish alone. There are towns all over the Southeast USA that have outlawed people speaking Spanish punishable by fine or jail time

what the fuck is up with this shading

>hatespeech is free speech and needs to be protected
>There are towns all over the Southeast USA that have outlawed people speaking Spanish punishable by fine or jail time
really activates your almonds

Best - South Brazil
Worst - Northeast Brazil


Uruguay is the safest.

jaja que hijo de puta, muy bueno.

Argentina is the best, no challange.
Go home everybody else.

You're not that bad, you just cannot compete.

No, Chile is the safest.
Here it's safer than in Uruguay. We have lower murder and crime rates, and higher safety index.
There has been incredible progress in security here. The murdr rate has decreased in half during the last 5 years or so, for example

pretty shure they mostly speak a latin language in french guyana, dumb seppo

How is Haiti part of Latin America? They were a french colony

>American education

french are latins

> They were a french colony

Ecuador is by far safer than Uruguay

stuff to do:

outsource services:
Costa Rica

Happy life:
Costa Rica

What do you do in Colombia?

in the city
clubbing, museums, flea markets, arts, food (zona t is awesome),girls.
climate and scenery diversity.


What do you mean with outsource services?

mostly tech related:
data centers, software development, software support, yadayada.