Given the current political climate in amerika. What are the odds we'll see rioting or """protests""" if shillary wins?

Given the current political climate in amerika. What are the odds we'll see rioting or """protests""" if shillary wins?


more likely to see riots if Trump wins.

Whites have no testicles to do anything aside from peaceful protesting with fancy signs.
Browns/blacks will chimp out for sure if they don't get their way.

if there was riots over a kid. who BROKE THE LAW. buy people who rioted BECAUSE THEY DID NOT GET THERE WAY.
then yes there will be riots

Is there an actual reason why police can't just use live ammunition to control riots?

>soros will fund riots when clinton wins
get real

that would literally launch the country into civil war

>who is Timothy McVeigh
When whites uncuck it will leave hundreds dead.

but the only people that protest are unarmed leftists and black and latino thugs.
The leftists wouldn't actually offer enough resistance to create a civil war and police killing criminals that put others in danger isn't civil war.

One determined white can do more than a hundred negroes could do, maybe even thousands.

Are you going to pay for that protest? Got ten million to bribe off the city and police?

>but the only people that protest violently* are unarmed leftists and black and latino thugs.

That is an extreme example

Nothing will happen. Sure people will complain but won't ever do anything. We aren't niggers.

But prophetic perhaps...

Dirty ass cave ape children of the ice always spread death and destruction.

I also seriously doubt that if there was any resistance that the leftists would do anything but blog on tumblr.

>who is Timothy McVeigh

He was a sheep dipped army spook. Literally a state sponsored terrorist. Bombed the building to destroy all evidence and silence any investigation into the Clintons.

Oh and hillary was directly bwhind the 9/11 attacks. Why would a dumb cunt from Arkansas make it the top goal to become NY senator and take money from israel and saudi arabia. That bitch is killing us off with state sponsored terrorism, trying to disarm us but giving money to terrorist while arming them and cartels.

But hey, no justice no peace. Thats the price of a corrupt police state.

>even if we lose the future for the white race we should just lie down and take to be honest
>you really should do anything about it, go I mean guy
>t. a white man

Ih Hillary becomes President i'm legitimately buying land somewhere in buttfuck no where Wyoming or Montana.

And starting construction of my LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE cabin.

Been putting it off but I wont put my capitalist energy to work for a cunt whose just gunna steal my money and give it to niggers in full force. Id rather go find my connection with nature like some stupid hippy than live "In her America"

You guys forget the Weathermen. I have a friend who is the most peace loving hippie pot smoker I know and he was once a terrorist. In the 70s they were bombing shit all the time like it was the fucking Troubles.

>Hillary did Bengazhi, 9/11, AND Waco
damn these are some spicy memes. I can't wait for November to come around and Sup Forums to discover evidence that Hillary was involved in Iran Contra, Watergate, Firefly being cancelled after 1 season, the sinking of the Exxon Valdez, and Pearl Harbour

Damn why did you have to bring up Firefly?. That show had so much potential.

If Hillary wins, there will be riots just like the Left has been doing for years, only this time it will actually be condemned by the media. It will become ingrained in our society that insubordination is not tolerated and everybody will begin to move towards a one-party system out of fear.