what did he say to her?
What did he say to her?
Jet Fuel cant melt Steelbeams
"hey bitch
wait til you see my dick"
black history month is almost over
"Bush did 9/11"
White people saved jazz
>what time is it?
>six gorrion
>"How 'bout this. You shut your mouth. Or I'll kick your teeth down your throat and I'll shut it for you."
it's free real estate
Wanna fight?
>they're all out of watermelon
>All lives matter.
Niggers are subhuman.
fuck drumpf
Cash me ousside
Niggers tongue my anus
I drive
My hands are a little dirty
"Lombardi joomba barlunken jukes Olga boogaloo!"
Kenyan to English Translation: I hope you didn't park my car next to a fire hydrant again.
>Classics is overrated as fuck
Stand Your Ground is enough of a reason.
If I drive for you, you give me a time and a place. I give you a five-minute window,
"You are now aware of your own mortality"
"I like to eat nigger babies"
>tfw someone gives the best response this early.
>why even think of a joke now?
Thanks for ruining the thread dick....still you were dank.
I drive.
"Denzel is gonna lose to Ben Affleck's brother"