Ask sad russian anything. Might also do some sfw requests.

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Post view outside your window

It's too dark outside. Nothing interesting to see anyway, aside from some cats running around.

why you sad senpai

have you ever traveled on the trans-siberian railway?

Lots of things. Mainly because my back hurt for no reason so I had to spend the whole day in bed, while having nothing to do.
No, my longest train trip took only three days. I guess the trans-siberian are somewhat similar.

post boipucci


Is it worth trying to get russian passport.
I wanted to live in Russia someday

Your country is infinitely times better in terms of weather, government efficiency and the quality of life.

Only if you are rich enough.

2500 euro in bank account

Nigga it's night.

Thats not enough, I'm afraid. Sorry.

I hope you feel better soon. I don't think it's fair that you have to feel sad.

It sounds cliche, but things do get better.

You have to do something first for the things to get better.

Why, thank you.
Well, I'm working my way in to solve them, but the process is rather slow.

could i get a comfy russian gf if i learn the lyrics to katusha? vid related

If you aren't doing something already then you aren't ready

It will certainly help, girls I knew liked romantic stuff, even if they said otherwise.

Fuck I hate Russians so much

Just want to punch those lights right out

Don't hold back, let us know how you really feel.

No one gives a shit

Relax, bad things are now in the past, and there will be enough time for hatred in the future if you want it.

STALKER anime mod when?

I dunno, was afraid of this game in the childhood so never really got into it. I heard is has some amazing mods, but they need lots of additional mods themselves.

>... this game in the childhood so never really got into it. I

Damn. How /new/ are you, kiddo?

21. I mean, I played the game, but snorks, mind controllers, dark nights and laboratory levels, this was all too much at the time. I've finished two other games though.

Can I get a kiss?

Sup Forums is too young for me then. I feel like pedobear now.

Only on the cheek. Anyway, I don't have that japanese kiss-via-internet accessory, so. .
I'm sorry.

Can I have one too?

Thanks cutie.

I guess.
You are welcome?

Bump 1/2.

Bump 2/2.

Now tell mommy why you're a sad little girl.

I'm sad too. My crush is moving i to another city and I'm going to be all alone.

would you rub the feet of a smelly italian girl?

Thank you for asking. Basically this . Another major thing is that I'm losing interest in things I'm doing way too quickly, so I don't have much ways to have entertain myself. Also Sup Forums was really negative towards Russia in the morning, but that was my fault for reading political stuff.
Are you brave enough to try to do some final romantic meeting stuff?
That's inappropriate and lewd.

Rub her feet, slav boy. Before she sends you to the island of poveglia to rot.


>final romantic meeting stuff
I know her for 8 years and I blew up every chance I've ever had. It's like I've done nothing but mistakes in my life and every choice I've ever made was a wrong one.

I. . do not know how to react to your posts, anons. I'm sorry.
Don't corner yourself in bad feelings, don't you dare! It's worth a try to at least say farewell to her. Ask her to take a photo together.

Tell her how you feel

You had your chance to rub them and you didn't. Now you're going to rot in the poveglia dungeon.

>Don't corner yourself in bad feelings
That's only thing I do. Girl I liked before died because of cancer, so it's not like I have any good feelings in my life.

Try going for a walk and making it your hobby. It's easy to do and it'll calm yourself down.

My condolences. But still, even if some part of your heart will be forever closed in her name, it's would be really bad to get away from joy and conversations completely. You have to be strong.
Oh, I see now, once again, sorry. I promise, I will try it tomorrow!

No problem sweetie. Don't hesitate to talk to me if you're sad again.

>Might also do some sfw requests
are you female?


No sir. I guess I can write something on piece of paper, or make a vocaroo record, or take a photo of haircut. I dunno.

I've seen female Russian posters on Sup Forums before.

What do you think of President Putin?

>No sir. I guess I can write something on piece of paper, or make a vocaroo record, or take a photo of haircut. I dunno.
I wouldn't mind a hair cut pic just for comparison purposes.

Why would you think of him? Are you gay or something?

Do you love Japan

japan smelly

No one love Japan. Asians are weird.

russia is asian though

I don't want to talk politics, because I both know little of it and because it's quite "dirty". He helped the country to get back on its feet after catastrophic 90s, but the level of corruption in lower-medium levels of administration is still the same. He inspires and gives hope to most people I know, but his way of doing it. . I personally not the biggest fan of it.
It turnes out my haircut is awful and I wish I didn't said that, but here it is.
Meme answer: yes.
Serious answer: I don't know as much of modern Japan as I should, to be able to formulate an opinion. Your history is very interesting though.

Russia is russian.

>It's like I've done nothing but mistakes in my life and every choice I've ever made was a wrong one.

Exactly the same here. With girls, with my family, with friends, with my responsibilities, with people in general, with my time; in elementary school, in high school, and now at uni.
I don't know how I do it. But I all ways take the worst choice possible.

>He helped the country to get back on its feet after catastrophic 90s
How? Can you name a single thing he ever done?

>Tfw no Russian gf

At least you are still in uni. I've finish it 2 years ago and now I'm totally lost.

What is it like to be a doctor in Russia. Particularly a surgeon or radiologist.

You're supposed to want a gf from some other country

learn to drink pure alcohol.

Why? Russian girls are good enough.

What exactly do you want to know?

Come on dude, I already said what I think of politics. I'm sorry if I said something wrong.
On a positive note, now you have a very good understanding of which decision is good and which is bad. It is a very good trait to have.
Not a doctor, so can't really tell, but in school half of my class decided to become some kind of medical worker. Heard from the relatives, that that one surgeon they know receives quite big salary, and "changes cars like gloves".

they smell like old vodka

>I'm sorry if I said something wrong.
No, I don't blame you for your opinion. Just curious.

The pay really. I do like Russian culture (I'm slavic as well) but I hear doctor's pay in europe varies greatly.


They get enough in private clinics and federal medical centers.

Paramedic salary is 30k rubles ~$500 in Moscow. Rent of one room flat is ~$500.

Russia is cool place



is it true Russia is basically America just with a different language? I've seen lots of videos of Russians, Russian tv etc and it makes me think of an alternate universe where America speaks Russian.


>is it true Russia is basically America just with a different language
Yeah pretty much.

Thank you everyone for coming, thank you for your attention. I fell asleep for a short time, so I guess it's time to me to ger out of here. I wish you all a good day/night. Take care.

It really is a shame, but I can only base my words on the whole situation in my city and some graphics I saw on the internet.
It has it flaws, but living here is not that easy. Thank you anyway.
No? I'm sorry, I heard something about this guy, but can't remember anything specific.
You can find some similarities in history, it's true, but probably no. The biggest difference to me is that our countries always had two different government systems.
*screams in russian*

I'm a cold war kid and I wish our countries could be friends. Why can't y'all just let us run things?

You don't scare me!

Work on it.

>Why can't y'all just let us run things?
Like what?

It's not bad. Basic, not bad.

He гpycти, пидpилa