
big cats edition

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beatboxing has really picked up lately

with reeps one then napom

shame all beatbox judges are >muh technical spastics

despise earlies


doing a watch

What an obese bastard. Would set my dog on it if I saw it in the street

Earlier, I had a poo.






I dont approve the bullying of Kev

He doesnt know about /brit/ but he knows about Thailads yt channel and remarked upon it causing him anguish

leave the poor fucker alone for christs sakes, he lives a miserable life as it is

I dont get it either? whats so funny? hes fat, hes stupid and ugly? just fuck off..

anyone got any of the screenshots from when rosy was on /brit/ and was relaying our posts to twitter

velvet jacket man saga etc.

The Gaelic phenotype



having a think




about what

fuck him
spastic deserves everything he gets after nonceing those kids from hockey

>order pizza just now from place I haven't had before
>they have a category called ''delivery prices''
>all the local areas are listed
>ranged from 1 quid to 3 quid
>already charge you 2 quid for delivery
>obviously don't select anything
>place order
>phone rings 5 min later
>hi, we're just calling to let you know that we will be adding 1 pound to your delivery as you forgot to add it to your order''
>''are you having a laugh?''
>''I already paid 2 quid for delivery and you're literally 10 minutes away''
>''sorry but this is just something that we have to do''
>tell them to cancel my order and charge my card back

Can't believe this shit. Just gonna have a walk down the street to the local chicken shop. Pity it will be surrounded by about 30 youth wastemen drinking and fighting and just being general cunts

about having a look

Why does Mickey Mouse have poo in the ears?
-When Hessu sang in the karaoke and someone yelled to push it to Mickey in your ass


>i find the irish accent very annoying


tight arse

poor lad

shut the fuck up

a look at what

Saw a disabled homeless chap in a wheelchair with some sort of muscular skeletal disorder clamboring out of his chair and stuggling to pick up a pound coin off the floor.

Made me feel awfully silly for being disatisfied with certain things in my life.

Mental to think that there are more people like that living in the cities.

Really does make you think to be honest, here I am able bodied, living in a house and with a job yet still I find petty things to gripe about.

could fucking heem you into the ethereal plains of oblivion if you so much as made eye contact with me irl

>autistically sperging out over 1 pound
fuck off

>the london experience

Again, perpetrating false shit about the poor guy.

im a very bitter and angry person

might get PUBG


What's the difference between a good and a bad shepherd?

- A good shepherd puts his life in front of his sheep, but an evil shepherd puts his sheep in front of his life

are you his brother or something? pay back the 700 euros you scumbag


inside your house

i love your fat cat

That isnt you


want to cuddle this fat cunt

i didn't expect anyone to save that

Fantasize about inseminating a fine British
lass with my yank seed.

The wastemen hang out infront of subway in my neighbourhood
Dont understand it

yes it is


Literally every other takeaway in the area delivers for free or charges at most 2 quid and these bastards wanna charge you 2 quid and make you add even more to the charge. I literally could get there in 5-6 minutes if I got in my car and put my foot down.

Just imagine if I was in one of the postcodes that are further away and they wanna charge a fiver for delivery

a joke:

why british man went over street?

-because there was full jar of marmite :DDD

is the fat cat male or female

love it when kick drums are distorted into hellish pulses of sound

have't collect all the kevs la'

This guy went to an Ariana Grande concert on smack?


niggers mate, they're called niggers


Paki looks like she's eye fucking him.

a joke:

why did the finnish man eat the mammi?

because it looks like diarrhea. finns are stupid fucking diarrhea eaters. they are vile shit eating cunts so they eat food that looks like SHIT.


ah safe lad
what you doing in slovakia
or are you proxy


is that first tweet real?


kebab was really nice, contemplating another

shut the fuck up pekka

a joke:

why british man went out

-because he wanted to suck indian and muslim penis vbecause he is cuck and homo

i always thought it was ulster ban evading

Feel weird and lonely



theres also tweets about him defending islam from the far rights criticisms


Fucked up at work (only 2 weeks into my new job)

Do I fess up tomorrow and try to fix it or do I just let it lie and wait a month for it to be uncovered and then play dumb?



he's on a vpn
probably posts nonce porn on Sup Forums when he's not here

act like a rubbishman

thats not me


Any Spooks lads in?

Accidentally put a camera in the toilets?

why are all cat owners either women who vote for left wing parties or maladaptive neckbeard virgins?

Dinner for 2 at the Dorsia? 9 o'clock? great!

how do you fuck up at work
do you have a low IQ or something?


about to watch master and commander

can't believe my nigga telling me wallahi and he's lying



what about nuclear families

good film


s_c_ m_ w_l_y

I'm careless
I just switch to auto pilot sometimes to try to just do stuff faster instead of double checking it's right before committing to actions



am hungry but all i've got to eat in the house is carbs and i've spent all day eating carbs

britain had been dying for a long time but I think we can safely pinpoint its death in 1997

>-The election of Blair
(death of the traditional British political establishment, death of the old Tories and old Labour, the rise of New Labour and its takeover of every institution)
>-The death of Diana
(the effective death of the monarchy, as it led to people abandoning the traditional values of monarchy and instead embracing the socially liberal popularity show that Diana championed)
>-The handover of Hong Kong
(the ultimate death of the British Empire as we willingly bowed out of the world stage, giving over our international territories to rising powers, happy to consign ourselves to being an EU vassal)

own dogs

Anyone who isnt a farmer and wears dungarees in the 21st century deserves to be blown up

would love to meet a rorke irl as he spews his vile, racist garbage

would go mortal kombat on his arse, FATALITY

Buddha, Jesus, Mohammed were mystics who experienced revelations from the collective unconscious