I've never seen such a based group of people
So brotier
Other urls found in this thread:
The turban is a natural extension of the Sikh skull marking age, health and latent mana.
>the most dangerous city in canada has the highest population of sikhs
hmm really makes you think
You know it's because of the natives and nigs, you hick
there are plenty of punjabi gangs too
Would be nice if they started to genocide Muslims, but that won't happen.
Well, they did in their own countries senpai. There's one big bonus to hindus sikhs and buddhists, hell even fucking taoists beat up muslims: they know muslims want to kill them all so they don't fuck around.
>no upside down burger flag
>no indian flag
Nice indeed.
...stealth shlomo in the back with a black turban?
Yeah, and they're all young kids who walk around acting like niggers. I have cousins in those "gangs", and white friends in them as well. Assuming the other guy is talking about toronto, the #1 problem encouraging all of this gang bullshit is the nigger culture and the inner-city niggers. I saw these people, with great families, grow up around these feral niggers with no supervision and turn into bad people.
I've had to smack the shit out of niggers hanging out with my cousins, they're a serious problem. And the toronto ones are a complete caricature of muh dick eh whitey ima thug blap blap blap
>you hick
See when you are not worshipped for being special little snowflakes your hatred for whites always comes out.
Come travel outside your metro containment zones and get left in a corn field you filthy curry nigger.
they win this one....
Google says most dangerous cities are
Prince George BC, Victoria BC, Regina Sask.
All have much higher Aboriginal populations.
Makes me think the Sikh fears not the native.
I lived in a cornfield for all of highschool, you don't scare me snownigger. My entire friends circle from highschool to university has been white, I know exactly the type of kid you are. The one we used to bully
Kill yourself my dude.
Sad, sad, and hateful people. You're the type of loser Trump is trying to keep away from his campaign.
Sweet man. Kill yourself.
>not because of aboriginals
>I lived in a cornfield for all of highschool, you don't scare me snownigger. My entire friends circle from highschool to university has been white, I know exactly the type of kid you are. The one we used to bully
holy fuck
Campbellford Ontario come and get some faggot.
>Can't even quote on Sup Forums
Telling me to kill myself won't take you back in time to fix your mangled childhood social life, loser
>goyim, this muds are Brotier™, just like Greatest Ally™
this meme needs to die
Thats actually pretty cool
>kike so desperate for (you)s he falls for the bait with no awareness
Thanks for confirming you're a shill and not just a shitposter.
>I care about a loser from nowhere
Is that one of the towns where us city boys visit in the summer and fuck your highschool girls?
You're in every Sikh thread, get off our dicks you fucking loser
Fuck you and your pathetic Khalistan movement as well.
I dare one of you little turban heads to chat shit in my town.
>Sup Forums defending muslims
Stop giving the shill (you)s you braindead fucking summer cunts. Thanks.
That's fucking disgusting OP, how can you say that with your country 75% pajeet?
>refuse to wear proper uniform because muh special tea towel i have to wrap around my head!
You guys are toxic
You failed at posting just like you failed when you went through the hole in the condom.
I have never seen a sikh in my town and for good reason.
Us boys would run you out quicker then you flee from the shit hole country you came from.
You lot are pussy and will always be pussy.
>He's a shill
Thanks for confirming you're the loser stormfag part of Sup Forums
Along with
Who spends 24/7 on Sup Forums. Literally all day, every day
ITT: Pajeet tries to attain based status
Show me the crime demographics by race....because the Canadian government doesn't even know.
>implying it isn't the nigs an abos chimping out
>People who don't like sikhs are one person
Like I said come take a trip Raj.
I'll be sure to show what kind of subhuman you are when we use you for pig food.
>I have never seen a sikh in my hometown
Probably because there's no fucking reason to go to your hometown. It's a fucking cornfield
I grew up in rural ontario, I know exactly the type of faggots you people are. The autistic losers who still have trouble speaking to girls, but saw that an outsider was accepted and hated it.
We used to throw snowballs at that kids house, and now here is his equivilant on Sup Forums 8 years later acting tough
Sad, sad people. Sad, sad life.
Nice projection curry nigger.
Women despise you because of your disgusting looks and the stench you omit.
If you are so great why is your home country so shit?
>I have friends
>I am part of something
shut up you loser, you have nobody. You're sitting alone making threats on the internet, you hang out with the same group of rejects that accepted you in highschool, and you've spun your wheels for a decade in your shit hick town
Except now you have Sup Forums. And your dumb friends think you're smart because you parrot Sup Forums opinions
I see right through you, I bully kids like you, how the fuck could you possibly intimidate me?
can you explain to me why your women have massive dark circles and bags, so that they look like raccoons?
>Women despise you because of your disgusting looks and the stench you omit.
>Didn't get any female attention in school
>Saw a brown guy getting attention
>Felt betrayed because, despite being white, he was unwanted
>10 years later...
I want to hate Sikhs I really do. They just don't cause any trouble in my experience. And they aren't afraid to hate Muslims or niggers if they're acting up. They're like poo in loos moreso than violent shitskin Muslims
I'm different user, I can confirm that Indians are the most beta race I've ever met. Even all your females want white boyfriends. Sri Lankans are the alphas.
Regardless, you all smell like shit and are all hairy. Basically shitskin Jews.
Can you explain why, as every year that goes by, I see more and more white girls fucking around with Arab and Sikh men?
>its not trueeeeee
You hate the idea that women from your own race would rather fuck a non-autist of another colour. It hurts you people deep inside, and comes out as racism
Which is why you are so fascinated with cucking. You watched other guys attract your one-ites for 2 decades, that's got to hurt
>projecting this hard
I'm glad you can feel tough on here because the day you set foot in my town is the day we drag you from the back of pickup truck by your bed sheet.
You lot will never act tough in farm towns.
>implying I'm white
>implying I am a cuck
>implying I watch porn
To be fair none of the women here fuck around with mozzies or pooinloos, they just go for Maoris.
Honestly, I don't really care about that shit except the Indian race is corrosive to NZ.
Indians were, and typically still are, more beta. But not anymore - the entire white society has been sissified to the point where it is now an even playing field.
Of course you have faggots talking tough online, but they don't actually get any play. It's where their anger comes from, and excessive Sup Forums browsing. Literally 24/7, when they wake up to when they go to bed. They can't get off this board
>implying pajeets are tough
Perhaps in the cucked countries like the US and UK, but not here. Never seen an alpha Indian here in my life.
I hate the sikhs are brotier episodes too but they want to remove kebab and do keep out of the public eye in a good way.
>Of course you have faggots talking tough online, but they don't actually get any play. It's where their anger comes from, and excessive Sup Forums browsing. Literally 24/7, when they wake up to when they go to bed. They can't get off this board
And yet here you are doing the exact same thing your trying to say we do...
Bud your a fucking beta brown twat who only has projections.
Your home country is a shit hole where they shit outside and are afraid of toilet witches.
They had to stop allowing tents on beaches in Alcona which is lake simcoe because you lot were using your tents to disguise the holes you shat in.
You are subhumans and no matter the amount of literal shit posting you do can change that
You don't scare me. And no, we don't act tough in farm towns, because most people in farm towns aren't racist and have no problem with us.
I'd show up, you'd mean-mug me, and then go talk shit all hushed with your faggot reject friends. Like you did in highschool, it's your life story.
I grew up in rural Canada you dumb fuck, you're not scaring me because I know you're the loser kids we used to make fun of
>Muh white pride
>Muh tough country
>Muh no date for prom
Oh I know this faggot is trying to warp reality hard.
I like raccoons
You better not be a race mixer mate.
I'm on Sup Forums to see the fallout from the hillary thing. Then I see a Sikh thread. And then I see a Canada poster and no... can it be.. is it the same fucking guy that posted months ago still jumping on these threads? Posting his hometown and asking people to come fight? You're a loser
>blah blah Indians do blah blah
You're trying to make me feel bad about my race, but at least I had a good childhood growing up in Canada. You're white and you managed to autist yourself out of white pussy or good friends
I visited a Sikh temple out of curiosity to eat the Langar with them. Food was aight, no meat though.
Ended up talking to this Iraq war by Sikh who really knew his shit.
Invited him to come check out my preps. Seemed a little impressed.
10/10 would Langar again.
Keep lying fucking brown scum.
You are pathetic and will always be an outsider in Canada.
You can make up all these fantasies you want.
I've never posted about my town on here in some sub human sikh thread so fuck off with that.
Stay salty Faggot
>Campbellford Ontario
You hate that I'm an outsider and yet.. you're the reject!
Funny how the world works, a loser will be a loser regardless of race.
I bet you have tons of them. You get drunk and fantasise all sorts of stupid shit alone in your room don't yah?
God I have you mentally pegged, the kid who sat alone at recess watching other kids play, then eventaully found a clique of people he knew were losers because girls avoided all of them
Don't kill yourself with the gun collection I know you own
>Indians aren't loyal
Implying Sikhs didn't come to the defense of England in per capita numbers higher than even the broest tier Rhodesians.
>I've never posted about my town on here in some sub human sikh thread so fuck off with that.
Literally 5 posts ago
>Campbellford Ontario
You've done this in at least 4 different threads that I've seen, over the course of almost 5 months. Get a life you pathetic dweeb
You can act like the know it all sub human twat you are all you want.
I find it laughable.
This is your home country www.youtube.com/watch?v=afKsOfl2zDA
Am I crazy or is there a giant airborne pair of testicles in the background?
>Social reject loses his only haven on the internet
You came to Sup Forums to make up for the fact that you had nobody to vent your pain to. How does it feel to have that slipping away from you?
I'd say like your country, but it was never your country. You were rejected by Canadians as a child
I bet your mom wondered what was wrong with you, and you lashed out at her because you knew she was wondering
I have you pegged, phaggot.
I live in one of the most racist towns in Canada.
>Partiers at the Legion hall in Campbellford witnessed a man dressed as member of the KKK who later won costume contest
Why do you act like you know where I'm from..
You will never come here.
Don't try and force people to like you thats when it wont be accepted.
To put this into perspective the guy dressed as a klansmen had the black faced guy on a leash.
They were both cops at that.
>We have racist costumes at halloween
>So hardcore
You dumb cunt, people wear racist shit all the time on halloween, nobody cares. I bet that made your night, since you weren't invited to any halloween parties - just got drunk with the reject crew. I know you inside and out loser
Andrade, 40, who owns Rubbs Barbeque Bistro a few doors down from the Legion, has lived in Campbellford for 12 years. He didn’t recognize either of the costumed men.
He says the incident was out of character for the town of approximately 3,000 residents, which is 180 kilometres northeast of Toronto.
“I think the general reaction was disgust,” Andrade says.
>I know you inside and out loser
Coming from the 120 pound beta brownie.
Keep talking shit from that computer screen.
Make a thread when your here and we can have some fun.
You are the epitome of cringe.
Some liberals in the town were outraged and tried to save face for tourism what a fucking shocker.
You are never going to come here so all your words are just hot air turban nigger.
“It was a big mistake and I just want it to go away,” said Terry Nunn, who sat stonefaced in a back corner of the Riverview restaurant in his usually quiet town on Wednesday afternoon. He folded his hands on the table in front of him and bent his head. “I don't want this to be a circus.”
On Saturday night, Nunn and his friend Blair Crowley won the prize for “most original costume” at the Legion party in Campbellford. Crowley dressed as the Klansman and sported a Confederate flag; Nunn, a retired Toronto police officer, was in blackface. He wore a flannel shirt, jeans and a noose.
Crowley thinks the incident was blown out of proportion and was just a joke, according to his 17-year-old, who answered the door at the family home in nearby Hastings on Wednesday. His father is away on business; Crowley works in the printing business in Ottawa, family members said.
“My dad’s not racist, his best friend is black,” the son said.
Crowley “randomly decided to roll up a piece of bristol board and throw on a sheet” a half-hour before the party, his son recalled.
“Maybe he should have just gone to the Legion as Raggedy Ann and Andy with my mom, like he was supposed to.”
“It’s very unfortunate that the poor decisions of two individuals have put Campbellford under the microscope of the nation,” said Hector Macmillan, mayor of the municipality of Trent Hills, which includes Campbellford, as he stood outside the locked-up Legion.
“They should have never been allowed in the building, and they certainly should never have won a prize.”
Mark Andrade, who helped bring the incident to the media’s attention, agrees. “It’s not reflective of what life is like in Campbellford, otherwise I wouldn’t be living here,” said Andrade, who is black.
>“My dad’s not racist, his best friend is black,” the son said.
>Mark Andrade, who helped bring the incident to the media’s attention, agrees. “It’s not reflective of what life is like in Campbellford, otherwise I wouldn’t be living here,” said Andrade, who is black.
Oh man, I'm going to pay a visit to Cambellford some time. Hang out with the nice normies, have a couple beers, ignore salty faggots like you when you try to intimidate with staring across the bar as you sip a beer alone
>save face for tourism
HAHAHA it's a fucking town of 3000 in the middle of nowhere, how hard you going to try to lie!?
Whatever you do, don't fucking REEEEEEE
Fucking losers man. Thanks for providing something for us normies to laugh at
>Hang out with the nice normies
no, you'll hang out with the 2 try-hard SJW faggots in the town
Besides farming we rely on city faggots like you to come and spend money.
Do you know what saving face is?
I'd love to see some cringe worthy turban nigger come chat shit in the local pubs like he's some sort of special snow flake.
The bikers and farm boys would toss you into the Trent before I do.
Our pop triples in the summer time because of the amount of lakes that surround us you filthy brown rat.
I don't expect you to understand basic economics..
Man you're a fucking loser. Just class A waste of life
>blah blah shit would happen
Yeah clearly with the black people who are living in your town nothing is going to happen and you're just a closet stormfag. Your population tripling probably makes you so salty, watching country girls get city boy dick
So much anger and pent up frustration
Sikh's are so based
>shit that would never happen only applies to everybody but you
I'm done here bud have fun jerking yourself off while I go fire rounds off into pictures of turban niggers.
you're getting really mad at someone over the internet ethnic
you are the reason no one respects any Canadian opinions on this board
you're either a beta nu-male or a shitskin, zero percent chance you're a white guy who lifts
>I'm going to pretend to go do something else, while I browse more Sup Forums
You stormfags are the people Trump is desperately trying to push away from his campaign, nobody wants to be associated with you in real life
>the Canadia beta bois itt roleplaying alphas
i wonder this also
Sikhs are pretty based
so you're a shitskin? lol, shut the fuck up while white men discuss the future of this planet, you have zero right to speak here.
Sikhs are bro tier
Roleplaying stormfag and reject from society. I understand that you come on Sup Forums to run away from real life, but you're going to have to face reality someday
That despite being white, you're still unloved and unwanted
half of pol is made up of idiotic white teenagers that will hate these guys either way cause they have brown skin you guys are just as ignorant as the sjws you hate so much its pathetic I am new to pol I realized you were all children around the time I saw every Indian poster get a poo in loo as a reply .
>I can't hold all these projections
lol you're just butthurt that you aren't white, don't deny it my man
>largest terror attack on Canadian citizens was done by sikhs
really making me think
bye faggot
I honestly had no opinion of Sikhs and didn't even know what they were until I saw this thread, just assumed they were generic Hindu people.
Judging by the Canadian sikhposter in this thread I'm guessing they're all arrogant fucks?
teenager detected
>Being white is all I have going for me
You were white in America, and still rejected. That's hurting you more than me
Generic american retard doesn't know anything about the world. Imagine that
>>largest terror attack on Canadian citizens was done by sikhs
What did he mean by this?
teenager detected
underage ban pls mods