How do we convert Bernie supporters to Trumpets?
I imagine they must be pretty pissed right now. Hell, we could even turn BLM members if we can get them to see how the globalists are using them as pawns.
How do we convert Bernie supporters to Trumpets?
I imagine they must be pretty pissed right now. Hell, we could even turn BLM members if we can get them to see how the globalists are using them as pawns.
This is hilarious !
Can I save this image ? ??? Please ?
.. Trump agrees with Bernie that the system is corrupt
... Like Bernie, Trump is an outsider, not part of the corrupt system.
... In many ways, Bernie's opinions are closer to Trumps than they are to Clinton.
... Hillary stole the election from Bernie. If you want Bernie to have a chance in 4 years, you can't let hillary win now.
Go for it.
I don't even remember where I got it.
Point them to the fact that Hillary's polling wins were extremely high anomalies in states and counties where electronic polling machines were used exclusively.
Those machines were provided by Dominion Voting and H.I.G Capitals.
These two companies donated large sums of money to the Clinton Foundation.
We leaked the info, some media has reported it but it is being slid or the information linking the Clinton Foundation is being ignored.
Search it, there are plenty of sources available, just not in the MSM obviously
Trump's biggest problem right now is that the left is painting him as a racist. That needs to be addressed first.
Why would they vote for Trump?
Trump believes climate change and evolution are scams and will ban teaching evolution in schools . Also he said he's going to crank up the co2 emissions.
Racism witchfinding is a fake, unwinnable fight. We need to reject the process altogether.
When you government background check and prostate exam come back after the 14 month waiting period
>b-but Trump's racist xenophobia
Completely low energy thread OP. We don't want bernout cucks on our side, the second tumblr SJW's cross over its going to spread like a plague and it'll ultimately jeapordize the true roots of Trump and his movement.
We don't need them and stop pandering, this is like the 10th thread I've seen about this.
It's simple. Show them how Bernie stood against Hillary and her establishment powers. They followed him because he was different.
Tell them that Bernie reluctantly took her side, because of establishment pressure
Tell them that Trump supporters and Bernie supports have common ground in not wanting to see Hillary in power.
>How do we convert Bernie supporters to Trumpets?
Tell them he's a Jew
And most importantly, tell them they havethe option to protest by not voting. Every Bernout vote for Hillary is a net loss for Bernie's platform. He will have no change in 4 years if they vote for her.
Ex bernout here who will either be voting Johnson or writing in Rand in November.
It's okay to make fun of them on here provided how there are very few actual bernouts here but my advice if you want to get them to switch is to be humble. They have a very emotional connection to Bernie. It's all about muh feels for them so if you hurt said feelings they probably won't have much but animosity for you.
Take it from me. You guys pissed me off so much that I won't be voting trump in November. Probably would have if you guys hadn't been such smug cunts.
This is called pandering you cuckwad
>pandering matters if you're an average joe
What's the point now?
Clinton as effectively won if she's not getting charged.
Calling her crooked won't convince anyone now.
They would never support Trump anyway because they think he's an evil racist.
She will pick up tons of votes from Bernie supporters just for being a woman.
being fucking divisive retard obviously works, right? This is exactly how democrats gain votes to get what they need. This is what Trump is doing, too.
Save it! It's all yours, my friend!
>After Sup Forums