This brazilian city is larger than many european countries

>this brazilian city is larger than many european countries
Makes me think.

euroepean countries are disgustingly small shitholes filled with m*slims.
i 100% prefer to live in brazil than there.

uma delicia soupa de macaco

in 50 years, brazil will be a super power and will put your muslim ridden countries to shame.

keep dreaming, Jorge

and you'll be dead, who cares

go kill yoursel, gook
brazil is the 8th largest economy i the world.
finland is completely irrelevant

Uma delícia

Brazil is the new India

Literally the only thing your country is known for is a really fucking high murder rate.

they are all drug related
just don envolve yourself with that stuff and u will be fine

Brownzil is just like India .
b-but we will be superpower
lmao you have been saying that since you stopped being the bitch of Portugal 200 yrs ago
You will always be a poor shithole

india will be better than most euro cunts too.
u are a retard if u don't see this

Delusional macaco

>this brazilian city is larger than many european countries

Proving that
1. Third world countries have higher birthrates.
2. Cities in third world countries grow horizontally (accumulating slums at their borders) instead of vertically (building skyscrapers).
3. Bigger population doesn't imply more development as those tiny European countries have a quality of life enormously better that Brazil.
4. Feeling proud of having bigger cities/bigger population is a sign of bad education.

with the imminent EU collapse, PIIGS wil be even worst

Por que brasileiro ama passar vergonha? Por que simplesmente não param de criar threads sobre o Brasil?

chegou o vita-lata baba ovo de gringo

>super power in 50 years
>eats monkey soup

a certain crime stat, perhaps?


>niggers killing each other
that's awesome tbqh.


>being that delusional

Only if brazil can get rid of all wh*Tes.

Then you have a big fucking drug problem. That's still very bad

Turn off the proxy you stupid wh*Toid

Nobody is talking about population you dumb fuck

>Proving that
>1. Third world countries have higher birthrates.

Where OP said that, dumb spic monkey? Brazil has low birthrate and this has nothing to do with the thread