If Sweden is so liberal, why do they still have a monarch? A true liberal would chop his head off

If Sweden is so liberal, why do they still have a monarch? A true liberal would chop his head off.

>A true liberal would chop his head off
So much for the tolerant left.

begs the question

Because he's based as fuck

It's not like he sits on a throne giving orders on how to please him... Our royal house is our proud history, a reminder of tradition and unity. AND he's French!


There is little difference between a (((constitutional monarchy))) and a (((Republic)))

>Thinking liberal means leftist

So disappointing. You're truly not any better than the sharters.

Sweden isn't liberal. Europe isn't liberal. Fuck liberals.

Brazil knows what's up.
Canada does not.

>what is a constitutional monarchy?

Bloodline of a traitor, no wonder the Swedes choose Bernadotte. They are the scum of the Earth

I don't get it either. I even once heard from a Swedish friend on Interpals, as SJW as they come, that every good Swede loves the king

I guess their cuckoldry is bigger than their liberalism.

funny fact: the first bernadotte king never learned swedish during his lifetime.

Don't be so butthurt. He was chosen because he was expected to reconquer Finland from your ally at the time, Russia.
Constitutional monarchy. He's just a state funded celebrity. We like him because he is autistic.
And he also spent most of his regency in his bed.



t. socialism is when the state does things

The king welcomed a refugee in his palace to inspire other Swedes to do the same.

The refugee went missing and so does some jewels.

>The family jewels of the king have been taken by a 'fugee.

any source on that? sounds like fake news. I doubt they even keep jewelry in the open in the palace.

It was probably earpieces or something like that. I never got the details and it is old as fuck. It have been years, I can't ask google news.

The fact that the king ad a human pet for PC points is official, it should not be hard to check.

>>Thinking liberal means leftist
burgeristan exports culture and brits eat it up because 'fuck the eu' and because our culture has eroded