Was he good?
What does Sup Forums think of Saddam Hussein?
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no but removing him from power was a mistake
No but the country was better off with him in charge
He was a dick but a predictable dick. I agree.
>Kuwait is just a game to me
He was based, kind of like Assad is now.
Huge waste of money spent by NATO building him the strongest armed forces in the Middle East during the 1980s and the knocking it down again when we suddenly decided we cared about use of chemical weapons etc etc.
He wasn't good but he was better than the chaos that followed him
Better than Hillary
Better than ISIS.
this, Saddam was brutal to his people and he abused his power to live a lavish life, I find it comical how near his death he turned religious and righteous, but when he had all the money and fame he was the devil.
a necessary evil
Dindu nuffin
I can't believe it was 10 years ago.
Kuwait is literally a meme country created by the Eternal Anglo
He was necessary. Mudslimes need brutal dictators to keep them under control. There's no other choice.
He wasn't good but removing him from power has led to more chaos.
Of course saying that is easy with hindsight. Invading due to the threat of WMDs was the right call. Intelligence was flawed, not the judgement.
>Was he good?
fuck no.
13 years ago
he kept the mudshits relatively in check
should have never went after him
He was one of the good goos.
>He was a dick but a predictable dick.
he wasn't predictable at all. that's why they removed him. do you even politics?
>invade in 90s
>no nukes
>scarcely 10 years later
C'mon m8 the towelheads just don't have what it takes. It's taken the Norks decades to get that shit up and running and they can't do shit to the US or anyone in Europe.
He was one of the biggest POS of our generation.
Load bearing dictator, though.
Even if removing Saddam and bringing him to 'justice' by the Iraqi people was necessary, de-Baathification (removing their civil service) was a mistake, and cutting ties with them meant they either defected to the Shiite bloc, esp Iran, or to the radical Shiite bloc-AQ, ISIS, take your pick.
Islamic Theocracies and Fascism go well together
The best
>hurr durr
>muh fascism
He was better than IslaMossad!
It's interesting to see famous people drop like flies whenever 9(6), 0(6), 1(6) rolls around.
It just makes you want to think...
Good? Relax, guy. You need a rest, fella.
Intelligence was wilfully ignored, judgement was flawed
Just one 'o the goys!
Good old countries surrounding Israel, how they fall, one by one.
Israel had nothing to do with the Iraq war
>see post
>see flag
>see irony
He at least kept the area in check.
He was outwitted by George W Bush. What do you think?
Nothing on his reign. However, I got to meet a sheikh my father was working with a few years ago. This sheikh was friends with Saddam and even had a part of his museum dedicated to his memory.
Apparently they liked hunting (think gazelle and stuff) together and he was a really cheery guy.
Kuwait is literally a meme country created by the Eternal Anglo
Jordan is literally a meme country created by the Eternal Anglo
Israel is literally a meme country created by the Eternal Anglo
Northern Ireland is literally a meme country created by the Eternal Anglo
England is literally a meme country created by the Eternal Anglo
Fucking Anglos ruined Anglia
He was based and kept the ragheads in line and maintained something resembling civilization in Iraq.
Preferable to these guys.
I miss him
> Super rare Mossad pic.
Don't show it to IslamObama!
kek, the intelligence was not flawed. There were never any substantial evidence and they know it, but they did it anyway. The west is clearly partly responsible for the birth of ISIS. Murifats obviously did some shady shit to piss off Bin Laden big time.
Also I know people from Libya doing STEM PhD funded by their government. They told me that Libya was peaceful and a rich country, then murifat fucked it all up by killing Gaddafi.
A-are you going to tell me w-what happened to P-palestine?
D-did America kill all the P-palestinians too?
Watch this:
Interestingly, this video appeared on the BBC with absolutely no context today.
Then a whole bunch oh Chilcot stuff showed up.
Not looking good for Tony Blair
Nah, he was really pretty shit. He wasn't very bright either. He could've taken Kuwait without firing a shot if he actually went about fucking up their slant drilling operation into Iraq instead of just up and invading.
What is it with you cucks?
I still remember after they caught him and were about to execute him he said something like "You don't understand, you need someone like me to control these animals"
He was the best leader for Islamic nation.
Qadaffi was better but Saddam was a close second