Post some interesting thought provoking reactions to the recent Oscar's event
Post some interesting thought provoking reactions to the recent Oscar's event
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say it with me
I hate this "white mediocrity" meme of untalented people complaining that more attractive and successful people exist and are recognized.
No, these people aren't mediocre. That's why they win the awards.
these make me happy i'm not a nigger
its like how white people cant cook despite most Michelin chefs being white
I just looked at Twitter, and I'm literally shaking with excitement Is the race war on now?
They let moonlight win to not piss off black people, but they fucked it all up so it will probably piss them off even more now since the "white men" didn't even take the time to correctly present the award
Someone needs to end these fuckers
GOAT actor? Yeah, ok. He was really strong in his prime, but, let's be real here.
This dude knew his favorite Schwartze film lost but was like fuck I'm gonna intervene just to rustle goy jimmies. Peak Kikecasity
Bold strategy.
see but that has more to do with economic background. More white people are rich an able to obtain the training and funding to run hyper successful restaurants, It doesn't mean any ethnicity is a naturally better cook.
White people are literally the only people who entertain that idea. Black people just know if they bitch and cry "racism!" they get free shit.
>everyone is freaking out over this
Didn't we all agree a black person was going to win last year with the whole "Oscars So White" thing? I mean, it's kind of funny how they did it, but are people supposed to be surprised that they gave a participation Oscar to a token black?
>they never loved us
Well ain't that a kick in the head. No shit.
I thought it was going to be Moana tbqh
How do you know our word for black people thats supposed to be a fucking secret goy
please tell me that nose is shopped
>Best Picture Oscar
>literally the most important Oscar
>given to a critically acclaimed movie
>near perfect audience and critic score
You stormweenies are really reaching with this one, holy shit
>when whites celebrate their race, it is just an honorable and solemn appreciation of white culture.
>near perfect audience and critic score
Yeah like that means anything anymore..
Yes, it does. Unless you live in a basement.
The worst one
>>when whites celebrate their race, it is just an honorable and solemn appreciation of white culture.
That whole disaster was one of the most painful, cringe worthy events I have ever witnessed on live TV.
And the fucked up thing is that I hated LLL
Moonlight is a good movie but it didn't win on its own merit because, after "Oscar So White," it was guaranteed a black movie was going to win next regardless of quality.
Not that it really matters. The Oscars have never been a meritocracy. It's just kind of sad that this movie was good and did deserve it on its own merits, yet didn't really win the award on its own merit and more or less got a participation Oscar.
Also, I'm not Stormfront because I'm not white.
>Sup Forums thinks someone with 2,000 followers is important
>civil rights leaders died for Oscars wins
>not equal rights
Just remember white folks, black people hate you as much as you hate them.
Let's all stop pretending we can get along. We can't.
>the outcome of an athletic competition is racist
What the fuck?
just imagine all that cotton they had to pick to for her to watch some gay awards show.
I like how there's two sides of the same moron who more than likely didn't watch any of these movies and are just getting upset because of race.
They're not celebrating there race there. They're shitting all over another one.
You actually believe this. I feel sorry for you man.
>Moonlight is a good movie but it didn't win on its own merit because "Oscar So White"
This is literally a fucking projection. It was universally well-received. So unless you are going to attempt to convince me that every review and audience score is just a big conspiracy, it sure does look like the movie deserved the win it got.
Fuck off. I am so sick of you retarded faggots.
It's good to see confirmation from a black woman that black lives really are just that meaningless from their own point of view.
>niggers get most of the awards
>niggers still complain
They're like spoiled children.
You'd see the exact reverse if you ever spent a single waking minute NOT shitposting here
>Is the race war on now?
This shit will be forgotten by tomorrow afternoon.
>participation Oscar
Right, this is the new autistic meme now?
lol are you mad or something?
Yes I believe that an actual general consensus exists for media and films.
If the 3 niggers in chicago kidnapping and torturing a disabled kid to show the white president how much they hate him didn't cause the race war nothing will.
>what my people died for
Who died doing what? What is she even talking about?
They pretty much flat out said they were going to give a black movie the Oscar before Moonlight was even out. It's a participation Oscar. It sucks, because Moonlight is legit good, but it is what it is.
Yes it is poor white dindu nuffins. May be, dare I say, even a white genocide?
What on earth are you on about?
Except they didn't. Get off this website and get some fresh air, son.
>It was universally well-received.
Absolutely agree it was good, hence why I said "Moonlight is a good movie" in the line you yourself quoted.
Doesn't change the fact that, after the Oscar So White fiasco, they said they were going to make sure next year's (this year's) Oscars would be more diverse, meaning they were going to throw a bone to a black movie.
>black person hates educational institution
That whites are being exterminated by tje joos and da globalists!!! Save me! I am literally shaking.
Making the nominations more diverse does not mean the wins are "participation awards". You logic is fucking stupid.
>they didn't
They did.
I think we triggered one of the shills.
This mexican lady drinks from a moonshine jug in front of me.
Can I report her to ICE?
I love Denzel but let's be honest, he got lazy. I don't know what the fuck happened to him but he's not the same actor he was 10 years ago.
That's exactly what it means, though.
Why are you talking about Jewish people?
Yes fine, they changed voting to be more inclusive. That doesn't make your meme true though. You desperately want to believe that they didn't earn their best picture win and your logic is fucking stupid.
black and white aren't cultures or nationalities they're tans of skin
you can be darker than a black hole's anus but still be french or english or canadian or Japanese or fucking whatever because culture and tradition isn't genetically hereditary, it's passed on memetically
likewise you can be paler than dracula's bleached asshole and be part of kenyan or liberian or fucking whatever culture though admittedly that isn't anywhere near as common
Except not, though.
See how easy that is?
Only in your own head.
This entire thread just proves that when you give black people what they want, they just want more. You can never win.
he said chefs not owners you fucking handi and if you think most chefs are "rich an able to obtain the training and funding" youre just a retard who shouldnt post
Maybe he worked out before coming to class? Maybe he's going to work out after?
Who gives a shit?
She looks mixed, so I'm assuming she means the white side of here family who died in the Civil War to free the black side.
I dont think you get the joke with that greentext...
guys, I need some funny pics of Moonlight poster! NOW!
Hey retard, try re-reading the post. He's saying the movie deserved it but it's clear that it didn't get the award because it's deserved, but because after the stupid Oscar So White bullshit the next Oscar would have to go to a black movie. The movie didn't get a chance to get the award it deserves
tl;dr everyone's fine with moonlight winning, everyone would've been a lot more fine with it winning if it wasn't immediately following a racially themed outrage
i don't get it, how did he know he lost?
They changed the vote to make sure a black movie could win regardless of whether or not it was good or not.
It's like if Bobby and Billy and Tommy all ran a race, but it didn't matter who was first because Tommy is going to win regardless of the results because he's black and nobody black won the year prior, so they changed the rules to make sure a black guy won. Even if Tommy wins on his own, the victory is hollow because it was already predetermined based on circumstances that have nothing to do with his performance as a runner.
It sucks that a good movie won not because it was a good movie, but because it was a black movie.
lol....white people defending drinking from a jug....baka
We can go back and forth going "nuh-uh" and "uh-huh" but I'm honestly not interested.
Yes, how dare he hydrate in an efficient and inexpensive manner. What a fucking cunt.
>we've reached peak whiteness
This is really annoying. I FUCKING WISH we could achieve a true 'peak white' and remove niggers from the country but we're not allowed to anymore because we have to pretend that they're human.
Except this is just projecting that last year had anything explicitly to do with their win, only on the grounds that Moonlight is a black movie.
It's a retarded way to cheapen their Oscar win. It is insulting honestly. Playing race politics to make their win seem like it wasn't real.
It was a fucking best picture Oscar. The highest Oscar award. The movie itself was universally acclaimed by virtually everyone. Gee, maybe it won because the movie was great? Nah, it must be some Sup Forums excuse because you faggots can't give them a goddamn inch of success they earn.
>They changed the vote to make sure a black movie could win regardless of whether or not it was good or not.
Again, this is only true in your head you fucking brainlet.
Introducing niggers to the arts was a mistake
>you can be darker than a black hole's anus but still be french or english or canadian or Japanese
Go tell that to the Japanese we'll have a laugh
And I have white skin it means I can be Congolese? Shut your stupid trap
But wasn't it mostly jews?
Who are these white people they are talking about?
After last year's backlash, they changed the membership specifically so that next year would be "more diverse." It's dishonest to pretend the OscarSoWhite debacle didn't lead to Moonlight's victory.
Who the fuck are all those literally whos and why are they verified?
Question: Why is twitter verifying random 12 year old black niggas?
>b-but last year!
Keep screeching about that, manlet. Nothing that happened with last year ofnthe voting changes pre-determined the Best Picture nominees. Changing voting rules to be inclusive doesn't mean that they automaticslly pick one over the other, just means the diverse films are THERE in the pool to vote on. You would really only have an argument if Moonlight was poorly received and was a bomb. It wasn't either. Go fuck yourself. They earned their win. Go try about it at Sup Forums.
Hes actually talking to governors about obamacare, i bet Trump did want to shitpost though, it is a shame
"Black participation awards" side has arguments of making up for last year's backlash and changing the academy to include more "diverse" (which now only means black, of course) voters - and left was crying about how everyone only votes for same skin color, so naturally more black people means more votes for black movie just because it's black.
You have name-calling.
Are you retarded?
And it was explained, this is the third time now, how this would not impact who wins...
>black films are on the list, that means it is a conspiracy if they win now!
Listen to yourself
>Obviously staged
>No one notices
C'mon Sup Forums they're actors for a reason.
That isn't a proof, that is just stringing together events and pretending it is a real argument. It isn't.