Whats the purpose of 'sins' if god forgive us?

whats the purpose of 'sins' if god forgive us?

in the catholic religion of course, i dont know about the fake religions


I know that americans believe that it is not individual acts that make people sinful, but that humans are always inherrently sinful, and that only by asking for god's forgiveness and protection that people can be saved. They even believe that being saved is the only useful thing someone can do in life. And it absolutely doesn't matter what you've done. Pedophile rapist murderers and people who save lives are both equally guilty and going to hell if they do not repent, and equally saved if they do. There are no mitigating circumstances. If you never learned about god, sucks to be you. You're still going to hell because you never asked to be saved.

>i dont know about the fake religions

t. retard

forgiveness is not automatic, have you to reprent

Sin was created when Adam and Eve disobeyed God and ate from the fruit of knowledge.
So the sin doesn't really have a purpose, it came into the world by first humans fucking up, and God had to create an elaborate sheme to sacrifice himself, in order to be able to forgive our sin

>ITT: Philosophy classes with Jorge

all religions are made-up nonsense
t. euphoria pro

Read the Divine Comedy.

In order to achieve forgiveness we must first come to the realization that we have committed a sin, that we have offended God. Once we have come to the realization that we have done something terrible, we must now ask for forgiveness. You will only achieve forgiveness if you truly believe that God is forgiving you, which, you can only achieve through faith.

Confession and redemption is an act of faith.

>humans fucking up
That's weird. Humans can only do something wrong because God created them that way, so he is the one who fucked up.

Nah, God gave humans free will, they have chosen to fuck up

>give humans free will
>if they dont do EXACTLY as god says then they burn in hell forever
>god still loves them tho

Bulshit. 90% of fuck ups happen by accident or by mistake. Our free will is hindered by our ability to carry that will out and enact it upon the world.

>God gave humans free will
He's described as almighty, so in the world like that free will is impossible. More than that, the way humans think and act is based on their experience, so it's heavily depend on all stuff what happened in their lives. So free will is an illusion.

that was no accident, humans went deliberatly against the will of their creator?

If God is almighty he can also create free will

God loves all humans, but sinners chose the hell by not worshipping him

>If God is almighty he can also create free will
No, because in that case he couldn't affect it, so he wouldn't be almighty.

Then the purpose is confession of course.

doesnt sound like love to me

You just not into bdsm I guess.

God gave us free will and this includes the ability to distance ourselves from God. This act is a sin. However, this isn't permanent, we can come back to God through his forgiveness

If you smugly assume that you will be forgiven and you're not sorry, then you won't be forgiven. It's a pretty simple mechanism.

>hey guys, I don't wanna force you to anything, but I really wouldn't recommend jumping into this pit of lava
>guys please
>oh no

But he could affect it, he simply doesn't

>oh gee, i wish i was omnipotent and could somehow prevent hat

Everything what's going on around you is affecting your decisions. So only way God wouldn't affect anyone is If he's not doing anything at all.

>Hey I'm God, I created you and gave you everything good
>lol fuck you

What's a human without free will?

>hey guys, I love you. Here, have some cancer.

Would you let your child touch a hot stove, in order to not limit his free will?

They doesn't come from God, thats the result of humanities choices to distance themselves from him

It's just a regular human. Free will is a myth.

If he designed our bodies then it's his fuck up.

If humans weren't so intent on getting away from God this wouldn't happen

What the fuck are you talking about? Religious people got exact same biological structure.

Maybe he could, but he doesn't want to because it would kill the whole purpose of creating a being in his own image?
It's as if you created a robot with an actual, independent AI, but then it starts fucking shit up all over the place so you turn its AI off instead of trying to teach it something.

>Free will is a myth.
t. Stalin

a proposed 'point' of sin is to make clear what is good and what is wrong. if there was a perfect world without sin nobody could be considered 'good' because they can't be good relative to nothing

>independent AI
Define independent. Intelligent only can be independent if it's not receive any information from outside.

Biology has nothing to do with this

It has nothing to do with politics. How can your will be free, if your way of thinking is shaped by 'random' events?

Biology has nothing to do with cancer?

The true cause? Yes, Biology is the mechanism not the cause. Sin is the cause

What about religious people who didn't commit any sins? Why do they get cancer?

Original Sin

you answered it yourself. this is why your cunt is a garbage heap while we protestants continued to carry the flame.

we're at the end of this era though, globalists are slowly diluting and corrupting every good nation there are left

Is that a shit about apple? Wait, so good and religious people gets punished because of something they haven't done? Your God is an asshole, you know that?

>commit Sins
>incur negative karma
>suffer in this life or the next
Firstly it's a guide for your own sake since you're better off not committing them.

There is no such things as sins. Good and bad is a subjective concepts.

The story of Abel & Cain is the only really important story.
There are variables outside of your control. But to achieve goals, virtues and a fulfilling life this lesson is not really useful to you, rather it can be a scapegoat. At the same time you need it not to succumb in case of tragedy.

that's irrelevant, cancer is developed because of your wrong lifestyle or your parents/grandparents