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>one more commie cunt

Yeah nah. Also Turkey is prolly gonna side with Syria and Iraq for that.


No international support for it. Doubtful they can achieve independence without war.

Iraqi kurds arent commies you stupid hue, thats rojova and pkk and even those arent as commie as people think

The international community is shit at recognizing autonomous states. Kurds deserve it, though.

Not an issue of deserving or not. Without international support Iraq would be given a free hand to suppress them. If the Kurds fight back then they'll be called separatist terrorists and nobody in the international scene will give them political, financial, or military aid.

Even big boy US says its up to Iraq to decide.

Why is life so unfair

yes inshallah

A referendum =/= declaration of independence

soon west and the east kurs will be fighting a civil war

Of course, but it's a step in the right direction.

I don't know, Israel supports them and that's a pretty relevant thing in the Middle East. I also highly doubt that Iraq and Iraqis in general are kin to start another war for something that they probably saw coming for decades.

Yes. There's gonna be some clashes but nothing too serious IMO.

That's not the case.

literally Syria, Iraq, Turkey and Iran will jump into war if the referendum becomes true

>Syria, Iraq
Syria has more serious problems to think about when they still are fighting a civil war, attacking a foreign country is looking for problems.
Iraq, meh. They barely have the capability of doing anything serious, Kurdistan would have happened either way sooner or later.

Turkey and Iran might do something, especially Turkey, but no way thwy're going on a full war.

Didn't Turkey support these guys? honestly it seems like the only way Kurdistan is going to get independent is if they get backed up by the eternal Mehmet

Both FSA and ISIS are dead and can't go for offensive. And the SDF and YPG have so low manpower compared to Syria and Turkey that is ridiculous. Also the Syrian generals and Assad have declared this week they will fight the SDF if they declare independence

Their only chance is unironically the US+Israel+coalition support them and risk WW3 for them, which I think will happen

If they would inflict heavy damage on Turkey, i will support them

>And the SDF and YPG have so low manpower
when did this happen? i thought they had thousands of men

What the heck are you talking about? The referendum doesn't concern Kurdish Syrian regions, it's only in Iraqi Kurdistan.

Peshmergas are also almost 300k, if you think that attacking them is like a random terrorist organization yeah nah, you're deluded.

peshmergas arent that crowded. also they dont have any air support + heavy stuff.

they never had that much manpower compared to syria. The thing is that they had the offensive in the beggining due to Russia not being that involved in the war, and due to multiple rebellions happening at the same time and all being armed by the US. With ISIS gaining power, a lot of people joined ISIS, but as they became world pariahs the US and Russia were obliged to destroy them, and since then they slowly lost power, and the US started to back the FSA and SDF, but the damage was already done, the Russians already had heavy presence and the Syrian army was already organized. And after they retook aleppo and palmyra they became unstoppable. And now that they lifted the Deir-er-Zor blockade, ISIS is basically dead and the SAA is the biggest winner
Oh I thought you were talking about a declaration of independence of the whole region. Anyway, I don't think it will last a lot of time even if they succeed. Almost all regional powers in that region are against them. And Iran, Syria and Russia are really strong right now

SDF had like 80k before raqqa thing as far as i know. they also took some oil fields next to deir-er-zor recently.


Barzani (Iraqi Kurdistan) and PKK (Turkish Kurdistan, Syrian Kurdistan) hate each other

They had a civil war in 1990s. I don't think they could have a united Kurdistan.

Plus basically everyone in the world hates the idea, including Iran (because they also have Kurdish separatists I think), Turkey, Syria, Iraq, Russia, USA. Nobody is really for a separate, united Kurdistan. Or even a separate Iraqi Kurdistan really.

I mean I love the idea, they fucking deserve it, but nobody is really supporting them.

dont think USA is actually opposed, if they were actually opposed they would stop Barzani. also israel is very eager for it as well because its another block to iranian influence.

Cant wait for it to crash and burn

Its not even their land, they are literally a nomadic group. They only exist in this region of the world because turks used them to genocide armenians so they let them stay.
They are the bediouns of Iran and Iran should deal with them.

USA didn't sound very happy either.

The only country that supports separate (Iraqi) Kurdistan is Israel.

Not at all
We are most likely going to mobilize forces into iraqi kurdish territory if the current climate keeps escelating

Barzani was supported by Erdogan, Iraqi Kurdistan had some oil deals with Turkey separately from the rest of Iraq if I remember correctly

true. and now hes a bad boy because he wants independence. we cannot allow that. hope army will intervene, hope erdoggo has the balls.

Why do you hate turks so much in particular?

hes a proxy rus. irl kırgız quite like us.

t. met couple of kırgız

Do you communicate in English?

herp derp, I thought Iraq and Turkey don't share borders and you would need to go through Syria... apparently not

> Czech """education"""

with whom?

Even if he is Russian why would he be so mad at turks? I'd get it more if he were greek or from the balkans or something.

wew lad. like. wew.

I will translate for you, I speak Turk

> hes a proxy rus.
He is a Russian, that uses Kyrgyzstan proxy.
> irl kırgız quite like us.
In real life, Kyrgyz people are similar to Turkish people.
> t. met couple of kırgız
I met a few Kyrgyz myself, so I know.

Sup Forums posting does things to your brain man...

some ruskies hate us due to plane bullshit we pulled of couple of years ago.

also people hate each other for no reason desu. for example some murcans hate us because le ebil turkey support isis but usa is totally innocent and totally didnt cause the civil war and totally didnt create all these power vacuums etc.

hey thanks! i thought he was asking if we communicate kırgız people in english.

The Krygz

Have an additional (you) my confused friend

Taтapин, ты?
We dont like em because they LARP as Turkics, they defile our Turkic culture and languages. In fact, roaches are just arab greek mongrels, and have nothing common with real Turkic people

i was right after all well i was able to understand those kırgız guys i met. it was a bit hard at the beginning but after a while i started to understand their language. its generally very similar, sometimes the words they use are a bit different but still makes sense.

>We dont like em because they LARP as Turkics
Do they? Do you mean turks on Sup Forums or just turks in general?

He oбижaйcя зa тy тoлcтoтy в тpeдe, мы пpocтo пoшyтили, чyвaк


> Poke the sheep game and shagging horses

All roaches in general, in real life

he is kırgız ikibey dont give him (you)

Shut your mouth, roach, when Turkic man speaks

Dumb roach, you are hated by all Turkics universalky. Ask any Turkic in ex-ussr, what they think about your insect kind, all will get clear

lol what did even kırgız achieve ?

well anyways shit posting aside, i like kırgız people, at least the ones i met were pretty cool ones. this specimen on the other hand is a subhuman gopnik.

i can kill you with my bare hands you russian bastard

Stop larping as Turkics, name yourself Anadolu Arabia, we will get along pretty well

Thats a shame. I always liked the Turks.


>mfw safavids are alevi turks

agreed ağam i can kill this russian rape baby with my bare hands too

I will stab you both with bichak, insects

rus piçi adamsan fotonu atarsın

Ozunizdi olturiniz, Turik ayban

t. ivanoğlu

t. Mehmed Hussein ISIS ibn Islam aka "Real Turk"



More like ottomans are the sunni persians.

Yes, ottoman culture has alot of persian and arab influence.

Why do they all have such cool names?


Why cant you accept an obvious facts?

nö. dont reply to me again.

"Mughal" is where the word "mogul" comes from btw

Yeah they were pretty cool

Yës, kebab for example is an arab word which you got from persians.


Erdogan and Trump won't let it happen. They're right desu, why would carving up the middle east again make anything better

dynasty names, most of the time the name of the establisher of the dynasty.

1st sultan of ottomans were osman. in turkish ottoman stands for osmanlı, ottoman dynasty is "osmanoğlu (son of osman)" etc.

Trump is so fucking retarded

why are k*Rds so subhuman

It already is.

Fun fact:Osman is an arabic name

turkish has a lot of french loanwords, does this mean we are french?

meanwhile 90% of european monarchs in history had jewish names

The english are saxon and they have a german queen
I guess that makes them german

T. Arab persian armenian Georgian greek Bulgarian jewish gypsy Kurdish turks


> irish-italian american with 1/36 cherokee heritage
I can do that too

The biggest party in Iraqi Kurdistan is a conservative party. The second and third biggest are center left.

no we are french!

The 2005 edition of Güncel Türkçe Sözlük, the official dictionary of the Turkish language published by Turkish Language Association, contains 104,481 words, of which about 86% are Turkish and 14% are of foreign origin.[1] Among the most significant foreign contributors to Turkish vocabulary are[, Persian,[French language|French]] Italian, English, and Greek.[2]

You are the same thing durk. I guess thats why drumpf likes erdoshit. Both are mutt brothers.

Asia undeniably a fascinating history if you take the time to really delve it. Those empires sound like the names for mythical fantasy empires desu haha.

infinitely better than being a diaspora

* has a fascinating

not that fascinating, just a bit different.

Not even disagreeing. but think best case-worst case, what does an "independent kurdistan" really do for america

kurds are treated okay in turkey and iran so it's not a human rights thing either