'Extremely careless,' but FBI advises no charges for Clinton's emails

>WASHINGTON — The FBI recommended Tuesday that Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton should not face criminal charges over her use of a private email server as secretary of State, even though she and aides were "extremely careless" in handling classified information.

>While FBI Director James Comey criticized Clinton and her aides for carelessly handling classified, top-secret information, he said there is no evidence she intended to do so, the basis for criminal charges.


why isn't Sup Forums blowing up over this

it's been news for 3hrs

it's over trumpkins, she won. repent and accept your savior.

Other urls found in this thread:


Because we've had 600 threads on it already

The Oligarch cunt walks free

Social media's bought and paid for, sponsored content and control ensures you can't trend what they don't want people to see

You either put a bullet through her head or you watch your propaganda and call yourself a flag sucking burger monkey.

t. cucked nation

Hillary "no impeach on this beatch" Clinton
Can't outshill the Hill
Can't missionary the Hillary (and thank God)
No indiction on this Clinton
Hillary "stumped the Trump on her crooked hump" Clinton
Hillary "No prosecution, fuck your constitution!" Clinton.
Hill "Draining Bill against his Will" Clinton
Hillary "my bribed judges hold no grudges" Clinton
Can't give your willie to this Hillie
Hillary "From 'Merica to Merkel" Clinton
Hill "the Capone from the gubment zone" Clinton
Hillary "Don't think you can snatch the Goldman Sachs" Clinton


Have them look at this closer.

Get ready for a false flags all over the country.

cool, now that the FBI has acknowledged how retarded she is Trump can use it as ammunition if Clinton ever tries to say Trump is not suited for the role

>please sign my petition

Poorly written petition. Shpuld do it over but with key facts provided. This is nust saying "she didnt get indicted but I want her to"

>bought and paid for

Sick of this meme desu senpai

How does one buy the social media? It's just ordinary people.

There is a bunch of BLM bernout butthurt on facebook about this.

Its going to get uglier than her snatch.

>You either put a bullet through her head
It better be a silver one.

False, she is literally paying people to post pro hillary messages on a broad range of social media platforms.

Google "correct the record" she even has the gall to admit it.


>why isn't Sup Forums blowing up over this
We literally watched it live and collectively lost our shit, you're late

the FBI is leaking it virally on twitter and other black people social media.






I had a secret clearance for the U.S. Army.

The secrets that I know could only help our enemies both foreign and domestic.

I used to give a fuck, honest with my life and the laws, but no longer.

Soon, my secrets will no longer only reside in my mind and on my paperwork, but on a windows p.c. with an outdated os for anyone to hack.

Honorable means nothing.

Some of you guys are alright.


>gross negligence with top secret information is no longer a crime

I told you the FBI was corrupt and the Clintons were above the law months ago, as if the Cassolaro/Waco/Lewinsky shit didn't proved it in the 90s.

No one can stop her because it doesn't depend on the election.

No matter how many scandals she faces, no matter how poor her program is, how corrupt and incompetent she is or how low she falls, she will aways be "the least bad" alternative and have all the funds she needs.

Only a miracle like Brexit can save you now, and even then I'm not 100% sure about Trump. Kek will provide, I guess.

probably ain't that crucial of secrets bro if ur ass know about it lmao

>it's over
we haven't even gotten to the conventions yet lad, hold your horses

looks like the fbi got paid off as well

Still crying muhammed?

If she would have been prosecuted, it would have unraveled a web and sent half of DC to prison.
She made a deal to save face- she'll drop out of the race "due to health concerns" shortly before the convention.

where is the fbi analyst from the other day? I wanna hear from him again.

80% of privates striaght out of basic get a Secret Clearance, you retard.

How does it feel to know your FBI is completely corrupt

There's still one problem, the biggest of all: there are no Hillary Clinton supporters in the USA. I only know of one irl and he's a 5'6" libtard cuckold with glasses who took his wife's last name.

tl;dr nobody in real life will vote for her and millions will vote for trump

they straight bro lmao

all these butthurt Sup Forumstards pissed trump is gonna be razed in november. there's gonna be no mercy on that fucking clown

We aren't surprised, Australia. We knew it'd happen once the "investigation" was announced a week ago.

Straight corrupt

The only people on pol who dislike trump are shills. Nice disguise...not.

I'd be more surprised if it turned out it wasn't.

Basically they can have you killed and get off free. Your country is essentially a shadow dictatorship.


SSBI here.
If I so much has had a rumor that I said anything classified in passing to someone, I would have been GITMO'd.
I cant wait till this country tears itself apart.

>Hillary, the Teflon Con

Nothing sticks.

Not "essentially", it actually is a shadow dictatorship.

nah they straight bro they got my girl hillary's back. she going straight to the white house baby lmao

>why isn't Sup Forums blowing up over this
every single one of us is cowards already defeated and striped of fighting spirit. We circle jerk over potential victories and make memes but when it comes down to when extreme action is necessary noone is to be found and noone mentions the extreme treason of hillary and corruption of the FBI. The guns Sup Forums owns is all for RP and ego boosting. They're nothing. The government knows it and they know the only dangerous thing is the memes that might inspire actual men instead of us, the defeated nobodies who refuse to take action yet has all the shit talk.

Extreme action has been called for so many times in the last few years its obvious Sup Forums doesn't have the spine to do anything about the corruption and issues they care about. Embarrassing.

It's a shame. I had always been told that the FBI was one of the few last decent bastions of our government left, that they were the "good ol' boys", so to speak, not afraid to go after anyone or anything, and that's why they always got shafted for funding. Looks like they've joined the good goy club.

Not culpable due to incompetence

That's not a good media spin

Now she's going to be president.

Sup Forums literally BTFO and #REKT

Such delicious tears :3

And when Trump gets the presidency, it will be Black Tuesday for liberals jumping off buildings while I'm jerking off.

I'm still voting for Trump unless Hillary appoints Bill as her VP.

We need that man back in the white house.

Trump is going to turn Texas blue.

Screencap this.


Their director is a dickless pussy.

We need to appoint DD Bullock to the position. He's not a pussy and that's for sure.

look at this leaf getting in on american affairs lmao

its over bro, she's clear. move on

Facebook only trends leftist topics on purpose

>too stupid to be charged
In Finland we throw people like that in asylum



anyone else getting a black mail vibe from this? like the head directors know they could put her away over this but instead let her go and use it as leverage to get her to do them personal favors?

That's because you're bought and paid for.

everyone on here was throwing a shit fest on it earlier, myself included. Everyone has gotten drunk to forget about it by now.

Madame President Hillary Clinton

Better get used to it.

why cant we get some good ol' assassinations again? It worked before.

Honestly this helps us.
Shows that Hillary isn't for the common people and can get away with crimes that people with just a little weed get put away for years.

The fbi even said just because she didn't get charged don't expect you won't if you do the same thing she did.

Nice try with the defeatist attitude though

I think you mean Glourious Leader Clinton.

Shits is about to get really intense.

We've already got two saviors. We don't need anymore. You can take that shit back to plebbit.

Fuck off you paki nigger. You're never getting in.

>Trumpfag desperately creates a fucking petition

MY fucking sides. Is this how its gonna be when she beats Trump? What will Trumpkins do? Will they kill themselves?

I am not a nigger, my skin is more white than you.

Also I don't want to move to your racist country anyway.

this board used to be on point, always right.
this guy knows whats up, like pol used to

who will continue drone striking your country instead of withdrawing from it

It's not a matter of whether you want to or not. Sub-human scum like yourself aren't allowed.

You mean the niggers in Afghanistan and tribal areas. These places are so fucked up they don't follow our constitution, laws and even the police force doesn't enter the tribal lands due to safety reasons.

The major cities are peaceful and developing rapidly.

No. We'll win the Presidency and save this country from faggot liberals and apathetic cucks like yourself.



>Nothing sticks.
And that scares the shit out of me. I wonder who's moving all that money to make her float to the top.

Luckily Trump will stop supporting you, so the taliban will overrun your un-prepared asses and hang you from buildings.

Then we'll go in and destroy everything to secure your nukes that Obongo won't go after because "muh camel jockey national sovereignty"

Problem solved.

>kek will provide

nice try on attempting to incite declarations of violence, but Sup Forums is a board of peace.



“Although there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information, our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case.”

TRANSLATION: She’s guilty but we won’t prosecute.

“To be clear, this is not to suggest that in similar circumstances, a person who engaged in this activity would face no consequences.”

TRANSLATION: If you did this, you would be in prison.

Really makes you think

I will say, this guy does know his shit.
What happened to Sup Forums?

>destroys campaing
implying leftists care about truth, the media is already saying "clinton cleared of wrong doing' "just slap on the wrist"

>broke the law
>shouldnt be punished

Submarine crewmen have been prosecuted and jailed for taking selfies and accidentally caching computer monitors while doing so.

The only reason Hillary isn't at least being charged with criminal negligence is because as the law is any official aware of what she was doing and didn't stop her is also liable.

Which means everyone that she associated during her time as Secretary of State up to and including the President would be brought down

This is a person applying for a job of which not only she was accused of being so bad at she would be sent to prison, but that she was proven innocent by incompetence.

In other-words, The only reason she is not in prison, is because she is incompetent. Incompetent at a job she is currently applying for.

Hillary already has endless blackmail potential.
It is more likely the FBI director is being blackmailed.

No one in government gets important positions without having skeletons in their closet so that they're easily manipulated by key holders controlling our government behind the scenes

lately the FBI and the FEDs has been funneling tons of social engineering and setting people up from left to right and nobody trust the FEDs ever!
people are more scared of the FBI and CIA then ISIS.

See something, say nothing.

At this point, the higher-ups in FBI also need to be tried for treason, along with Clinton and anyone else who has their hands dirty.

Holy shit. I actually only suspected this... Such fictional ''freedom and democracy'' we live in. Most manipulative society since the dark ages.

Sign the petition for hillary to face charges


Literally the only shit her supporters have to say about her is one of two things:

1. She's not Trump (which isn't surprising, because she's so ethically questionable that standing on her own in the limelight too early would be suicide.)

2. "She's got experience!" -- Which flies out the fucking window, because any halfway competent technician will tell you how fucking STUPIDLY easy it is to recover a goddamned email/file/whatever-the-fuck server.

They're fucking magnetic tracks, on a fucking silicon disk, and unless you overwrite that shit with eight passes or the platter literally explodes/you drive a nail through it; YOU CAN RECOVER IT.

I swear to god, her fucking foundation aside for a moment and the millions she's made in arms deals, my hobby and my work experience both are screaming at me.

You replace the heads, look for and remove any loose sliders which may have flown off, source a new board if there was electrical damage from the same batch, and fucking get to it.

If Drive Savers can recover an entire season of the fucking Simpsons some dipshit intern accidentally deleted, the NSA can recover a fucking mail server.


I know, and its only going to get worse.

It will be awarded postmortem.

>why isn't Sup Forums blowing up over this
because most people who browse Sup Forums are still at work

give it an hour and this board is going to blow out of control


> See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.

there was a missile tech on a boomer who took a picture of himself with the nuclear missile tech books open in the background, then put it on facebook.

he was arrested, the picture was taken down, scrubbed from facebook, and anyone's computer who saw the image was confiscated.

But I guess in this case it's ok, because hildawg is just one of the people right?

This is a good result for Trump because it shows that the system does not work.

Someone who comes clean can be forgiven. It means they're not too far gone.

So... You're mad then?

>still at work
