2016 was a fucking awful year for film...

2016 was a fucking awful year for film. Name a single movie released in the last year even worthy of an Oscar nomination.

That's right you cant because 2016 was an awful year for film

Other urls found in this thread:


>worthy of an Oscar nomination
What does this even mean? Mediocre films have been nominated since 1927.

>Name a single movie released in the last year even worthy of an Oscar nomination.

the ones that got nominated?

I liked Nocturnal Animals

It was definitely the worst year in the last 5 at least. Anybody who disagrees must name a worse recent year.

>tfw we will never get a year like 2010 or 2007 again


Last year was much worse.

Boyhood, Birdman, Whiplash and The Grand Budapest Hotel were ALL better than a SINGLE nominee this year

This, OP is just shitposting

The entire medium is dying.

Television is the new king.

Not even joking all my video entertainment is youtube now including Reviewbrah.




You need to be 18 to post here

>2014 was 1 year ago

Hacksaw Ridge

Birdman was excellent, this is not up for debate.

Silence was pretty fucking great. I also liked Paterson a lot, and High-Rise too

>implying review brahs audience isnt 25 year old and over bodybuilders.

That's not last year. And I disagree. Boyhood and TGBH were very good, but Whiplash and Birdman were weak.

Last year was:
Spotlight, The Big Short, Bridge of Spies, Brooklyn, Mad Max: Fury Road, The Martian (!), The Revenant, Room.

TV films, Innarritu pretending to be Tarkovsky in his revenge flick, Millennial garbage like the Martian and genre flick Mad Max (which, funny enough, is the best one on this list).

It was pseudointellectual garbage

Did you see Room? It was great.

The Revenant was far better than anything released in 2016

Millenials will disagree with this.

It was good. Manchester by the Sea and Moonlight were better.

It is what it is.

Room was literally a perfectly executed movie.
Every decision Abrahamson made was on fucking point.


'Perfection' is boring.

It was a good year to explore the classics. Can't believe how close "All the kings men" and Citizen Kane mimicked the goings on in America last year.


mine too bro no need to feed these hollywood shills


If you disagree, you're a cuck 100%

>hacksaw ridge

Green Room



The Handmaiden

this. and hell or high water. haven't watched silence yet

this video is a work of art. should have won the oscar desu.

2017 is already a better year for film with the release of Trainspotting 2

> lists 2014 best films
> no foxcatcher


2017 isn't looking better.

Arrival was great

Calling things pseudointellectual is a pretty pseudointellectual thing to do

I definitely have breast cancer

Except for naming it so it sounds like a Tommy Wiseau movie

The Neon Demon should have won for Best Score, Best Sound Design, Best Makeup and Best Cinematography.

>Muh chrustian missionaries
>Muh chrustian soldiers
>Muh chrustian furries

Suicide Squad

Everything just seems like shit in 2016 because you're comparing it to BvS

what did he mean by this?

I only liked Captain Fantastic, i've forgotten pretty much everything else



Doctor Strange

>Hail, Caesar!
>The Neon Demon
>Hell or Highwater
>Manchester by the Sea

Feature Documentary
>One More Time With Feeling
>Lo and Behold, Reveries of the Connected World
>Into the Inferno

Well that was easy

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

>a nomination from a bunch of rich old farts as a criterion of being a good movie




Who fucking cares, look what we got this year.

MBTS and arrival were good

moonlight was amazing and if you could stop being such little Sup Forumscucks and not judge art based on it's subject matter you would see it as well

fuck I hate this place so much

Once again, good animated films like The Red Turtle and Kubo snubbed for generic 3D animated disney/pixar film 19550080#

Son of Saul

Goose Runner

Manchester by the Sea. Also it's clear you're either a massive pleb or haven't actually seen any movies that came out last year.

That was 2015

Well stories get hampered when they have to be run by minorities, women, fags, trans or follow the holocaust

>12 years a slave
>the artist (???)
>the king's speech
>the hurt locker
>slumdog millionaire
>no country for old men
>the departed
>crash (???)
>million dollar baby
>return of the king
>a beautiful mind

2 good movies in 17 years
name a more worthless award than "best" (((picture)))

>2 good movies in 17 years
But Gladiator, Return of the King, Million Dollar Baby, No Country for Old Men, 12 Years a Slave, Birdman and Moonlight is more then 2 movies.

The problem with this theory is that television has also been total shit this year

Silence, Manchester by the Sea, and Arrival were all really great.

Swiss army Man was unironically the best movie of the last ten years. Storytelling and music especially noteable

Popstar was the funniest movie released since Walk Hard

10 Cloverfield lane was tense and we'll made regardless of your options of the last 10 minutes

The Bronze is the best dark Comedy of the 21st century not made by Jody Hill

The Jungle Book is impressive both in visual effects and storytelling

Hell and High Water is one of the all time best bank heist movies ever.

There are probably more but it's 8am here and this is off the top of my head

>0 results
Sup Forums please

It was an amazing year for films. I can't help you that you have been baited to dislike contemporary cinema on the "basis" that it makes you patrician.

Still to see

the goose is loose

I love Moonlight and Manchester by the sea

Why is he so CUTE

I know this is gonna cause an uproar in here but, I think Batman v superman was the best of 2016 desu

Crash was actually decent

>Ornithologist, Philatelist, Philanthropist

Zootopia. It's a good film. Too bad it has a diversity message without appealing to sjws so it did not won best movie (it won best animation at least?).

though i have to say, i found it funny how the sjw sheep framed the lion as the "patriarchal oppressor" and was then outed as the real villain.

>>Muh chrustian furries
Trying way too hard there,keep grasping that straw

Animation was always snobbed by the academy

Suicide Squad

i can't believe nobody talks about the witch


Opinion absolutely discarded

Besides you're forgetting about Manchester which was better than anything made in 2014 except whiplash

You're figuretively milking your cow before it hatches. Nice dubs though


There are 4 good movies there my man


oh hi mark

>10 minutes into Rainy Day Chicken Biscuit & Chill and he gives you this look

The Revenant was incredible, a hallmark of gilm, DiCaprio deserved his Oscar, poor Tom Hardy was robbed after the performance of the year and it should have won best picture. Fuck out of here with that faggot ass Tarkovsky shit


I hate that word, it just means you're not willing to put effort into examining something. Usually I guess

>portraying christians in a positive light is bad
>but portraying them in a negative light is good

Spotlight was fucking trash tier Jewish propoganda

Was 2007 the year with There will be blood, No country for old men and Jesse James. Because what a fucking year that was.

Gladiator, A beautiful mind, return of the king, million dollar baby, no country for old men, slumdog, king's speech, and artist were all goodmovies.

>no country
>the departed
>a beautiful mind

lots of great movies on that list bud

None of these films is obviously anywhere near bad, and the worst ones are at least good.
But this is Sup Forums, so it's a lost cause