Bernie Sanders: aged 74

>Bernie Sanders: aged 74
>Donald Trump: aged 70
Literally how?

Other urls found in this thread:

Trump is a God.

He's going to give us a great deal when he's president.

$$$$$ + genetics + weight makes you age slower.

Trump doesn't drink. Alcohol makes you look old as fuck after a while. It's why Romney looks like he is in his late 40s even though he is in his 60s.

74 years of being a bitter Jew vs 70 years of being awesome and fucking models.

Also hair dye

>Bill Clinton: Aged 69

the man on the left is a grown man with responsibilities.

the idiot on the right is a man children who hasn't work a real job a day of his life

>one nigga doesn't even have kids (all his wife's son)
>the other has 5 kids and has fucked models his whole life

Trump is a trust fund baby born into billions
Sanders worked for a living

Tremendous cash flow.
Little debt.


I think you have your left and right mixed up

>Bernie worked a real job...

Not sure if shill, Troll, or plains stupid.

Sanders didn't have a job until his 40s

>didn't get a job until 40
>worked for a living

Uhh do you not understand that Trump is literally caked with makeup and fake tan?

>Didn't get a real job till he was 40
>worked for a living.

Holy fuck how is he younger than Donald. What the hell. He looks like a corpse animated with puppet strings to raise morale

High energy vs no energy

pol only uses old pictures of trump before he was ridiculed literally everywhere he travels.

also hes grossly obese and they just ignore the truth

just photoshop him skinny

thats all that matters to alt right degeneratti is the latest shoop

You know he did almost die of a massive heart attack back in 2004? That took a tremendous amount out of him.

>posting the photoshopped version

>$$$$$ makes you age slower.

Meanwhile Trump still hasn't worked a single day

Trump has a dedicated make up team that applies his tan every morning. He also wears a 60k weave (literally negress tier shit) to hide his balding. He is also most likely on a speed-like substance if reports are legit. Trump would look infinitely more haggard if he had the same routine as Sanders.

>worked for a living
nice one user

There's a reason why Trump is so orange, guy. He goes to great lengths to make himself appear young and healthy. That's not his natural look.

Trump is two months older than Bill Clinton.

>Billionaire can afford a hair transplant
Not really shocking. Though, Trump doesn't drink and had white genetics, which helps a lot

>Man of German descent has better genes than a Jew

Can confirm. My dad is 61 and looks like late 40s-early 50s since he doesn't drink.

He will be okay

>He thinks it has anything to do with genes
Holy shit what a gullible retard.

Nice photoshop, this is the original:

more money. less work, better diet. It's not complicated, user.,

ITT: Livid Bern victims

Top kek. Cry more, faggots.

boom goes the dynamite. trump fags on suicide watch.


Trump has had a lot of sex in his lifetime.

seriously look that shit up. it has a YUGE role in aging well.

I wonder who could be behind this post...

Then again, so has Bill Clinton.

Donald doesn't drink, probably ate healthier throughout his life (no processed shit outside of pretending to take a bite out of a McDonalds burger for a photo shoot), and most likely wore sunscreen/lotion when he was out in the sun (this is why blacks age so much better than whites on average).

>managing 500+ companies isn't working

Bill has AIDS. Maybe Trump used contraception.

Someone who isn't an easily-influenced dumbass that can't see beyond PR/marketing shit.

What you see in Bernie is a legitimate person. In Trump, you see a marketing gimmick.

Now IDK how much Bill Clinton drinks, but he did eat a horrible, horrible fast food diet for many years which led to his near death in '04.

You must have dyslexia

really made me think

Trump wasn't born into billions. His father only dealt in residential real estate. No skyscrapers.

Bernouts think higher ups just sit around while minimum wage workers do ALL the work.

Trump actually eats a lot of red meat and potatoes.

It's really not. Preservation of semen (ojas/Jing) has many benefits.

Trump looks like his age other than his hair. Most 60-70ish year olds have a similar aged look to him.

Bernie looks 90.

Holy shit, there are still Bernie shills?

That's still better for you than fast food and other processed shit with tons of preservatives even if it fattened him up.

It's actually alarming to see Clinton make a speech nowadays because he looks and sounds like a dying 80 year old man.

0/10 so weak

success shaming imbecile, amazing....

trump fags think he actually manage the properties he sponsor.

trump is nothing but a brand

His papa made his millions on low income housing senpai.

That's not fair. He just sometimes has a campaign stop right after one of his Orange Man Group performances.

How does Bernie look so bad? He didn't work a day in his life until he was 40 and his greatest (and only) accomplishments in the senate were bills to rename post offices.

Don't forget not smoking and not drinking. My grandfather ate some kind of bad stuff and only lived to 74, but he also ate lots of fruit and veggies and he also did not drink and he hadn't smoked since he was like 35. Aside from his heart, he was in good shape and very active when he died.

I don't think he looks bad. He looks like a fairly average 74 year old man to me.

He does though? His main business he runs is Trump Tower. How ignorant are you?


Trump, if he didn't go to great lengths, would look more like an aged, pasty Lex Luthor.

Honestly, I think he should lose the hair and go bald.

I think it would make him look a bit more statesmanlike.

The truth: the post

I wish I was nothing but a brand.

into the trash

>I don't think he looks bad

He looks awful. Even if he put in effort there's really nothing he could do to look less decrepit.

Hillary is 69, she'll be 70 by the time she's sworn in. With her fainting spells and chronic fatigue, I would pay very close attention to who she picks as her VP.

Seriously, now that I started paying attention to it, Bill looks like he's withering away. What's happening?

This too

Hair dye and cosmetic surgery. How many 70 year olds have their nature hair color?

Hillary, Bernie, or Trump will be the oldest president ever.

Shillary is draining his life force.

The Rolling Stones are like 71-72 and they all look a lot closer to death than he does.

Yeah that's a factor against her. She looks and sounds like a corpse. And they said McCain was too old but he even had more energy and liveliness than Hillary does.

Trumps a billionare; youth is a thing he can afford Toupée for.

both look old AF tbqh. the tendency for old age both in clergy and politics and fucking everywhere sucks. AH was ~40 at the height of his power, Napoleon ~30-35...

Reagan was the oldest president ever--he was 77 when he left office.

It's called a toupe and a spray-on tan, user

>Hillary, Bernie, or Trump will be the oldest president ever.

Bernie has a 0% chance of becoming president.

Yeah, he does--but the president isn't supposed to look so frail and decrepit. It's not even his face that shows his age--it's his posture and the way he speaks. He's always slouching and seems like he could fall over at any time if the wind was strong enough. Reagan looked old, too, but he stood up straight and spoke forcefully. He came off like a strong leader. Compare this speech to one of Bernie's (or Hillary or Trump for that matter):

Regardless of your opinion of Reagan's policies, he definitely came off like a strong leader.

Oh shit that's the real version?
I seriously thoguht the one with bloodshot eyes was real

>The Rolling Stones are like 71-72

And they're still doing shows while Bernie looks like his tiny frail body is about to collapse at any moment.

You do know that that's a speech Reagan gave in 1964 when he was 53 years old.

Reagan was 69 when he entered office, a year younger than every current candidate. I see your point though. It should be noted that towards the end, Nancy was effectively running the office because of Reagan's Alzheimer's.

Facelifts+hair dye

lots of money and not the worst genetics.

But Trump isn't a "pretty boy" by any means. there are plenty of much much better looking geriatric fucks out there.

>And they're still doing shows while Bernie looks like his tiny frail body is about to collapse at any moment
Actually so does Keith Richards. ;)

At this point it's a challenge to see if he can make it through a setlist without being blown away by a gust of wind.

That being said, Reagan was endlessly ripped on for dying his hair

Being successful and happy in life can do wonders for your mental and physical health.

Being a bitter jew commie fucktard who has screamed about "inequality" and "injustice" his entire useless career can really take it out of you, physically and mentally.


>It should be noted that towards the end, Nancy was effectively running the office because of Reagan's Alzheimer's
You were doing ok until you reverted to your Democrat talking points page.

It was probably not as accepted back then since Reagan's generation didn't have the whole manchild cult of eternal youth like boomers do.

He looked older than 53. Trump looks younger than Reagan did back then and projects an equivalent amount of strength. This is the "energy" that Trump keeps memeing about.

Trump comes off as more immature and less knowledgeable, but that same vitality is there.

Reminder: Bernie was kicked out of a hippie commune because he wouldn't do any work and only wanted to spend all of his time talking about communism.

Just imagine what a useless waste of life someone needs to be for a bunch of smelly hippies to tell them to fuck off because they're too lazy.



My dad looks fugly as shit at 60+ and he has never drank in his life. Im guessing its the 30 years of stress he brought upon himself. He is a bitter and angry old man but i won't let myself get stressed out about stupid litte shit like he did. Even though I bartend i don't drink nearly as much as my colleagues in the industry. I'd rather just vape some oils and get high.

>He looked older than 53

Surprise, surprise--people in 1964 didn't have today's health care.

Actually though, it's a myth that Reagan had Alzheimer's in his second term or any time before the 90s. He in fact fell off a horse on his ranch the summer after leaving office and that could have easily done something to him from suffering a blow to the head.

Sometimes he was a little unaware of questions being asked at press conferences, but he also had some hearing problems caused by shooting guns during his movie career.

>69 year old man has a better hairline than you

Why live?