Burial culture in your country

Burial culture in your country

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The grave of Alfried Krupp, a convicted war criminal and producer of weaponry for the Wehrmacht. Stunning!


I actually want to do this now

And where is the image of the Mercedes? It looks like your Krupp was not a man of
big honor

Toлькo вчepa oт кoгo-тo cлышaл пpo эпoхy eбaнyтых нaдгpoбных плит для бpaткoв. Этo бoжecтвeннo.

Wow, this looks beautiful


>pyccкaя peчь

Tы кaк тyдa пoпaл? Toлькo нe гoвopи чтo зa бaнaнaми пoшeл.


i didn't knew yusuke urameshi was buried in russia

How very ostentatious


Gangster graves are pretty fun to see. Ultra-rich and with total lack of taste. As well as Gangster estates.






This is a test for triphophobia?



>Adidas.. its not just for the living!







Just throw in the fucking trash I don't give a fuck I'm dead







Пoeхaл зa бaнaнaми, oкaзaлcя в yнивepcитeтe.

Up блeaть


>russian culture

ты oпyщь чтo ли? в cмыcлe aпaч?

>Alfried Krupp
Eh, slave labor isn't necessarily a war crime


is krupp related to the old man kruppski?

Did Cenk Uygur finally die?

cementerio de recoleta coming through





i fucking love christian art (especially baroque and gothic)

what happens at night? do the ghost souls of the dead wander around these apartments? fuck i am scared.

i believe it has plenty of ghost stories like the white maiden (im not sure if she was from the recoleta cemetary tho)
i have a mausoleum from the family but i dont know if we still own it because we are not paying it since decades







Honestly I prefer the simple ones like the arlington national cemetery our graves are too overexaggerated

will we see sculptures like these in our countries in the future bros?

>i have a mausoleum from the family
that's awesome user. who is buried there? your italian great-grandparents?


i think a german ancestor but there are italians ancestors too.
80% of my family comes from italy, 15% from the basque country and i have a great great grandmother from germany

have a picture or something similar on my grave

seriously the thought about living in a building nearby gives me shivers. they are so close to this massive cemetery.

its a pretty nice touch to the city, we have some other cemeteries that have awesome architecture too like pic related (chacarita cemetery)

this is from the british cemetery in buenos aires

this is from the german cemetery (note that they removed the swastika in the kreuz)
I think that cross belongs to a tripulant of the graf spee, which the survivors funded a village in another province (villa general belgrano)


ups sorry

>dat feel when you will probably get the Virgin's tombstone and not these chad ones

oh no question, it looks awesome but i would be afraid of the dead at night!! modern cemeteries look very basic and they dont scare me. the old ones are a different story. this is marie laveau's tomb in new orleans (a famous witch). it looks pretty neglected but new orleans has some nice old cemeteries.

The jewish cemitery of Vilar do Teles, nearby Rio de Janeiro

For he will die as he lived, a virgin

in my city, we have several cemetaries within the city, not on the outskirts of the city either

is this normal in other parts of the world?

the guards working in the more open and less known cemeteries here in argentina tell that sometimes they found witchcraft materials in the ground used in macumbas (satanic rituals). pretty creepy

No, here most of then are in the outskirts, only the really fancy ones are incide the city


Macumba is paganist, not satanist

yes, the older fancier ones could be close to the city centre (in canadian language)

here in argentina we refer macumba to both paganist (umbanda) and satanic

wow wtf exist Umbanda people in Argentina

yeah, here in the same block there is a family that do umbanda rituals

I'm African-American.

In rural Georgia we destroy any excess hair or nails of the deceased so witches don't resurrect Grandpa as a zombie slave. Well, we used to.

yes. and new orleans old cemeteries are creepy in general!! they are somewhat neglected and spooky, and lots of weirdos come to see that witch's tomb and leave their XXX there (voodoo wishes or something)

I would never believe that exist umbandistas in Argentina, and a wierd fact the the biggest umbanda movement in Brazil is in Rio Grande do Sul, not in Bahia


ah, generally true here i guess, I'vee been to a few cities in Canada in the US for extended periods but I just haven't seen this concentration in such a small area before

What do you think about Sup Forums as an african american? Does this place annoy you?

thanks i love creepy stories
i think its called umbanda blanca

Jesus thats a lot

In the same way a Special Ed class would annoy someone

Noice, interesting

My family doesn't believe in burials. Instead we wear our deceased relatives' skin until it naturally rots.
As for the bones, we take them home, throw them in a pot, add some broth, a potato, and baby we got a stew going.