I cant even
I cant even
F as Fuck my shit up senpai
This nigger ethnicly killed America
He could have stopped it, he didn't start it but it could have been stopped
Instead he put the final nail in the coffin.
America will never be white again
lmao how is Reddit reacting?
I agree.
She is the leader we need.
Outside of the CTR shills the reaction has been pretty negative for Hillary
>tfw Amerilards get Merkel Reloaded around the time when we finally get rid of Merkel and get Based Perty
Question for Americans: Is it normal that the current president openly supports and campaigns with an candidate, while demonizing another (Trump) ?
Seems wrong to me, since he is paid by taxpayers.
If Trump doesn't win I'm gonna start calling all of you Americucks because you'll be worse than fucking leafs.
it is not normal no.
If he believes the office of the President of the United States is reserved for crooked bankster lapdogs, then I guess in his mind she is the most qualified.
Well, you better.
So voting for Obongo was a mistake eight years ago. Thanks for admitting it.
whut?????? Is this real life???? wow
Its called an endorsement, Slavbro.
Of course it's fucking wrong. Presidents aren't supposed to get involved in the fucking campaigns of other candidates, especially not blatantly supporting one and demonizing the other.
It's absolutely sickening what's happened to your country.
Conflicts of interest at the expense of democracy and the people are a normal thing in our government.
No, this is absolute corruption. The standing president is never involved with the candidates.
I'm sure that's what he thought 4 years ago
What a good boy. His stance sure took a turn from when he was running against her
It's happened before, but it's absolutely not normal.
>FBI says Clinton committed felonies but lets her off by saying it was due to incompetence
>Clinton is therefore the most qualified person to run for office
Do liberals ever have to double take when shit like this happens?
I don't think Hillary owned people
In order for Clinton to be totally perfect to Obama she would also have to be Muslim.
You know, I really wonder if Hillary and Bill have some kind of nuclear level dirt on Obama that makes him dance like a puppet to their tune.
So why did he run against her in 2008? If this wasn't true then, what changed to make it so? Was she this qualified in 2012? If so, why didn't he opt to not run again to make room for someone who is the most qualified person in history for the position?
>never been anyone more qualified
>saying this the same day the FBI said she was 'extremely careless'
They really don't give a single fuck, do they?
It hasn't recently been common, but historically it isn't rare. Of course a president wants to see their work continued by a like minded candidate. Roosevelt/Taft etc.
any citizen over a certain age is qualified to be president
it's a fucking cornerstone of american policy
there are no "qualifications" outside of that to be president
No, Bill Clinton didn't even campaign for Al Gore who was literally his VP at the time
Nice non sequitur m8
No, it's not normal and it isn't right.
One of the lefts most successful tactic is to hold its oponents up to strict standards that they themselves blatantly ignore.
You're witnessing a presidency being forced upon us because the powers that be know she will play their game exactly how they want it to be played and give them everything they could ever want.
The only consolation I can take away from all of this that history will look back upon her, not as somebody who earned their seat of power, but one that was granted because of pure nepotism.
wait, so he called himself incompetent.
Well makes sense.
Forgot your gif, mate.
nah. trump is possibly the last hope to fix the US through peaceful means, but not the last hope to fix the US all together. if trump isn't elected we have to hope the dick sucking liberals push change so fast and hamfistedly that it ignites a civil war. that's the other option and the reason the second amendment is a thing.
Are there even any qualifications to be president?
As far as I know there is no "president diploma."
This is like saying there is no one more qualified to make hamburgers at McDonalds.
And even they have burger university.
the short answer is no
the long answer is of course they're don't give a single fuck
What the fuck are you talking about you idiot?
You have to be born in the United States, have been living in the United States for 14 years, and be over 35 years of age. You also can't serve more than two terms. Also if you have served for two terms, you cannot be vice president either.
Nah she just has them have all sorts of "accidents"
No, and Democrats will eat it up. Ffs, 71% of Dems said Hillary should run even IF indicted. There's no hope for us, not even reality can red pill liberals at this point, they simply don't give a shit about anything but diversity in the year 2016.
All hope is lost.
I hate Hillary and am voting for Trump, but stop being retarded lol. it's because she was secretary of state and the shit she's done in the past 8 years makes her qualified apparently.
What about GEORGE WASHINGTON, Mr. Obama? Checkmate.
i second this. if hillary cunton wins the presidency America should become the new canada as it relates to this board.
WTF, I hate Obama now!
i wonder what she has on him
She's obviously got enough leverage over enough people in power that she can escape criminal charges.
So you could say she owns alot of people.
Not forgetting the souls of those murdered that she collects.
>If Trump doesn't win
It is the mathematical outcome, no way around it, the US was a nice experiment, it's done now.
1 word
Ron Paul
They're scared, slavbro. As they fucking should be.
Oh really ? What about her husband ?
civil war when?
So half of all Americans are just as qualified to be president as Killary?
Not normal, but Obama hasn't stopped campaigning since 2006 and he won't stop campaigning even after this election. It's all he knows. It's all he's good at.
No. This is a first. Leave it to the nigger
Obama's the president, why doesn't he just order the US population to elect her? Or maybe he could just sign her into office with one of these executive shenanigans. Wouldn't really surprise me by now.
The pixels can't even hide the reptilian. Very interesting.
>Any man
>More qualified
>Than Hillary Clinton
>Every past president ever
This no longer funny. Stop it.
wtf i love hillary now
You really think that?
I'd say after about 8 years of Clinton.
>Or maybe he could just sign her into office with one of these executive shenanigans.
I wonder if this would be possible.
Of course Obama doesn't care, since he's going to declare martial law and suspend democracy.
You read the news. The elite have to stand up to the scared masses.
We'll I understand that a Democrat would endorse another Democrat candidate. But she is Flying around the country with him in the Airforce One, and he straight up lies about trump, saying that he is racist against blacks ( and its working since 95% of them view him negatively).
Every president except Washington has done it. Blame political parties.
At least he admits that he was even less qualified
You have to remember that Bill was fresh off the Impeachment business... It was smart politics at that time not to have Bill campaign for Gore.
she accidentally the whole country
The sun has set
Why did he run against her in 2008 then?
2 terms or 10 years.
I.e., a VP who served under an assassinated president halfway through his term could be elected to 2 terms as president after
you're telling me you had any kind of sympathy to the phony house nigger prior to his endorsement of the postmenopausal murderous bitch?
In our system the head of state and leader of government are the same person.
This was a mistake.
>I'd say after about 8 years of Clinton.
implying she will go after 8 years, she will declare martial law and war against the USA itself to keep here in power until she dies or is killed.
>implying we'll survive even 1 year with hitlery
Nuffin makes sense
Read carefully.
He's not saying anything.
He's saying "no less". Meaning just as qualified.
Qualification is a binary thing.
You are either qualified or not.
So what he is saying is meaningless.
Bush was an albatross by the time he left office, that's why the GOP distanced themselves quietly. But it's par for the course given how Regan backed Bush senior, and Clinton masculine backed Gore. Anyone who disagrees wasn't a nerd or was a baby in 00'
He was a white man, so he's not qualified for shit
More qualified than Eisenhower?
>martial law
it has been determined that the blue team cannot win against the red team in a domestic insurgency situation, it is simply not possible
that a real quote?
oh we know. thats why trumps gonna take it by a landslide. and I've invested in body armor and guns incase it goes wrong.
see, unlike sweden, we take this shot seriously.
>she will declare martial law and war against the USA itself
You are too stupid to live.
From comey
taken from today's FBI press release
It's not unusual for them to go to some campaign functions, be a big deal at the convention, and a few major appearances.
It's EXTREMELY unusual for the president to be campaigning for his successor from the white house itself, for him to be giving a speech about his action on guns or syria, and for him to segue into a diatribe about the campaign.
This right here is the important point.
He is basically admitting that him being president was a mistake.
Why should we listen to anything he says.
Well she's a warmonger, hopelessly corrupt / controlled by the jews
It's true in some ways it's true
I mean
The Presidency has moved from Democrat to Republican and vice versa after two terms for sometime now. The only significant instance where one party held the Presidency for a considerable amount of time was after the Civil War.
The country has a way of evening itself back out. Any candidate resembling Bush/Obama era politics isn't going to make it on election day.
Where can i bet my life savings on a Trump presidency?