/brit/ + /éire/

All the lads ed.

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>+ /éire/

>Irishmen fishing

Is this some kind of joke

is that irish memesphere fishing?

>irishman fishing
hol up


>le epic fish jokes incoming

so... this is british banter... woa..

me on the right in the blue

beaners - OUT
yanks - OUT
micks - OUT
Not loyal to mother Britannia? OOUUTT OUT OUT!!

Where is America ball? :3


t. irish fisherman

me and the gf



This Poland ball is actually extremely detailed and only Harvard educated men will understand it

need a gentle femdom gf

Thoughts on cropped fringes?


the stupid thing is people post in threads with gay porn OPs but get upset at a +/éire/

Reminder that the Atlantic Archipelago has god-tier landscapes!

did ulstermen die in the irish famine or was it only catholics?

that's because they like poofs more than Irish

at least poofs can fish


because poofters are literally better than paddies


>"is that a buldge growing in your pants user?"
your next action?

>land carved flat by glaciers

Wow so exciting..........

wtf where is northern ireland (the constituent nation of the united kingdom)


nought wrong with being gay

take your antiquated views back to the bible times

Only Catholics

backs to the walls lads
gays out in force tonight

Literally dont understand where people on the chon pick up such an irrational hate for Ireland

I imagine its just an autistic Sup Forums gimmick

No ulster had an IQ Over 40 and learned to fish

Saw the pengest girl in existence at the train station today

She was chinese-ish but had gingery hair and also freckles. Super cute and had a cute southern accent

just stood there for a second taking it all in . wew

fishing lvl?

Why have modern Brits completely ditched freedom of speech?

correct her spelling lol haha

i'm not wearing pants. why are you wearing those? we said we were going skinny dipping

*shanks the paddy below me*



why couldnt the the irishman do online dating...

because he didnt have plenty of fish

It's not irrational

Irish can stay, yanks need to leave

did you hear about the irish shoplifter?

they found him under tesco


people dislike it when their land is under threat.

its literally """"""""german"""""""" americans on Sup Forums who dictate who is white and who is not
I do feel that we get a worse slagging than most countries on Sup Forums considering how small and insignificant we are. Dunno why theres so many memes about us

you have sand on your ass

did an irishman fuck yer maw?

>the first slave-owner was black



dont even think the gimmick is funny at all
just felt like editing something

Is this a good strategy? Napoleon, Alexander, etc

>Altrincham hate crime probe after surgeon stabbed outside mosque
f*cking Br*xit RACISTS

Actually did find this funny
t. Irishman

>dont even think the gimmick is funny at all

are you a member of the non-fishing race

why does wales and northern ireland not have hats

every country gets slagged off by every other country mate, laugh it off


hats cost money

Seriously, ive never seen such an obsession with Ireland. This entire thread is just talk of Ireland. Alot of /brit/ discussion is about Ireland or Irish people.

Whats the deal?

Can't afford em? English took em?

lel that's true.

>2 men stab a surgeon on the way to the mosque
>police investigating hate crime

so it's NOT terrorism when it's non-muslims. makes sense...

>slavery was non existent up until the 17th century



>having to seperate your capital because it's so brown
State of the English lmao

can't stop thinking about ireland

>entirety of dorset is an AONB
come home white man

>this angers and confuses fishless patrick

i don't get offended it just surprised me at first with how many memes there are of us. You don't see half as many for countries twice our size

There's a trend in the entire Western world to diminish or abolish freedom of speech. The reason Britain is particularly susceptible is because they don't have a written constitution.

The reason America is the safest is because its constitutional protection of speech doesn't have a "subject to public order, morals, etc" clause.

>Qatari 'vision

what would be your heritage if you were to announce like yanks do?

I would be a scots- irish brit

cycled 72 miles today

every part of my body is broken, shattered, smashed, knackered

there's nothing more succulently palpable then the butthurt of the irish. almost as good as the baltic states



>the word slave comes from slav


How's your willy holding up?

Can someone fax me 20 John Players black?

english and english with 1 welsh grandparent

half northerner half west irish probably
would just call myself british to real humans though

only have marlboro reds sorry


as english as physically possible

That'll be €13 lad

Better one city than your whole country scotshit

take it easy greasy

Depressing 2bh. Is there an actual conspiracy by elites to enslave us?

we do


Cromwell didn't go far enough

Irish Iberian

Unironically black Irish, one of my ancestors probably landed in the Spanish armada fleet on the West Coast


it feels weird that the royal family didn't ever call one of their children patrick.
i'd have thought it would happen when ireland was part of the union

IoM should be wearing a motorcycle outfit and full face helmet