This is the perfect Europe and you're retarded if you think otherwise.
How Europe should look like
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t. Friedrich Maria Janos Hszulniy
Van der Bellen will teach the world the superior Austrian cuckoldry.
Can't wait what the alpine leftcucks known as Austrians will do next.
Why not surrender Vienna to the Erdogan?
You couldnt defend it anyway.
>mfw I know literally know nothing about Austria
they were once great
like all european countries
>first green party head of state in the world
austrian history summarized.
They are Germany's bitch.
Apart from that I know nothing about them because they are completely irrelevant.
Austria hasn´t been relevant since Falco
Drah' Di net um, oh oh oh
And you know who is going to be emperor. Prepare your newborns.
You are actually an retard
If one deserves Vienna it's Polan.
But I have no doubt they will remove kebab with us when shtf.
t. Austerlitz
>Anglo education
had a strong dynasty
quick question
I am a 194cm blonde Austrian and my polack gf is preggo
am I a racemixer?
Poland did not save Vienna, they just chased after the fleeing turks when the siege was already defeated.
Read a history book you dumb mountain rapist.
Slavs aren't white so yes
Yes your baby is going to be half white from his mom's side.
You mean the Ottoman Empire, Mehmet?
>implying you could hold that without the germans doing all the work
In Germany you learn about Austria. In Britain we learn how to win wars.
>mfw I know literally know nothing about Austria
They were controlled by rich, old fat Spaniards for half a millenia.
Oh, plus Mozart.
Any other questions?
Must've skipped WWI class then.
but that's wrong
biggest minority is Germans then Serbs and then turks
Sweden's majority minority language isn't Finnish anymore it's Arabic.
>implying you didn't get your ass kicked so hard in WW1 that you had to vent your frustration on the jews
a nation that starts 2 world wars and loses both is in no position to talk
The Welsh in UK thing is preposterous. Your map sucks your mother's cum-filled asshole. What it means is ethnic minorities, not languages, fucksock.
1/10 because it's purty
>not KUK or DNB
Call that Austria-Hungary and we have a deal.
While this may seem like satire, it's actually the truth.
Von Habsburg genocide, worst day of my life.
Reminder that the fix is in
you fuckers better vote
You know OP , it is , fucking communist cucks like Princip fucked us over hard .Then Nazis gave us a second chance , asking to march across border without war to go east , our king strikes a deal with Hitler , AND PEOPLE FUCKING REBEL , UNEDUCATED SERBIAN SCUM FUCK , we stood in your glorious way 2 times , truly a nation of white hating cucks , people today take pride in us loosing third of our male population
Don´t exaggerate. The "Deutscher Bund" was good, but Bayern failed.
Yesterday 150 years ago.
t. Hessian
From when is that image? 2010?
Pic related is 2015
Make Australia An Island Again!
Austrians love you because you gave them gibs after the war
Why do Austrian Germans (who call themselves Austrians) think they are not the same as Germans from Germany?
Austrians = Germans prove me wrong
Bavarians are closer to "Austrians" than to Preißn.
>Bavarians are closer to "Austrians" than to Preißn.
This, also everything on the south of the Main.
why is Slovenia even an independent country? or are you Slovakia? I'm on my phone so I literally can't tell that's how irrelevant you are
Austria started both world wars, not germany. Of course you cant expect a dumb pole to know history.
If both world wars hadnt happened you would still be part of prussia and russia faggot
For the same reason you Slovenes think you're not Yugos.
There is no need to resort to the (ir)relevance of my country, if you aren't capable of producing a proper counterargument.
I don't think anyone denies that we are South Slavs.
Thanks Portugal. I love you, lots of foreign workers from Portugal in my hometown. So no Turks are here. :-)
wow there is a belarus language
answer me, are you a Slovakian or a Slovenian? useless Slav shit literally no one knows in the world
at least people know about Austria Hungary, Mozart, hitler, Schwarzenegger, habsburgers etc
The eternal Austrian will always win
>Nazi History
How about you read an actual history book you dumb kraut. Vienna was being starved by the ottomans and the walls were being deteriorated by ottoman sappers, they were about to get invaded when the polish army came and fucking charged the fuck out of them with hussars.
'The battle marked the first time Poland and the Holy Roman Empire had cooperated militarily against the Turks, and it is often seen as a turning point in history, after which "the Ottoman Turks ceased to be a menace to the Christian world"' You're fucking welcome.
How to restore pre-ww1 borders?
>can't even get South Tyrol back
>wants to start an empire
Also, reminder:
Not only that, they marched with such an army that their own homelands became vulnerable, and in fact invaded, just to be able to kill the most kebab in the least amount of time.
>Can't even take back south tirol
>whants an empire
How cute,too bad ge is retarded
Der Kaiser was OK to Poles. All he demanded was loyalty, which is like, duh, the reasonable norm, what would one expect.
Paternalistic authoritarianism FTW.
this ahmed
That's all nice and dandy and we're all thankful to them. However the historical truth is that the relief battle started at 4 a.m. and the Polish cavalry didn't show up until 4 p.m. after the Turkish army had their ass kicked all day and was already in open revolt. Apparently the Polish cavalry could not find their way across a hilly woodland maybe 10 km wide. When, another 2 hours later, the largest cavalry charge in history finally materialized it went straight for the loot in the Turkish camp and refused to pursue the fleeing Turks. So no blood bath that day and it took Austria another 16 years to kick the Turks out of Hungary.
Good thing is the relief army probably would not have dared to attack without thinking the Polish cavalry will be here now any minute.
>could not find their way across a hilly woodland
"In the early afternoon a large battle started on the other side of the battlefield as the Polish infantry advanced on the Ottoman right flank. Instead of concentrating on the battle with the relief army, the Ottomans continued their efforts to force their way into the city. Hence, the Poles could make good progress, and by 4:00 pm they had taken the village of Gersthof, which would serve as a base for their massive cavalry charge."
Naive cucks have been played nicely, just like nowadays.
Still not sure if Hitler would keep his promise tho(remember Russia).