
Why haven't you killed yourself? What keeps you going? Why shouldn't I kill myself? I'm so fucking done on every possible level.

I like studying about things and reading books. Otherwise, I would have done it a long time ago.

How do Finnish """"people"""" even reproduce?

I mean have you ever even seen another Finnish person in your life?

Take a the mudslimes with you then.
Leave no survivors

Don't do it senpai! I love you!

and leave with a negative kdr?

Fuck that. If you don't exit with a kdr of at least 2-1 your suicide was pointless.

Man life's pretty cool, it literally has all the cool things I know of

Because suicide is self defeating, If I was going to kill myself that would mean I dont fear death which in turn would mean I have become fearless. So ironically to me if you can channel how much you don't give a shit into something you always wanted to do, without the fear you can do what ever the fuck you want.

Vidya, lucid dreaming and other escapism tools.

>my mother will be sad
>my brothers could be sad
There is some nice games incoming that I want to try.
Life isn't that bad if I don't leave room and don't check internet.
There is also alcohol.

It would hurt my family too much so I'm just banking on dying in an accident or of natural causes soon.

Nobody loves me.

I do it for him

I really wanna see the next season of game of thrones.

wait for happenings and live (if you have them) for your parents/family.

Killing yourself is the worst thing you can do Goyim
No matter how much pain you're experiencing right now, it's not worth the rash decision

>not wanting to see the world burn
just wait till november to see what happen

I haven't killed myself yet because I have a dead set moral claise against quitting anything. Quitting at life would be the most horrifying failure that I can allow of myself.

You care too much.

Stop giving a fuck and life gets easier. We all die sooner or later anyways.

Truly our greatest ally.

because those who want me to kill myself will die just as terribly as I have lived. That's not a threat that's a statement of fact. You WILL die and nothing will spare you from the judgement of God and the angels who watched the world as we, the sufferes of this world, were lied to and simply tried to get to tomorrow despite the tyranny.

Everyone does, even the tyrant. No feast will spare you from this fact and the judgement day is fast approaching.

I don't kill myself because to be alive and to disagree is a sin the tyrant cannot fathom and it burns it from its core. I am alive because the tyrant hates that I have life and that is my weapon. My crime. My time.

Too much interesting shit in the world to kill yourself, I'm lucky enough to be intellectually stimulated by a lot of things.

And despite the world going to absolute shite, it's fairly easy to make a good living for yourself if you're half competent and then its easy street, I work as a Director in a nice air conditioned office working on IT stuff that I like, earn good money. Just strap in a find a good comfy seat to watch the world burn.

Don't do it senpai, you just need someone to love, men like us suffer seclusion for longer than we naturally should so it started to feel normal, but you now its creating this depression you feel. everyone can find someone.

My mom, foodstuffs, and weed

I want to be here when shit hits the fan.

How old are you again? Is this because you didn't get a place at some school?

>The world is shitty to me
>If I search for happiness I am admitting that I need what the world denies me
>If I wallow in self pity and unhappiness I'm just hurting myself for no constructive reason
>If I kill myself I am just giving up and destroying myself and the hatred that encapsulates me
>No matter what you do the world will accommodate you, no matter what you do you can't ever truly rebel against the universe

Why did I ever have to exist in the first place.

Continuing my education helps. I'm headed for a masters in mech E. It'll take 3 years while working full time, but I imagine it will be enough to pay the bills for my 5-10 glorious white children. Also, having great friends and a girlfriend I love helps, try getting some of those.

But if all else fails, weed is nice, and so is seeing my beautiful american lands.
>nb4 weed is bad
No, it's just illegal in many places, but It has probably saved me from myself several times.

I'm also a trump volunteer, so I've got that going for me.

When I feel like shit I watch my dog eat his food. It puts everything into perspective. In that moment, he is enjoying his kibble and everything else can fuck off.

ignore this poster, hes a shillary tool trying to decimate the trump voterbase, i repeat ignore this poster

They'll get over you. Just like they got over your father.

What is it with fins and suicide?

My parents and some friends would be sad. Hoping I die in an accident or some shit.

An old friend of mine wanted to off himself.

>he was 27 or 28 at the time
>wife decided to fuck around only one year after giving birth to their son
>she got custody
>he decided to do what a lot of people say, but never actually do
>he decided to take his share of the house, all of his savings and additional loans
>put everything on red at the roulette table after lots of discussions with casino management about the upper limits
>he won
>he would have killed himself if he lost
>wrote a long ass e-mail which was sent to me and I assume more of his friends
>explained everything that had happened to him, what he had done and that he had decided to use his winnings to travel the world and do everything he ever wanted to do
>he no longer feared death, and that set him free

Pretty sure he's dead now though. Haven't heard from him in 4 years.

oh, man, i was so in love with a Finnish girl. Heli Kapuleinin, I will never ever forget you and would give everything just to see you again. -the American from the Intl Club at UuU 2001

I make a lot of money, and I plan strategies to destroy the banker and media jews.

My existence as a loser angers the uppity fuckers who want their upper middle class society to be unblemished.

So I dress like shit, swear like a sailor, show no shame in my failures, spout Sup Forums memes when they try to debate politics, and give all potential friends the same cold shoulder that I was given as a teenager.

The day of the rope may come, but it will not be for me.

This her?

If someone kills themselves, they win


the only time I made an actual attempt to kill myself, I didn't go through with it, because Homeworld 2 was coming out and I wanted to play it.

Right now, the thought of my parents is what's keeping me from doing it.

The immediate reaction whould be to find reasons why you cant find friends or a gf, because you had a hard time with it in the past, maybe the people in highschool were dicks or maybe you just failed to keep contact.
But the truth is that you aren't broken and you haven't given up on hope yet, and there are some people whould want you as a friend and there will be some kind girl who will want you despite your flaws.

I haven't been able to confirm with 100% certainty the existence of an afterlife, and if I go now I won't be able to drink liberal tears should God Emperor Don win.
Otherwise though, it feels like everyone around me and everyone I've ever known has figured out something I haven't, and it's making their lives so much easier.


This tbqh senpai

I don't live in a 3rd world shithole... yet

>dad is unemployed for years
>i'm unemployed for years
>mom is sick of our collective shit
>we're not gonna make it
I guess I'll wait for rope to go on sale at Home Depot.

my only reason to stay alive is to wait for trump

>Why haven't you killed yourself.
That'd be silly.

>What keeps you going?
hedonistic pleasure and sexual gratification.

>Why shouldn't I kill myself?
You lack the resolve.
Asking others for guidance is a good first step.

>I'm so fucking done on every possible level.
Are you an immortal?
Did you trade your soul to a dark god?

It's okay to feel small, as long as you keep looking up, you'll be fine.

Don't do it user. Once civilization collapses shit is going to get real interested.