
/brit/ edition

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stan rogers desu



good post desu

Ahh back to normal

actual picture of me in the OP

no, fuck off

fuck off

good edition

Before I go to be I'd just like to reiterate that the cloud atlas soundtrack is banging

fuck you british swine

you all deserve to have your throats cut open

fucking saxons


oh just fuck off

anyone remember the cuckio meme

Mei is the best character in Overwatch if you're defending.

was Sup Forums down?

fuck off back to /spud/, wog

yeah fuck off dickhead

stop fishing for replies


Absolute banger


How have I not heard of these two goofballs?

finaly a real thread, i am not going to share a thread with the irish

Tell me about the Irish and their fish allergy


Another thread dedicated solely to discussing the Irish

Enjoy your obsession anglo cuckolds!

good post

imagine discovering 2013 tumblr core rap in late 2017

the jews and the irish are repuslive not joking

Why is Merkel so intent of destroying European culture and identity?

NK just fired two nukes at LA

haha yes mate thats crazy
*walks off and talks to someone else*

she's just trying to be nice

germans like destroying shit

Communists do as communists are wont to do, user.

Good morning lads. How is everyone?

banged this one out in sixth form


the ulster scot powerhouse

Was Stan a certified Alpha?

Imagine having your party voted in on 1/3 of the vote

To judge them by a fixed standard, to call them sacrilegious fanatics or furious hypocrites, was to yield a gratuitous victory to Voltaire. It became a rule of policy to praise the spirit when you could not defend the deed.

>look it up
>its real
happening time

Yeah it's quite odd actually

European boomers have a pathological hatred for tradition associating it with nationalism because of living in the shadow of ww2. Germans especially are susceptible to this.

She has no kids

Honestly women with no children shouldn't be allowed to be politicians, let alone leaders of countries not when families and children are the bedrock of said countries

Nice to who? Obviously not the European people

Alot of Prods in NI have a tenuous grasp on how to read and write and a minority dont know how to read and write at all

I think their literacy rate is unironically a 3rd world 96%


Why are non-Anglos so inferior, /brit/?

crypto-fascist who is trying to provoke a resurgence in right wing thinking via accelerationism

any lonely lads in? haha

give 1 example where merkel's said anything mean. i'll wait

North Korea just fired two nukes at Tuvalu

i like the irish they've had a huge beneficial impact on the planet desu

jfk was irish

Fake news

North Korea just fired two nukes at Pontefract

What do british people think of irish ?

When he thinks he has attained, then is he in danger; when he finds the mountain he has so long been climbing show suddenly a distant peak, then is there hope for him. He beholds the yet unclimbed; if he knows little of what he is, he knows something of what he is not.

In all fairness for the size of our population we've probably had the largest impact of any group on Earth

I would have heard it

What are 'Travellers'?
They mean gypsies?


Have opened up diplomatic relations between North Korea and my bollocks

It's not what she's said, you hideous fat nigger

my brother works there, wish they could have waited til friday night

Yes. Will never get to experience having a gf.

Same way the South Koreans see the Japanese.

How'd I do lads?

swiss immigrants

yeah gypos



Got a date in one week, just really want to settle down and get a gf

honestly dont know how people like this exist

milton keynes obliterated in under a second

Difference between Travellers and Roma Gyps

Romanys are the shitskin cunts, travellers have inhabited Ireland since the beginning of recorded history and they're a pretty mysterious group with their own set of traditions but still pretty much culturally Irish

North Korea launched two ICBMs in the direction of my bollocks

Irish-Americans are the reason for Irish hate. Nobody would have really had an opinion on us otherwise

>the actor who played Dr Haywood in Twin Peaks was part of the Normandy landings



>george best

Are there many in the UK?

>duke of wellington
Is that the guy with the ham named after him?

Even without them the Irish are a genuinely unique and influential people. Stop your self loathing West Brit sassanach.


Trust an American to sympathise with a franchise

Honestly I wonder if rorkes realise how much damage theyve done to the country they "love"

not many, but they are fucking annoying if they move in near you

Interesting. Thanks

Bit of Vaughan Williams, lads?


I think the bombing of an arena in the same county just a few months ago did substantially more damage, my mentally ill friend.

Stop looking at shit like this, it just makes your feelings of bitterness worse. Not all women are bad, and maybe if you put in some effort and willpower you could get one.

milton keynes has launched two nukes at north korea

good lad

ah yes
murder is okay as long as its not massmurder


Should leave. This would never have happened to him in Currystan

Smoked like 2 bottles of ejuice today alone and it just doesnt compare to a single fag

i'm learning irish
it's pretty hard desu but i'm not good at languages to begin with

my brother just moved to ireland and he loves it


Murder is okay when removing societal cancer.

Good man

Up the Dons

We won Friday