Only 50% of acting wins were for African Americans. There needs to be more. Was he right?
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Wow, I'm so proud of them.
were there other contenders?
danishas face always makes me laugh. looks exactly like obilivion characters
>post and image don't relate
great thread, op
>i hate other races
>racists are fuckers
there, are you happy?
Does someone outside of Richard Spencer talk about whites this way?
>but i'm sleep
I'm glad Casey could pull off the win. The twitter butthurt is hilariously pathetic
>But I'm sleep
>I am sleep
Do they even try to speak English?
English is a construct of the White Man.
>even in OUR moment
why are black people acting like every single one of them were personally involved in the production of Moonlight when looking at the box office returns, basically none of them saw it
>Even in our moment of winning Best Picture
>our moment
what did he mean by this?
>our moment
Sad is the existence of a person who lack personal achievements and latch on to his race instead.
Don't you remember last year with Chris Rock in Compton asking them what movies they were hoping would win?
The look on his face. The "niggers ruin everything" was no longer a joke to him.
Do these people not understand how utterly ridiculous they are?
Not only are the Oscars already worth jackshit, these people yelling about skin colors make it even more so.
It's more like this big theater play in itself rather than an award ceremony.
>our moment
>we get robbed
No. Link?
>a negro talking about getting robbed
Now they know what it feels like
If these people gave shit, they'd know that Affleck has been winning these awards all season and would be ready for him winning the Oscar. Jesus tap dancing Christ what a bunch of fucking idiots
How big of a persecution complex do you have to have to be in a situation where the film you're rooting for WINS Best Picture and literally takes the awards out of the hands of another production, and then act like you personally were slighted because the VICTORY wasn't what it usually is... and you had nothing to do with the production
>our moment
Also, the Oscar for Training Day was a joke.
They just keep bringing up Denzel.
The only black actor there who has openly spoke out against shoehorning in blacks for the sake of shoehorning in blacks.
what we need is all black oscars. white people can make their own racist awards if they want to.
He did win for training day.
fuck trump and fuck white people
but seriously, we can't let nuclear codes get
>not Hurricane
And Glory. Nevermind i didn't get that he was just listing times he was nominated.
Jesus Christ that's confusing as hell to read.
But hey
>I'm sleep
Whit boiz get so mad cauz the black man fina get his share XD
Fukken whitebois
What's up with her stomach?
Niggers are so fucking greedy.
Arabs like me are lucky to get roles as fucking terrorists in movies let alone a fucking Oscar.
Yes, but these ones won.
>Only 50% of acting wins were for African Americans. There needs to be more. Was he right?
He's not saying this. He's saying he believes Denzel is a better actor than Casey Affleck. Personally, I'm inclined to agree with this but obviously not everyone does, obviously the Academy felt differently.
What's up with your faggotry?
>I was told that I was lucky I could 'use my ethnicity as a playing card' in an industry where 'white actors are overlooked'
that's pretty funny
>I got to work with fucking Spielberg when I was a teenager but I still have a chip on my shoulder
For some reason I really want to fuck the girl on the left. Yeah, I know the blonde is conventionally more attractive, but you can tell she blown half the football team by now. Glasses is just unattractive enough that she'd be willing to give it up for me. I bet she has a bush the size of Cornell West hairdo, but that's only because you know no-one's been there before
As an evil terrorist in a 1 dimensional role and then get shot.
Nothing. It's been great since I came out. You should try it.
Nah, I wanted Casey to win.
More opportunity than I ever got given.
Pacino and De Niro are two Italian Americans who first big gig were playing mafia bosses. They took it on the chin and built careers out of it.
well maybe arab muslims should stop being terrorist?
>guy is making a movie about the munich terrorists
>gets triggered because the palestinians are played by arabs
Wonder what Germans who are forced to play nothing but nazis think
Those were great roles wtf
the girl on the left is a cutie
I don't even want to respond to this, but I'm sure you'll make a thread crying and whining when a white guy plays a racist or something.
How can you think Don Corleone and Nameless Terrorist 1 are equivalent roles?
I remember when Sup Forums liked Denzel
It's not about who is the better actor, it's who had a better performance in a film in 2016.
And Casey's performance was in a league of it's own, while you could see a slight hint of "I'M ACTING" in Denzels performance.
"Blacks should be winning more of these awards"
>names various black movies
"Never heard of them. But they should win"
> the girl on the left.
They're both on the left
Denzel should be given an award for playing the exact same character dozens of time in a row, I suppose.
What fucking movie was Denzel even in?
It would be funny he wasn't in any and these nogs just want him to win because. That would be top tier.
I doubt this dude even saw Manchester by the Sea.
He probably didn't see it because it had white people in it.
>random arab that's played a terrorist countless times has more money than most people make in their entire life
If you want to get an arab really riled up just mention the arab slave trade and slavery in the Middle East today. They love playing the victim card despite they are the worst aggressors.
They wish hillary would be announced winner, just so trump could later push her of the stage because there had been a mistake?
reverse that. they wanted Hillary to win
I feel like most people who become actors aren't doing it for the money right
That doesn't make any sense tho
>dude la la land SUCKS
> actually NIGGERS SUCK more
make your mind up kiddies
Yeah this British actor should pay for his role in the Arab slave trade!
nigs have low self esteem
Can't I hate both?
>2016 oscars
>all the blacks complain that there weren't enough blacks
>2017 oscars
>blacks massively overrepresented and clean house
As if I needed further proof that the Oscars are total bullshit not based on any sort of attempt at objectivity. The academy just picks whatever best promotes the current year's agenda
>at least 4
So he'd be tied for most oscars for acting?
>implying the two are in any way mutually exclusive
Not entirely sure, but I think black people were already overrepresented in oscar wins.
I may have mixed that up with overrepresented in speaking acting roles though.
realistically, ali and davis deserved their supporting awards.
moonlight was iffy. more deserving than la la land, but definitely not the film of the year and not even the best of those nominated
but it's pretty dumb and shortsighted to say that the whole thing was a reaction to last year
unless you think the entire thing is scripted every year, in which case it's very convenient you're only complaining now
That's always been true. Blacks seem to think that they're 50% of the population. They don't realize they're only like 12%.
They didn't see the movie he was in
Denzel plays the same guy for like 90% of his movies
Movie wins because it's black and morally corrupt
It isn't even a better film than la la land or the other nominees.
Literally was "better not piss off the niggers again"
It's who performed better, not who you think is a better actor
Denzel has done nothing special for a long time and is literally the same in each and every movie
>the black sandler
>but niggers deserve affirmative action, coddling and the shoehorned wins because whites owned their great great grandparents
Cuckk confirmed
>iffy but more deserving of la la land
Minimum wage shill has dropped in
>>hes poor & uneducated: the thread
Denzels performance wasn't Oscar worthy. Not even close to being Training Day good.
not gonna lie...really thinking about going and killing a bunch of racist white motherfuckers and raping some white women...
when I think about all the shit they done did to us...slavery...trump...the super bowl...now this shit...I think it's time to get rid of these albino cave dwelling racist nazi cousin fucking motherfuckers once and for all.
How fucking blatant is this affirmative action shit?
Jesus christ I never realised it was THAT bad.
>B*acks are about 12% of the population
>according to OP they got 50% of the acting wins
>"we finna need gimme more awarss n sheet foo"
Need a fucking bullet is what you need.
is this real? do these things really happen in amerika?
>13% of American populace
>Approx 2% of European populace
>Blacks still think they should win all rlthe oscars
I blame the American music industry, American football and basketball
>Spielberg casts arabs as terrorists
>Israel creates ISIS to cause havoc in Middle East and the West
It takes four 100s to make up for the 0 last year