You libertine millennial fag enablers have 5 (FIVE) seconds to justify why you think porn should be legal and...

You libertine millennial fag enablers have 5 (FIVE) seconds to justify why you think porn should be legal and degeneracy on the internet shouldn't be censored.

No answer.

Sup Forums needs to be banned and really, all home Internet service shut down, for my own good and for everyone's own good.

If you don't hate this site, and oppose online anonymity as fundamentally degenerate, you are bluepilled as FUCK.

The opposite should happen. All mainstream entertainment should be replaced with nothing but the nastiest, most hardcore porn. Nothing else has any entertainment value anymore. We've come this far. There's really no sense in trying to turn back now. It's far too late.

Entertainment never had any value.

There's a reason actors were considered even lower than prostitutes for most of history in Europe.

I can't wait until feminists come full circle to the point of re-embracing traditionalism and authority, they're already getting there. They're better allies of the true Right than anyone on Sup Forums.


t. Sup Forums

you guys completely lack self awareness that this shithole is worse than the MSM in its degeneracy. Always was too, you can't claim it's something new due to redditors or "normies"

the normies don't even come close to the wickedness of the average Sup Forums poster and you know it.

Is there porn of her?

I cant! It worked so well for stamping out perversions in Japan

we represent reality in its purest form amigo
no sugar coating here

Ive seen pretty much all I'll ever want to see
do as you must

Japan was Jewed since WWII

really its degeneracy is due in large part to American influence and pressure to turn it into a consumer product factory for the West

btw May is probably the only Tory running that supports the Muslims over the kikes. That's actually a good thing.

I have a porn addiction. I need it to live.

>thinking moral feels can trump basic human nature

Good luck.

Reality is truly horrific then.

Bullshit. Even as someone who struggled with this "addiction" , I've gone for weeks to a month with no internet access and the need for porn stopped even crossing my mind after a day or two. It's more of an opportunistic conditioning (internet = porn) than an addiction with withdrawal

It's addictive but really it's also the Internet itself that's the problem. Take the whole net away and people will heal in a matter of months

NO! I need my binky!

>1 post by this leaf

Free speech cunt. Now make Brexit happen.

This. It takes precisely 3 days to get over porn "addiction".

>the leaf doesnt undersand how freedom works
and no one was surprised

I'm reading the thread, IDs are thread based not board wide anymore.

I dunno, outside of an ass fetish and a dislike for Muslims I'm a pretty normal guy.

Yes and no. The problem is conditioning, not addiction. You can get over feeling the "need" for porn in 3 days, but it's much MUCH harder to get over the conditioning where you associate the internet and your PC with porn consumption.

If you can't successfully prevent people from accessing TPB (one single site) then how on earth are you going to block porn, considering it makes up a huge fraction of the internet in general?

Really you're right, the only real solution that doesn't involve extremes of mass surveillance is just shutting down all home internet service by taking down ISP's and blocking ALL HTTP traffic. That's actually very simple to do, easier than monitoring content

I would love if this happened honestly

the West was freer before the Internet existed.

By coming online at all you're giving up your privacy and liberty anyway, and you don't even care because you just want your porn and entertainment.

Because someone has to decide what degeneracy is, thus someone decides what can and can't be seen. Even if that person is the most trustworthy you know, everyone has a price.

A lot of hardcore online porn seems unhealthy to me. It's sexist, racist, and frequently bordering on rapey and nasty. How many videos are there of 'young' white girls being ruined by a group of huge black men? What sort of message does that send out? The graphic obsession with young looking girls, overly endowed black men, aggressive, brutal and humiliating acts. No wonder school kids have such twisted ideas about sex, because all teenagers from about 13 are watching this stuff because it's so freely and widely available.

What happened to porn being pictures of attractive clearly adult women? Why is it now 'young teens' having every hole abused by multiple men?

If that sort of stuff should be available it should be in shops where if you're not physically or mentally mature enough to go in and ask for it, you shouldn't have it.