Why is Japan a safe country?

why is Japan a safe country?

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everyone works 24/7

no time to do any crime

No jews

Culture of honor
Lack of Judaism

Japan's police are in cahoots with the Yakuza. The statistics are lies.

High social trust.

gooks are too beta to be aggressive

because we are not white

Shame culture
Ethnically homogeneous
Entire country got sodomized twice by America so there's little test left.

It's harder to forge your own folded over 1000 times katana everytime you feel in a murder spree mood

Then why's their suicide rate so high?

no gun

Can't have criminals if you have no babies.

For once a BR got something right

Japanese are all inside working

you can't get gun license but you can't get unlicensed guns either

Police don't report crimes.

the Japanese depend too much on the opinion of others, being a delinquent makes you a pariah even for those of your closest family.

ironically the Japanese are one of the nations with the most emotional / social dependence, although they seem cold, distant and unsociable

high quality East Asian genetics

because of a broken judicial system, a lack of sexual assault data, and emotional repression

Suicide, at least in Japan, doesn't have anything to do with social trust or crime.
Unless you're one of the morons that think committing suicide is an actual crime that deserves punishment.

Having high social trust implies that you can rely on the people around you--even total strangers--to not be chimps, and act like a good neighbor.

Suicide in Japan is closely related to work culture, educational culture, and relationship culture. Essentially, all aspects of life beyond the basic necessities, whereas crime and issues caused by low social trust is almost always rooted in the basic necessities.

They're a nation of servile cucks.

Because you hide a lot of your crime.

Unironic answer is a broken judiciary and pseudo legitimizing of the criminal element in the nation.

High suicide rate is the reason why homicide rate is low. When someone gets cornered by the society, his choices are hurting others or himself. People tend to choose the latter here for cultural reason, i guess.

Unlike USA, ordinary people here are taught each of their life has mere light value and you shouldn't mess up the order of the society for your own sake.

High social trust is half true. People expect you to behave like how others behave. In other word, it's a north korea type surveillance society. In some way, you can't trust others or the society.

your people already did so many crimes, in fact japan is the most criminal nation in the world same as the nazis
any ulttra violent african nation killed a lot less innocent people than japan

literally who?

Culture of collectivism, severe punishment for stepping out of line, Confucius, and ethnic homogenization

All the mean Japanese people got their heads cut off




>those jealousy
feels good

This. If the police have nothing to do, maybe they could hang out on the train system and keep women from getting roped.


No blacks

Really don't know if sexual assault in Japan is a meme or not, and have no idea where to get the TRUTH.


due to the lack of hard data available by the Japanese gov't for obvious reasons, the best you can go for is women's rights advocacy groups in japan and anecdotal evidence IMO
but yeah, I even remember filthyfrank talking about the subway culture there and how real it is to get groped, and that he got groped by an old man or something like that

its both.

they meme it alot, but also they have instigated women only coaches on subways to stop women getting groped

> the best you can go for is women's rights advocacy groups in japan
Leaf, please.

half of the active population (a.k.a. women) is not working

what, where else would you find proof of under-reported sexual assaults on women than women's advocacy groups?

Yakuza is pretty well organized and the factions inside have pretty good relations.




yakuza is in its little guy fase and it's waiting for the right moment to strike
also japan sounds like more of a 'bladed attack' country

>listen to actual japanese news radio
>almost every day i hear 殺害事件


Why do Westerners like to think sexual crime pols published by Japanese government is untrustable and ones published by their governments are trustworthy?

Every country has under-reported sexual assaults.


japan doesn't work that often, even americans work more

>Culture of honor
shame, not honor

I'm more scared of the police for shit like this, and they don't act professionally at all.
Once two policemen literally came running to me when I was about to cross Rainbow Bridge. They were so unprofessional that I really thought they were thieves in disguise. It was the most bizarre experience I ever had in Japan.

>Why do Westerners like to think sexual crime pols published by Japanese government is untrustable and ones published by their governments are trustworthy?
for the same reason that a considerable amount of rape and sexual assault cases don't make it to trial or aren't reported to the police in most if not all societies
the data isn't a true representation of life on the ground senpai, and considering the degree of emotional repression ingrained into japanese culture and society, there's most likely a larger divide between data showing reported sexual assault and actual sexual assault rates in your society
I'm not saying there is intentional misrepresentation of facts by the government institutions of your country, I'm just saying that the official data of a society's sexual assault isn't representative of the actual happenings in their society

>Japan is so supposedly crime-free their police have nothing to do
>maybe they could try to prevent some of the unreported sexual assaults

>why is Japan a safe country?

>the factions inside have pretty good relations.
Read Tokyo Vice.

It looks you sissy japs don't have enough brazilian immigrants.

The only thing Japanese men need to be afraid is being a victim of 痴漢冤罪 and forced into suicide.

I will.

Also must add the Yakuza in Japan has some supporters. I mean they even fucking have magazines about them. They also often appear on news.


You should stop playing video games desu

Worst court system on the planet. Criminals are ignored and innocent people get put in jail.

I lived two years there.

> and considering the degree of emotional repression ingrained into japanese culture and society, there's most likely a larger divide between data showing reported sexual assault and actual sexual assault rates in your society
Considering, the degree of low-testness of Japanese males, the gap between reported sexual crime rate and actual sexual crime rate of Japan isn't that large compared to other countries in my opinion.

>the degree of low-testness of Japanese males
testosterone levels of the entire west have decreased, how does this fact justify your argument?


Half Japan belongs to them.

Not especially.

Belong idk. But they do influence on Japanese politics.

Why did eye patch man turn crazy in yakuzza 1?

>shame culture
Geez people, committing crime is not a shameful thing in other countries?


How many Yakuza bad boys did you see in your vidyo gaem?

Japanese females have become a lot more right-awared and privileged and they got to claim their rights and demand more concessions from the society or males. How does this fact justify your argument ?




>testosterone levels of the entire west have decreased,
But still, average annual sex number of married couples in the west is much bigger than Japan. Your "fact" isn't effective enough to this argument.

Japanese people are basically insects, that's why


>average annual sex number of married couples in the west is much bigger than Japan
which most likely leads to sexual repression among males in japan, and therefore leads to a large amount of sexual crimes

Very boring


Okay, thanks for posting your biased opinion.



2bh societies with high levels of sexual repression often find correlating high levels of sexual crimes, this is pretty much agreed upon in psychology and sociology academia

Why the fuck are you fucking autists taking shitposts from Sup Forums seriously.
Fucking projecting too much?
Too much insecurity & autism here.


This. Lmao.

do you not believe that psychology or sociology carry a decent academic reputation, or do you refute all academia?

> psychology or sociology carry a decent academic reputation,
Only inside their own community.

>decent academic reputation
Hahahahahahah holy shit
Nigga they are the butt of jokes of all STEM fields. Terrible replicability, insane leaps of logic, failure of scrutiny; they fail as a science.

Rape is non-existent in Japan compared to the US, but groping is definitely rampant here, at least in Megalopolis areas like Osaka & Tokyo.
First of all, trains are so much more crowded here so I guess that increases the chance of it.
2nd of all, there are plenty of girls too afraid to raise a voice when being groped, that makes it easier for those perverts to grope women without much of a fear.
It says that more than half of women experienced groping.
58% seems a bit exaggerated to me, but I've heard from many girls that they were grouped at least once in their lives.

>they fail as a science
probably because they aren't a science and aren't supposed to be judged as such
so mental disorders are entirely discarded as false in japanese society, outside of the academic societies of psychology?

shame in the sense that victims feel ashamed to be a victim and don't report (or could even be sahmed by the society especially in cases of ijime)
shame also in the sense that "having high crime is shameful and is bringing shame to the great Yamato and could make people believe that not everything is perfect harmony, better manipulating the real statistics"

There are still some people who believe depression is just an excuse of being lazy.

>they aren't a science and aren't supposed to be judged as such
absolutely right. they are judged as bullshit and laughed at because they are bullshit.

>they are judged as bullshit and laughed at because they are bullshit
ah ok, you believe in the philosophy of scientism then, my condolences
wew, that just generally seems like an unhealthy approach towards mental illness, everything else aside
don't you think that warrants society to to at least take a new and more open approach towards the field of psychology?

ergo no immigrants

Psychology isn't science or philosophy, which I think are both worth pursuing. Psychology is just woo woo.

There are prejudices against people who suffer from mental diseases in my country.

But anyway, taking care of those who suffer from mental diseases is roles of psychiatrists here.

>Psychology isn't science or philosophy
I didn't say it was pham
>Psychology is just woo woo

>muh underreported crime
