Stefan Molyneux

>No Criminal Charges for Hillary Clinton!
He's angry

not an argument

Post your best molymemes go

who the fuck is this idiot and why does he think he matters

He's Canadian

I don't know... who are you?

How white is iceland?

Not an American

This actually improves my opinion of canadians.

Fuck...when does he declare the start of the race war?

He's ready to blow at any moment now....


in b4 molymeme completely fucking snaps and murders her ass after the convention.
i can legitimately see this at this point.

far more important than that clown



Not as white as it used to be, sadly.

>far more important than that clown

So what are your achievements?


some beta male with a youtube channel with huge mummy issues

You've messed up Iceland!
You've messed up again!

>a decision I don't like has been made
>the system is rigged

Never change conservashits

feel the bern amirite


not an argument : he's libertarian.

What's with the NOT AN ARGUMENT meme?

He was libertarian

>literally committing treason and mass manslaughter at the very least
>gets let off scott free because the FBI directer didn't want to commit suicide from 1 clip from behind the head and getting his head smashed it.
>hurr durr clinton wins fug republishits, i will now #shillforhill
really makes you think.....

I fucking hate you guys I can't watch the video at all without laughing at the thought of you making memes out of him. I'm seriously crying from laughter.

>literally committing treason and mass manslaughter at the very least



>get hordes of people killed through shit like benghazi
>the "clinton death lists"
>not manslaughter at the very least

>release fucktons of classified top secret shit
>having access to SAP's that she literally has no reason to have access too
>this shit all got released because she thought saving it away from her work in her house in a way thats easy to hack
>no archive
>no any way to protect shit
>not treason

>implying intent means jack shit
>muh fee fees, shes a womyn, since she has a vagina she should be let off

>what is destabilization of the middle east
>what is Benghazi

where did any of this happen

Such a lust for arguments...


read the leaked emails or stop arguing

asking for proof isn't an argument

the proof is literally in the emails. This isn't me telling you to go google it. This is me telling you to read the fucking source before you demand proof.

i have, there's nothing in there about the things that were listed

This cuck has the most punchable accent

You clearly didn't since she blatantly admits that she wanted to get involved in Syria and made a decision as the secretary of state to do so very early on in the leak.

The information hacked from emails she sent to other people led to the death of ambassador Stevens.

Also the Benghazi thing trails back several years and is separate from the emails. Stop pretending you know what you're talking about.

maybe lurk here for a bit before posting faggot

hes a Jew

Molythreads are getting stale and low-effort. Still never seen an argument. goodbye folks, I think this is the death of the meme