be warned the Sup Forums fags have been deployed to infest Sup Forums with their intellectualism following the grand keks ensued by 2017 oscars. Do not take the bait, just sit back and watch them squirm in desperation
Sup Forums gtfo my booooooard
> my board
Your delusions are adorable
Sup Forums did nothing wrong
is Sup Forums filled with leftycucks now? wtf happened i thought you guys were hardcore cunny posters before
What did leddit mean by this?
I don't think you know what that word means
>he thinks being on Sup Forums since 2010 makes him an oldfag
annual rddit oscars invasion
> le pole was in existence during 2010
we hate leftycucks and rightyfags. all you cretins need to be gassed
i think they mean Sup Forums is for people to discuss top kino and not a safe haven for inbred retards to spread their faggotry maybe
You don own this board, you sub-human shitskin
>can't handle a bit of banter
>"muh pol boogeyman!"
I think its you that needs to leave
It literally was you underage goof.
>muh banter
Get back to your containment board
you're proving his point, those replies are more nuanced than "white genocide" and "cuck"
No but seriously, we can't let the niggers get the nuclear codes.
> filthy newfaggot pretending he was here before 2016
Sup Forums was created in late 2011 you assblasted redditor trash
why did you choose to ignore pedophiles that need to be gassed too? is a child fucker really calling for others to be gassed?
Fact is people here genuinely want to just discuss tv, film, and memes but having an overlap with politics and current events with these topics is impossible to avoid. Whether it's because of Sup Forums crossposters or the fact that most of us see this forced diversity for the boring ass cancer it is, there is never going to be a time when we laud movies like Hidden Figures or meaningfully discuss the deep social commentary of more generic Hollywood schlock.
Doesn't mean we dont love entertaining guys like Chappelle or Patrice, but it is what it is.
its hilariously tragic how enlightened you shit for brains think you are
stay on Sup Forums inbreds
pol cant take the shit they deal
What's hilarious is how you think your constant whining is going to change anything, you filthy subhuman chimp nigger. Stay on reddit, the mods will protect your feelings there
Im really getting sick of the "everything is Sup Forums" faggots shitting up everythread.
moonlight was fuckin oscar bait trash though it is kinda amusing seeing /po/ so bent out of shape about it
hilarious how jealous you guys are of Sup Forums though. it was the left rioting en masse 2015/2016 with their BLM bullshit
Yeah, he threw a sucker punch and ran away like a faggot, we're absolutely terrified of you numales
Eh I'm sure they expected this type of thing from hollywood awards ceremonies, they seem more annoyed at people falling for obviously staged stuff like this...but yeah, addiction to rage is unhealthy, that goes for both sides.
Pretty sure they hate richard spencer anyway.
Sup Forums only hate spencer becasue he says their racist shit out in the open. Your average Sup Forums user would shit themselves if you actually put them on the spot.
2017, thinking people only use one board.
If a leftist got in most peoples faces theydeither get
A) beat down
B) arrested
Because you stupid fucks think normal people are nazis.
I don't think ive gone by a day on this site without being called a nazi and I hate nazis.
>what is controlled opposition
>Your average Sup Forums user would shit themselves if you actually put them on the spot.
eh, if you've ever talked politics to someone you don't necessarily want to get in an argument with like a coworker it's easy enough. just have to use a few feeler questions.
whos whining? watching pol having a stroke over something so small arouses me
right thinks everyone that doesn't agree with them are cucks, left thinks every that doesn't agree with them are nazis. Can you fuckers just go to war and kill each other off?
I hope your GP discusses chemo with you asap cunt get cancer and fucking die i bet you're a middleaged shitskin
>Sup Forums fags have been deployed to infest Sup Forums
Where have you been the last 6 years?
wow, you're even angrier and edgier than Sup Forums...really makes you think
I've seen webm's of the live streams. Not that I needed confirmation as to how embarrassing the type of people Sup Forums (or the type who defend them on Sup Forums) are.
i knew Sup Forums improved since then
>that makeup covering up the forehead acne
you lose that bet user, please put your finger in a socket
pool is cancer.