cuckservatives like to say the democratic party is the true racist party. if that's the case then why aren't Sup Forums voting for hillary?
Cuckservatives like to say the democratic party is the true racist party...
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Because Nixon changed that in the sixties.
barry goldwaeter a republican was against the civil rights act and LBJ a democrat was for it. whoever made this graphic was a retarded republican
Becuase she's a black supremacist.
it kind of started with lbj. he made the democratic party more liberal and filled it up what nigs. all the southern racist whites who were once democrat changed their party to the republican party.
They used to be racists against blacks now they are racists against whites
They have always been the racist party
>he made the democratic party more liberal
Because the party of FDR Wilson and Bryan was so conservative
the political parties in America are completely divorced from any specific ideology at this point.
At one point the Republicans were the anti-slavery, pro civil rights party, but then eventually they decided that they could appeal to Southern white people for their votes, and changed their platform. The Democrats, seeing an opening now that the Republicans were going after a different demographic, changed their stance as well.
The two parties don't stand for anything, they just want to get elected and will say and do whatever it takes.
that Democrat party was at least palatable
i meant the democratic party of the south.
Sup Forums isn't a Republican board, it's easy to forget that when the DNC is SJWism incarnate
I believe Sup Forums is mainly racist in a Nazi eugenics sort of way and have many of the same strains of thought as Adolf Hitler
If you watch this
you'll notice the Nazis were basically Sup Forums before the internet
both parties are total shit, the Democrats have just recently picked up the cause of social justice and key anti-liberty positions (guns primarily) that make them hated more than the Republicans.
>i meant the democratic party of the south.
That voted for those three people
that Democrat party was at least palatable
FDR and Wilson destroyed this country
>durrrrr the parties magically "switched sides"! it happens all the time, parties just totally swap positions!
Nope. The Republican party has always been the party that wants nothing more than to treat everyone equally, regardless of race. Back in the days when Democrats were enforcing slavery and segregation, all the Republican party wanted was to treat everyone equally, but the Democrats wouldn't have it. And today, when Democrats want to keep black people enslaved in the shackles of affirmative action and welfare in exchange for a crop of votes, all Republicans want to do is treat everybody equally, but the Democrats won't have it.
Race-baiting is the new racism. Democrats did both - Republicans did neither.
so the party that hated blacks hates whites now. what sense does that make? did a black supremacist take over the mostly white democratic party and encourage them to hate whites?
so if democrats are evil racists why do many republicans defend the confederate flag? why are they defending a racist democratic flag?
parties don't really matter at the end of the day. ideology matters. there have been liberal republicans and conservative democrats
democrats of the south tend to be the least liberal of all democrats. This has always been the case. This explains why bernie lost to hillary in the south
Because even while it was the racist party Blacks were still democrats
First the politics of white racism were no longer acceptable in the 60s so they dropped it
Next the amount of nonwhites in the country and party grew so they adopted an anti white platform
But they were still more liberal that northern protestants
what does this supposed to mean?
After LBJ voted in the "Civil Rights Act" a bunch of Key "Southern Democrats" and "dixiecrats" jumped ship to the Republican party and started pulling in the actual Racists to the Republican side of things. it's just how things change.
That the Northeast used to be the most conservative party of the country until they completely felt the effects of mass immigration
bryan was a liberal? if i am not mistaken, he was a crazy christian creationist politician who opposed teaching evolution in schools, wasn't he? how the fuck was that liberal exactly?
oregon and washington are pretty liberal and they are white states
> a bunch of Key "Southern Democrats" and "dixiecrats" jumped ship to the Republican party
White Democrats were still completely viable in the south up until all the old FDR voters died out
Also they became unelectable in primaries because of the massive black vote
racism always has my vote.
libtards will be libtards OP
>bryan was a liberal?
He believed in prosperity through inflation
Not all immigrants are non whites
black democrats seem deaf dumb and blind to the facts that democrat policies only continually weaken and destroy black families. here, have some more single moms, deadbeat dads, and community leaders like Sharpton. we'll kill your good guys like King, and replace with snakes like Jesse.
why the fuck would you want black families to not be destroyed you dumb stupid cuckold?
Can someone make this into a rare Pepe?
well, abortion is solving the black problem. without it we would have more black on black crime than we have now.
I say the democrats are doing a pretty good job compared to republicans. republicans would enact pro-life legislation allowing these black thugs to be born.
if you take away the welfare away from nigs, the crime is going to increase. they'll resort to crime to make a living.
It makes me ashamed to be a republican when influential figures like Mark Levin spew that shit about Democrats being the party of the KKK etc.
It's completely dishonest and misleading.
Because personal freedom. The government shouldn't decide what flags you can have or not.
How can anyone who is offended by the Confederate flag support the Democratic party?