USA dick

>mexicans, colombians, peruvians and chileans would rather be a puppet to country that regards them as thieves, subhumans and trash and speaks a different language, follow a different religion than join an economic union with people with literally the same language, culture, history and religion and that wants to achieve geopolitical and economical independence worldwide
How powerful is american propaganda? I mean there are people that actually defends being slaved and being subordinate to another country and feel themselves as lower class citizens and subhumans instead of paving their own path in the world

Other urls found in this thread:

Brazilians ruin everything they touch

Peru needs actual humans to protect it



kys op

Yamete kudasai, monkey-kun!

fuck brazil

I know, right. It sucks having positive economic growth and the chance at success in the long-term if you have to lick a few yankee boots to get it.

We should all be like Brazil - so afraid of hyperinflation that we crush any economic growth the second it appears.

is this the 90s? also I dont really see prosperoty in all americans allies, but poverty, terrorism, deflation, degeneracy and om some cases people are even losing their willingness to have sex. But yeah they have money omg!

Put this tune to that video please.

to be quite frank I dont see the point of having economic growth if there is nothing to look up in the future


>om some cases people are even losing their willingness to have sex
>Mexico fertility rate: 2.21
>Brazil fertility rate: 1.78
Apparently Mexicans are having more sex than you.

I meant Japan if that wasnt obvious my friend.

Colombians and Chileans are traitors, we should annex their countries.

Don't mistake business with friendship, we'll trade with everyone, we do believe in free trade, doesn't mean we'd rather integrate with the Americans than you.

sure trading is one thing but having your government and people hostage to another country is another thing

speak for yourself, sweetie xx

>doesn't mean we'd rather integrate with the Americans than you

Then stop coming across the border by the millions if Mexico is so much better to live in.

Woah that post

the US is a big trade partners of us, but just that, our politics are completely apart from it

Yeah, it's not like that was official government policy, people are free to do business with whoever they want and it's a lot easier, and more profitable, to do business with your next door neighbour.

As for being held hostage is not like Trump is going to get what he wants either way.

Now, ANTIFA idiots like the OP--their line of reasoning works something like this.

>grrrr, down with US and European imperialism we will not be slaves of Washington or something
>so instead let's be Russia or Cuba's puppet
>and let's actually have Cubans advising our government
>yeah that'll show those imperialist scum we'll never be another country's bitch

>As for being held hostage is not like Trump is going to get what he wants either way
Well, he hasn't been able to repeal O*amacare because of one stupid, spiteful old motherfucker in the Senate who needs to die ASAP.

Dog bless McCain

What's with all the black dick threads up now?

Turks apparently learned to get creative with proxies

if that was true the US wouldnt be our second largest trade partner. The thing is
Sure, but still, modeling your whole government to what suits american multinationals better, instead of your people needs, just for profit of your high-strata disregarding your culture and people is a high price to pay don't you think?

>disregarding your culture
Are you retarded we are part of the fucking gold standard for rich culture in the world all countries have tourists traps like Cancun o Puerto Vallarta

Does it have something to do with your politicians going to jail every few years? If you want to lead Latin America, then start by cleaning up your goddamn country.

Their women belong to American men

lol what? I am saying that if you could aspire so much more with that culture of yours than being a resort for americans or known for cartels or other american stereotypes, just like all Latin America, if you had a government that catered to your needs and showed it to the world and published it as your own catholic way of life and pursue of happiness. Nowadays basically the world has bought the idea that having a crescent and stable GDP and having a 3 figure income is a synonim of happiness due to the influence of protestant culture worldwide because of the US, meanwhile all catholic countries explicitly live their lives in opposition to that sentiment to the point of disregarding money and ambition for enjoying their lives with their families and friends
We want our politics to be completely apart, because we are different country of the US, we want our own path in the world

Our government isn't modelled like that, you're oversimplifying a very complex reality, when it comes to foreign investment laws there's hardly anything you could call an advantage for multi-nationals, foreigners are forbidden from becoming majority stakeholders, our labor laws are literally Marxist.

It doesn't work like the government gets to have its say in a lot of things, there's such a thing as individual rights and those can always be abused by high priced lawyers ANYWHERE in the world.

And the same goes for culture, Mexicans are addicted to Coca-Cola because soft drinks can piggy back on our traditional Aguas Frescas culture and the switch from being a balcanized country of subsistence farmers into an advanced service economy it's going to have a fallout when it comes to dietary habits.

I'm not going to pretend there's not undue American influence but they aren't to blame for the bulk of our problems, a lot of issues go down to education, we can't exactly blame Americans for radicalized left wing teachers' unions holding the nation hostage for instance. You're maing this too black and white.

majority stokeholders in Mexican companies you mean? But they are allowed to set up their own subsidiary in Mexico to abuse the cheap labour right to the point of having enough influence at the political scenario don't they? A lot of what you said sounds like Brazil, but the difference is that our laws are even more draconian/marxist to foreign companies and multinationals are usually really kept on a leash. Also the government, at least used to, direct invest in Brazilian companies to make the economy afloat and people consuming. Hence Embraer, PetrobrĂ¡s, Odebrecht, Natura, Ambev, JBS and many others, also our corruption too. The government here does get to say what they want and at least used to because they benefit from both the expansion of business through corruption and economic boost. Meanwhile I think in Mexico, the companies don't benefit from the development of your country because most companies are aimed at the American consumer market, meanwhile here they are aimed for our own Market and Argentina especially

>"Yes goy! Follow what the Americans tell you! Privatize your oil reserves! Sell off your forests! Bust the unions! End protectionist policies! Destroy local industries! Buy from multinationals! Sell to multinationals! Then you can know true wealth and happiness!" *rubs hands so hard golden embers of dead skin start falling off*
