Consider This Sup Forums: Hillary and Normies

Hillary hate is on blast everywhere after FBI shit today. I think we are witnessing her become the new political piƱata, the one that it's acceptable and hip to lampoon and mock.

Check your FB feed. The Donald hate has VANISHED. Even if only today. Keep racking my brain at results of this and see only disadvantages for Hilldawg. The FBI made damn sure to detail the extent of guilt so she is painted as a know above the law criminal villainess. And maybe that was their best shot to damage her.


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I love Don but he aint winning. Im in Virginia and they run anti Trump ads on tv all day followed by a pro Clinton. Havent seen.a pro Trump spot in weeks. I hope im wrong

Seems legit. Perhaps Obama didn't make a mistake in appointing Comey afterall.

>watching TV
found your problem

The whole situation became a lose-lose for Hillary.

She won't get indicted, but Comey also blow her story of events the fuck out. The leaked meeting between Bill and Lynch makes it look like a total fix and Trump's framing of the system as corrupt gets confirmation.

She also gets settled with a "careless" label that damages her experience argument.

She's either innocent or the USA has third world legal system and government corruption.

>jeopardy theme plays

Today is the day the FBI is officially a political police force. Hail the new Gestapo.

How fucked up would that be, if perhaps Comey, using non verbal communication perhaps, was a messenger. A different, contrasting message to his words. His eyes say "She's untouchable by the FBI. She is literally above the law. We're really sorry but she'll kill our families and pets"

Scrutiny is in her future.

>only took 7 years with a nigger in charge to undo 300 years of civic institutions

>I love Don but he aint winning
>they run anti Trump ads on tv all day

Why would they need to run anti-trump ads if he was losing?

I don't see pro trump ads at all. I don't think he is even trying in Massachusetts. the only ads i see are about how hillary helped kids by passing some bill.

Take this how you will

>To be clear, this is not to suggest that in similar circumstances, a person who engaged in this activity would face no consequences. To the contrary, those individuals are often subject to security or administrative sanctions. But that is not what we are deciding now.

>She's guilty, but instead of letting the Dems have a fresh start, they have to fight off the FBI bantz used before the decision, mocking her platform of being trustworthy and has know-how

Why bother? Our state is a fucking liberal shithole. I am voting on principal but don't pretend its going to be anything but blue.

Truly. Hillary having to drop out would have significantly empowered the left. The bern victims would have flocked to her replacement. But instead, their hate flocks to her and away from Trump. Like he's got the World War Z cure and the bantz just flow off and away from him now.

Can someone explain what happened?

No indictment for Hillary over the emails

Virginia fag here. What channel? Also why watch live TV?

>Hillary broke the law.
>FBI said Hillary dindu nuffing.
>People got pissed that she broke the law and walked scot free.


Virginia for virgins

Nice quads
FBI actually said she didu sumthin but they weren't going to prosecute.
But if anyone else had done it they would prosecute.


Yeah, she's been exposed. The media just has to support her. It's nearly suicide to support either candidate, which I guess is good for all of these celebrities and others because they have an excuse to be apolitical. Trump will win this election, or the rigging will be so obvious.

HE did, but the mass media isn't reporting that. All that is being published is Hillary will not be indicted and Trump is racist for saying the FBI should have done their job and arrested her.


