>he will not divide us
>dude walls
>why isn't trump tweeting about us?
>tweets trump
>hey trump
Holy fuck they're desperate
Other urls found in this thread:
wrong board?
I'm talking about the Oscars
keep projecting
yer gonna die in a landwar in asia for old rich people.. kek
Look how assblasted YOU are though
>yer gonna die in a landwar in asia for old rich people
Did I stutter?
Feel like it's pretty reasonable to be tired of this shit.
Actors are stupid. Who would have known?
Tired of what shit? Get the fuck over your faggy victim complex already.
The president is a buffoon, and people will never stop reminding you of it.
Obama did more damage than Bush but no one ever mentions that
Where you this triggered when people made fun of Bush?
OH WAIT you were still playing fucking pokemon during that era and politics was "boring", right?
That's not an argument
That has literally nothing to do with trumps buffoonery
>muh projection
Do kiddies even know what words mean nowadays?
Why murricans had to make oscars political. It's film art celebration and yet it always had some political comments from attention seekers. Why is it so.
I don't argue with people under 25.
No one cares, user.
The difference is that Trump is an actual leader, while Bush was a neocon scumbag
dont point out any of this
we want the leftcucks and hollywood elite to keep this up.
I like the easy wins weve been having
> (OP)
>Why murricans had to make oscars political.
It's not about film. It hasn't been about film in a long time. It's made to be political.
If you just look at the film side of it, the actual awards are horrible, everyone knows how to make Oscar bait
Identity politics really fucked our shit up, and it doesn't help that liberals can't lose with dignity or grace ever. I blame the schools personally.
it does cause they had the same job.
silly leftist. So cute sometimes with all their mental illnesses.
>Why murricans had to
you fucking retard
how do you still not know how hollywood works,
hollywood ==/== america
So many retard yuroplebs watch this hollywood trash and take it all for face value.
The media jumps on everything Trump says just like they constantly made fun of bush but when Obama was causing real damage to the world this gets swept under the carpet. You faggots obsess over some old video of him saying he could grab a pussy or whatever when there wasn't any ramifications to that like there were with Obamas many poor decisions and terrible actions. If you're going to call one out for their bullshit why not the other?
>every Republican that Democrats like take money from George Soros
Makes you think
Yeah bringing the unemployment rate back down to 5%, killing bin Laden, making health insurance more affordable and working to ensure that our skies and waterways aren't polluted like China really sucks ass.
thats some "tk him 2 da bar" posting.
>wahhhhh why wont anyone indulge crazy leftists anymore wahhhh stop pointing out all the paid shill groups that prop up our failed ideologies wahhhhhh
neck yourself
>lmfao got ya mad didnt I, cuccboi
this is the mind of a 90's born faggot
Thank you for Correcting the Record.
Democrats thank you for your service and 3 cents has been deposited into your account!
>that makes everything else ok
>Obama launched drone strikes against terrorists
>suddenly trumptards really really care about terrorists
>Obama stands up to Russia and Israel
>suddenly trumptards really really like Russia and Israel
Really gets the ol' neurons firing.
>killing bin Laden
Sup Forums is the new bronies/furries in terms of ego and self-fellation
0.03 rubles deposited into your FSB account
Thank you for your continued loyalty, comrade.
Pseudo-intellectual children shoehorning their cringeworthy politics into everything and acting like they're above you when in reality they're the same reactionary dumbasses lacking basic critical thinking skills that have always existed.
They have forcibly wedged their way into every corner of modern society and bullied groups and companies into having their opinion through sheer force of whining.
It reached an apex in recent years and it became SO insufferable they were willing to elect Donald Trump as president just so they could nullify this in some way.
not even american user just painfully aware of your double standards
>everything else
Such as?
>not even american
Then you don't matter.
Enjoy those double standards.
I'm not a victim. I'm just tired of identity politics dominating movies. I want people to judge movies on their actual quality. Not pre judge them based on their political message and how many minorities are in them. I'm not saying those movies are even bad. I haven't watched Moonlight yet but I watched and enjoyed Hidden Figures. I just don't like the lens people look through when they judge them.
>Tired of what shit?
Too young to remember a time before people were pushed over the edge
>defending bin Laden
>implying bin laden is dead
I was refreshing in anticipation of you user.
i think you missed the point kiddo
>implying bin Laden landed on the moon
>The president is a buffoon
>Self-made gazillionare
Damn you're jealous
I was laughing my ass off. Loved the Daily Shoah and the Colbert Report. I still like Jon Stewart and Steven Colbert as people. But they way they mock Trump feels so personal. Like them being mad that they lost against him. I find it very akward to watch.
>implying space is real
I think you missed the oven, Winona.
Most people don't even know what Trump has done or how he's doing in comparison to predecessors since they only pay attention to what a select few media sources say.
There are people so genuinely detached from reality that they think Trump is stupid.
>I still like Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert as people
Jon Stewart seems like a nice guy, but Colbert is a 100% confirmed arrogant asshole.
>a select few media sources
It's basically every media source, and they're straight up lying. Even the supposedly objective fact checker websites are straight up lying.
So is Trump and I like him. Colbert is a sore loser and an asshole. But I get the sense he cares about people and wants to do good. Even if I don't agree with his views.
Hi Boris, thank you for Correcting the Record(TM). The Kremlin has deposited a further .5 Rubles into your account as per this post.
Fuck Trump and fuck white people
Everybody who's met Trump says he's a nice guy, and he's personally helped a lot of people with random acts of goodness
The exact opposite is true about Colbert, everyone says he is cold and distant
In the 2000s Colbert used to seem like he was a nice, if smarmy, guy, now I'm not so sure
The Jews broke him
But really, there's only two kinds of liberal Catholics: illegals, and people who will do anything to feel moral superiority over others. There has to be something wrong in your brain to support a party that advocates abortion and then claim you're a catholic
I consider a media cabal as being basically the same source.
As in Time, CNN, NYT, and so on seem basically the same as all their people are interchangeable and they all work off the same script.
Trump's an arrogant asshole with a heart of gold. It's like he came out of a movie. He does nice stuff on the down low. But you can't look at his Twitter feed and say he doesn't act like an asshole.
I haven't met Colbert so I guess I can't comment on his true character. Those are just the vibes I get. I actually went to a Daily Show taping in the last year Stewart was doing the show though and he was really great with engaging with the studio audience when we weren't taping.
It's not just that, twitter, google, wikipedia, reddit, are all essentially editorializing, hollywood obviously is pushing narratives, all the celebrities are pushing narratives, anything you could consider a media source is trying to manipulate you.
i'm still playing pokemon
I forget at times that there are people that don't realize just what kind of information warfare is basically going on with social media and web forums by people that want to affect what you believe to be true or popular.
i'm apathetic when it comes to politics but i'd like to hear examples of trumps golden heart
>Trump's an arrogant asshole with a heart of gold
would actually be solid movie material (unlike the Obama meets Michelle garbage or W) but Hollywood will only portray him in the worst light.
The 2016 election will always be better than any movie that tries to capture it. Watching all the news channels freaking out was pure Kino
He let jennifer hudson stay with him after her family was murdered, he's lent his jet to a disabled boy and I think a bunch of marines, he's helped the city get public works projects done, other shit like that.
Tell him to stop lowering himself constantly then.
I still can't grt over that black guy on CNN who was seriously saying "how are we gonna explain this to our children"
He's referring to the fact that a literal non politician gameshow host just memed his way into office. He made our country look like a joke. A fucking kardashian can be president now.
Donald Trump saved my family: Widow's daughter recalls how The Donald paid off her mom's $300,000 mortgage after her father committed suicide
Trump palmed a busboy a $100 after dinner
Trump saved Wollman Ice rink
There are plenty more, like where the bought out a failing company to save the small town it was in, I just dont feel like googling it.
>implying america would vote for the coalburner family
>gameshow host
yeah just conveniently ignore the whole businessman part
That doesn't disprove my point even a little bit.
Don't forget "whitelash" and Ana from the Young Jerks looking right into the camera and saying "I'm fucking better than you"
>making health insurance more affordable
Are you for fucking real? Are you underage or something?
>working to ensure that our skies and waterways aren't polluted like China really sucks ass
Yeah okay Flint, Michigan is a wonderland
>Anacdotal publicity stunts
He never played up any of those for publicity. No news channel would ever give him positive publicity anyways.
Being rich as fuck prevent people from being a buffoon
Isnt that what the alt-right call "virtue-signaling" ?
What's wrong with growing up?
Or are you saying being a kid is wrong?
No, virtue signaling is when you don't actually do anything, your just vocal about it on social media.
Using sexual orientation as an insult? Back to Sup Forums
mate i'd vote for Kanye in a heartbeat
>hur dur bin laden was wrong :^(
Fuck off you did the same with them for oil
You deserved that and more
Think being a mentally ill homo isn't an insult? Back to plebbit.
Typically putting money where your mouth is isnt virtue signalling.
"I support transgendered people by getting offended in their name!" is useless.
"I support transgendered people by buying creative works they make and helping them find work" is quieter, but more useful.
Nobody mentioned Obama you moron
Happens literally every minute on right-wing social media.
>look how I hate college liberals!
>[blog post about how being right-wing is great]
>girl posts about how she dislikes girls her age that dislike being a mother (wink wink don't hit on me you silly boys)
Yet they all seem oblivious to what they're doing and unironically mock leftists for doing the exact same shit on The New York Times commentary section.
The argument was that Trump was virtue signaling, though. Except he didn't, because he actually did something about those individuals who were suffering.
>still posting your shit meme in every remotely political thread
>Trump is a buffoon despite being a success in real estate, branding, reality television, and politics
Boy if an idiot can do all that imagine what the rest of us could do.
>watching the oscars
>getting mad because of shallow shitty political baiting
You have only yourself to blame.
Fair enough, I wasn't commenting on that.
Why you always choose an idiot to rule your country?