Post your surname popularity

Post your surname popularity

I hope I can live up to my surname one day





What's the difference?

Germany, Austria, the US and Canada.

Name is Austrian.


Do Austrian women's like italian men?

It's kinda rare

Why did you turn your back on your boer brothers?


yes, I think so

I will marry and have children with an Austrian woman

have an incredibly generic first name too
there was literally three other guys in my school with the exact same first and last name as me

That's a single person.




Great grandfather was a full blown drunk gambling fighting injun and just took the name of the town he was from as his surname when he came to where I live now.



I'm ok with this

Highest density is in Lebanon, not too surprised.



no man dont say that



>not being pure


Come home, Pekka.

>french surname
>most popular in ZA





odd to see Canada and New Zealand so low for such a quintessential anglo name


maximum anglo reporting in
