Your country

>your country
>do you have a bf to cuddle with when it gets cold


no because I am the bf although I have been told I am very warm when cuddled

It doesn't get cold enough here

>I have been told I am very warm when cuddled
I bet

Post that hair sniffing slut ONE more time and I swear I will find and delete you

Nope but don't care, I tried to be with people but no one seems to like me.

Good thread tho


>tfw live in cold country and word gets round to girls that you have warm hands
>basically used like an heating object but don't care because it means I get physical contact with girls

I get it I get it
>Jews years after years fund the mass gay propaganda machine to brainwash the straight people

No. I'm straight. Though if some cutr little faggot stumbled up to me, I suppose I could fuck him roughly.

I'll fucking bash your skull in you disgusting faggot. Don't you ever again be a faggot on my Sup Forums you little bitch. Do you understand that?

I wanna cuddle with my bf but we don't live in the same country

Same with multiculti
Multiculti doesn't work, but they still push it and call everyone that doesn't want to accept it a racist/fashist.

Today being a racist is probably even worse than being a murderer

>not being gay :3


You see this. This is gay propaganda at it finest
Those who are brainwashed themselves push it even further so other people would also become degenerate and they always say "look at the year lets be all progressive and accept the abnormalities"
What is gonna happen in 2030 will we gonna accept rapists and necrophiliacs

Welcome to the real world.

we're also planning a breeder genocide

are you 14?

Bitch its never cold here fucking place is always hot, I step out of the shower and I start to sweat MAMA!
But no I have no BF to cuddle ;-;

The only thing you can push in here is your own butthole, you twinklet


no, because fuck my country.

>tfw no cuteboifrend

No, I've never cuddled anyone.

You're too pure!

>Estonian men
>never cuddled
Tell the truth, Eesti-bro


i want to cuddle with you

Yes, I am.

I am. Even among manly Estonian men are some weirdos like me.

That might be nice.

>Eestis are loved wherever
What other cunts are loved like him on Sup Forums

We can cuddle if you want, but you'll have to keep it a secret.

>one gay eesti erp'd in that one thread a while ago
>his gay friends talk to every other estonian flag like it's him
>everyone lives Estonia

Ah nuuuuuu didn't you know, only one poster is allowed from each country, it's decreed by the UN!
>all others are western spies using bots

Yeah but this is THE ONE
Where have you been? I was waiting for you

Told you I was going into hiding. But I'm back for now.
What do you mean by 'the one'?

You are the one I love and care for

I am flattered but I don't deserve your love.

You deserve even more

You are so kind and sweet. I for sure don't deserve nice things like that.

You are such a good and lovable person, that no wonder you have so many fans on Sup Forums.

You're actually making me feel a bit better about myself. What a strange feeling.

That was my intention from the start, because sometimes you seem depressed and sad

Don't you EVER post pics of my fiancee again

I often am. But it is very nice of you to cheer me up, you are a good person.

Who's that?

Future seƱora anonez


I wear one of those really poofy wooly sweaters so that it feels like I'm being embraced all the time so no I don't need any stinking bf.

I just want sex

>tfw no tall and masculine swede bf to make you feel smol

I know that feel all too well

I just a manly and tall swedish bf to touch me in non appropiate ways in public when no one is watching, I WANT him to be very cold to everyone but me (on private), I want him to blush and call me a homo when surprise kissing him

>manly & tall

dont believe the memes leaf

I'll believe it when I see it.

just go to their general and ask for pics of manly swedes

You're in Canada, spending your time in a Mongolian cave Painting forum for plumbers and jesters. Go out and visit us.

>"hey swedes, give me your biggest buffest guy"
>posts the golden one

>tfw no tall an muscular bf to lift with

Gf always warms up on me. She has cold feet.

Golden one is ugly. Look at his brother

Yeah his brother is much easier to look at. Doesn't change the fact that they're the exception not the rule though.

120 bench
190 deadlift
[spoiler]140[Sup Forumsspoiler] squat

>tfw often ice cold hands
Guess I'm a frost wizard.

I seriously hope those are in kg.

Of course they are in kg. Why would I post them in pounds?

Then they're decent for 1 month of lifting.


Post pics btw.

Not for a rude boy like you.


you shouldn't trust that siren, user.
It has dozens of your kin locked up in basement.
Luckily i can protect you and we can keep each other warm in cold north

No, I want a gf to cuddle.

>I will never have a chilean bf
>he will never mock me for being a third worlder
>he will never call me an eternal 2nd place loser
>he will never beat me in front of everyone
>he will never laugh at me while keeping me in his arms

Would he have a thin and long dick that looks like Chile?

Maybe you could help me get past the newbie weights, big boi.

Then I must save them! A worthy and noble quest.
And you wouldn't like me, I can lift like half of what you do.

>This thread

O-ok. Just so you know I've never actually gone this far before.

long for sure :3

i've got a gf(male) now :3


Don't believe his finn lies. I'm all for you, and you only.

Now you just have to move to finland. Not a big deal.
Also post your lifts. I need to know if I'm in good hands.

te hicieron mierda aaj

He does seem like a shady type who would create chaos for his amusement.
I'm sure trusting you won't backfire at all.

Yeah booking my flights right now.
It was 455/275/535(lbs) s/b/d earlier this year. I didn't lift for 3 months over the summer since I needed to move for my job so those numbers tanked for ~20lbs. Just recently got my DL and bench back up but DOMS is really hindering my squat progress.

Those are ok lifts if you have lifted for like six months ;^)
I hope I'll break 200kg deadlift by the end of the year.

I'm glad you are wise enough

>qt eestiboi is back

visit him and cuddle with him

Stop sexually harassing him.
He is one of the genuinely nice people on this board.

I have myself, pic related

Post butt.


No, fortunately it doesn't get very cold here.