Are you talking about all those chaps who are currently doing the drink my own piss challenge?

fuck off we're full

Watch the government fuck it up.

Like Russia did

get fucked what the fuck do we need this shit for

sort yourself out Malcolm and properly diversify our economy

How are his flat earth voting base going to rationalize it if they manage to send a satellite into space?

the majority of Australians including the upper middle class are flat earthers?

No. The majority of liberal party and one nation voters are meth addicts, anti vaxxers and flat earthers.

greens and labor voters are rational good people though clearly not meth addicts at all.

Never claimed that, but the majority of people in Queensland vote liberal. Queensland also has a serious meth and inbreeding problem. Connect the dots.

One Nation maybe, definitely not the Liberal party

Labor is the blue collar party and Liberal is the white collar one

Really that is why queensland's premier is a labor party member atm really made me think...

oh it's you again, the biggest fucking mong on Sup Forums

>I vote liberal so the gay Islamic communists don't take my welfare check

Isn't the Queensland state government Labor?

>people vote Liberal for fucking welfare

Umm sweetie

It's almost as if liberal party voters are mentally retarded and voting against their own interests.

You really are fucking stupid you know that mate?

But that's you

it's a statistical fact that the working class are Labor voters and have been Labor voters since there has been a Labor party

>why am I still poor?

I'm not even a Liberal voter

Spot the greens voter itt

they'll probably spend billions creating the most inefficient system they can think of while arguing about it for years then privatise it.

What will Australia discover in the south side of universe? The turtle or the elephants?

Can't install Internet correctly and now they want a space program

nbn 2.0

watch the cost balloon after three different governments have had their hands on it

>self-reliance and stability (with our own satellites)
I think that's the only real reasoning. They mostly just want to get some satellites up there, not going to be dumb shit like manned mission and failed probes.

we need our own section on the ISS