
Anime edition

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think i might try necking myself for breakfast

i'm telling the janny

FUCK anime

early thread posting nonce

Busness idea: A kebab shop/abortion clinic

GOOD edition

nutritionally poor


very loud farts emanating from my bumhole

got no time for people who think they're above maccies

mcdonalds is far too salty, can't deal with it. at least KFC and burger king give you some control over how salty it is

wish the world would end

ear's bleeding RIP


simulacrum of a bellend

wish humanity would end

did I enter the wrong thread? Could've sworn this was /brit/ not /antipodean/

all the sept 23rd apocalpyse videos have been removed from youtube haha

Picking up my new motorised bicycle on friday lads

fuck off smart kid

Normies are smelly


*googlies antipodean*
oh i get it haha

motorcyclists should be hanged, drawn and quartered

so the irish ARE british

something on your mind lad?

*Drives between lanes during congestion*
Heh. Nothin personnel kid


hate gay twats who use pretentious vocabulary like this

we get it, you know big words! now fuck off

just woke up lads

no toil this week :]


toil today

and tomorrow

and day after

and day after

and day after

cantankerous opinion

similar posts

Go back to fucking reddit jesus christ I can't fucking stand when you fucking retards put on the "aussie lingo" to impress foreigners


fuck off seppo

could not agree more

Vegemite *fat yank retard gets an aneurysm*

need a new job

need a poo job

wee'd a poo job

wee and poo job

weeaboo job

i see, i should become a professional anime enthusiast


but there's no aussie lingo in this thread

who's more cringey, the scots who type in scotspeak on the internet or the aussies
obviously it's the scots but would be interested if anyone is willing to argue the latter

will anime ever die out?

poo pee poo
poo pee poo
poo poo pee PEEEEEEEEEEE

anime gf

scotspeak is pathetic. Makes the cunts look fucking illiterate

Anime tbqh

its easily the aussies who do it on reddit just to get compliments from the yanks
scots aren't trying to impress anyone

just copied the post from some other thread x

You must try to offend a person as much as possible, any general kind of person.

HOWEVER, you may only use one word. What word and to whom?

well you see i think i am suitable for this job because popoopopoopooopoo nigger nigger nigger poo wee wee weeweewee willy nigger sharter pooman


You're hired. When can you start?

Why dae english fowk aways hae a fit when a type wi my accent oanline???????

is it normal for your bollocks to make a gurgling sound?

NO????????????? GET HELP

only when they're in your mum's mouth



Off work and have nothing to do

bored out the proverbial nut

i see

my bollocks dont make a gurgling sound or anything i was just curious

real animeism has never been tried

my time is valuable runt

Pure goan right oot ma heid



is what japan's population

is facing a CRISIS for


is it normal for one of your bollocks to be bigger than the other three?

if you sit there and look at your bollocks for a few minutes you'll notice they're writing around, always moving
funny stuff

in hospital again lads

love hospital

is it normal for your ballbag to inflate like a balloon at random periods during the day?

alri maggotbollocks

>southerners will never accept you

what'd you do this time you wallaby

Trying to shag my milf ex-boss

She's being pretty receptive so far. Wish me luck lads

He's got terminal faggotry

chronic phismosis

if you sit down and listen, you will actually notice your bollocks emitting a very high pitched beeping noise

>chink writing

my arm began hurting for indiscernible reasons about 4 days ago lads and it's only getting worse. taking ibuprofen doesn't help
think i should go see a doctor today...

thats the deep state microchip they implanted in your gooch when you were anally probed

why is every single job in london

my nut is being done in

bollocks have gone on a rampage lads

love phimosis
Hate circumcision
Simple as


bollocks have detached themselves from my body and gone to live in the countryside

my bollocks began hurting for indiscernible reasons about 4 days ago lads and it's only getting worse. taking ibuprofen doesn't help
think i should go see a doctor today...

MENTAL that people are still getting circumcised

too much wanking

balls have beeped to me today that they don't intend on sticking around much longer and now they're trying to walk off on their own

shall have to beat them into submission tonight

the london experience


just came one of my balls

turtleneck restricted breathing

sick of my bollocks beeping and gurgling constantly and keeping me up at night

wouldnt mind if they departed desu

Have the decency to give me a fucking (You) mate

never seen you in my life, stranger

homosexuality is the white mans disease

you wouldn't think it was so mental if you saw my foreskin