this is a CGI from 2017 film
bravo mel gibson....bravo
this is a CGI from 2017 film
bravo mel gibson....bravo
Fucking embarrassing desu this a real shot from an actual movie?
This shit looks like a 2002 frathouse comedy flick.
What's with the fuckin wide angle lens?
i've been meaning to ask this forever but why are those three word, randomly named webms a thing? does some program have a function to generate these random names or is it some autist who makes hundreds of posts a day?
This is fucking hilarious watching Mel crash and burn
mel gibson doesnt know that BAR can only hold 20 bullets in its clip
ITT: kikes
How can anyone take any part of the narrative seriously after this scene? might as well have Legolas airdrop in and start shooting arrows into Nips.
I'm so glad I saved the $12 and watched Manchester instead Jesus fucking Christ
>does some program have a function to generate these random names
japanese bullets couldnt penetrate a rotting corpse?
I used to be a Mel Gibson supporter, but after watching him crash and burn, lets be honest, we cant let this guy near the directors seat.
all these mad kikes
thought this was Ash from Evil Dead
Fuck you, this movie was great and you will never have a waifu like Dorothy Schutte
I agree that these 2 scene was not really fit for the movie but still it's was great movie.
I like Hacksaw but, parts like this held it back from being great. The body sponge, Vince Vaugn shooting while being dragged back were all so ridiculous that it took me out of the film for a minute. What was Mel thinking putting these in the film?
But seriously we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes
If you upload a webm on it generates the url by mixing three random words together. i guess so you could remember your personal webm url by heart? if you download from this url the webm will have this filename.
Also all of the part of the boot camp, they did very good and realistic, as well as the interaction between the recruits and the squad leader and the officers
Michael Savage likes the movie and so do I.
i've never seen this movie, to be the first scene I've even seen of this film is a terrible first impression.
This looks shit. Ridiculous even.
>ZOG hates war movies because they glorify white American and European men
>ZOG needs war movies for MUH 666 GORILLLIOOOOOOON
Make up your mind schlomo
the fuck are you talking about dickhead
Weak-minded bitches can't even handle legitimate criticism without inventing a conspiracy to explain it away. Go back to your safe space pol.
The shittiest CGI in the movie was the navy firing their cannons
Has Gibson been hanging out with Sam Raimi?
Movie was boring above all
I love Mel but this scene is straight garbage
why the ridiculous gore porn? it's not shocking, just cheesy
The shot was objectively bad.
Fucking this. I liked the movie but the shot of the navy guns looked like a video game cutscene
>never seen this movie
>but seeing these two scenes out of context and it looks like shit and ridiculous, terrible
kill yourself you kike faggot
>war movies that glorify war and the violence are ok
>war movies that explore the human side of the tragedy and posit that war is hell are not ok
such is kikes. There was infinitely more mindless and nonsensical shit in Saving Private Ryan, but it glorifies war so its ok
great movie
yeah because i really said I was never going to bother seeing the movie.
>oh wait i didnt
end life you paranoid Sup Forumsack, i lurk on Sup Forums everyday and you had the nerve to call me a jew, you fucking faggot.
>Sup Forums
>not jewish as fuck
lol what the fuck are you talking about you stupid bastard?
>yeah because i really said i was never going to bother seeing the movie
>oh wait i didnt
you said you haven't seen it and then go on to make assumptions about it based on 2 out of context webms. I never said anything about you saying you were never going to see this movie? Way to put words in my mouth tho, nice kike tactic there bud
i didn't really have much interest in this movie but now it's looking like some updated starship trooper tier shit
looks cool, i don't know what y'all are on about
>made assumptions about the whole movie
sure buddy.
i judged what i saw only.
I don't get it.
Who shot them? Isn't that a Jap and an American? Did the Japanese shot them both?
>judged what i saw
which was like 20 seconds total. and based on that you mad assumptions about the entire movie. nice try tho buddy
>I never said anything about you saying you were never going to see this movie?
> based on that you mad assumptions about the entire movie.
pick a lane grandpa.
I didnt assume the movie was shit, I thought that scene and those effects looked shit.
>jap hitting a flying helmet from miles away but cant hit a crawling man few seconds later
so realistic, bravo gibson...
>some updated starship trooper tier shit
That's actually apt. Except I can't imagine that Mel intended it to be ironic.
It had a fairly small budget, but since it was pretty successful maybe Mel can make his viking movie with more practical effects
>this thread again
why didnt the japs just throw grenades down the cliff?
Wow, learn to read movie. I said your making assumptions about the whole movie based on 2 out of context scenes and you extrapolate that to "LOL UR NEVER GONNA SEE THE MOVIE DUMB DUMB", you argue like a faggot
lmao are you for real you stupid cuck
>Every shitpost on Sup Forums is a crucial insight into the posters soul
I haven't gone on Sup Forums in well over a year you fat kikester
Not him but it's obvious you werent on pol but on plebbit kek
nice one (((faggot)))
Yes, sign up, die for Uncle Sam!
>TFW from a large family of proud war service avoiders
Why? You sound stupid and accuse people you don't agree with to be part of an inferior race
You should go there, you'd fit right in.
Still won't change the fact that those scenes look absolutely fucking ridiculous. I liked apocalypso, and still consider the "first halve" of it good until the garbage tier escape happens.
>that obvious dummy being thrown dow the cliff.
Jesus christ
Great movie, only low testosterones who loved Arrival hated this
Is this Starship Troopers?
>ITT: JIDF circle jerk
idk, I like that. If it was a CG guy i would have been angry
The moment I saw him kick the grenade in the trailer I knew this would be shit. Looks like I was right
Dude, Mel exists on like 8 layers of post-contemporary irony
Why do they even hate the movie so much? Like, come on, I know Mel's behind it, but do you know how many of us Jews made good money on it?
why are you watching some 360p camrip, fucking retard
U fags are retarded the violence was stylized much like brave heart. The movie wasn't about the combat it was about the internal struggle of reconciling love of nation and love of faith.
The violence was sensationalized to b e over the top. Its a weird stylistic choice I know but it doesn't torpedo the whole movie
>mfw Sup Forumstards defend this piece of shit because mel gibson yelled about jews once
>in its clip
user, seriously, your butthurt is getting out of hand. It has nothing to do with Jews. You chanting to yourself it's all about Jews for an entire thread is sad. Go have a camomile tea or something, for all our sake.
Holy shit it's like an Evil Dead fanfilm
really? Around the time he goes to bootcamp it slows down a lot, but then once they're shipped overseas it's really exciting
I have a short attention span and I easily followed it, unlike films like A Most Violent Year, Black Mass and Inherent Vice (just random movies I remember being boring as shit)
>I prefer practical effects even when they look bad and get irrationally angry when I see any amoung of CGI
I know that's not what you were saying but it nonetheless sums up a good portion of Sup Forums. They misinterpret the pros and cons of practical effects and CGI.
This guy is having a stroke
>movie about pacifist war hero
>movie filled with violence-glorifying schlock like this
What did Mel mean by this?
I liked the movie until they got to Okinawa.
I thought it was Bruce Campbell from the thumbnail.
Why the FUCK did they have to make the dead guy CGI? Wouldn't it be easier to have an actual actor? I mean all he did was twitch a little bit.
Tropic Thunder ruined war movies for me
Is it called the "bar" or the "B.A.R."?
You missed out man, it's a lot of fun desu
Fuck his girlfriend is fine. And he got to knock her up. Damnit Mel. I'm so fucking mad you still got it.
Browning Automatic Rifle.
But saying B.A.R. is slower than saying bar and sounds stupid.
how any times have you posted the same thing multiple times
in this thread and last night's you piece of shit?
give it a rest.
>Army of Darkness close up
>followed by explodey bits with flawless accuracy, and no one near by being shot.
The CGI was terrible across the whole movie.
Did Mel screw up the history in this film as much as he does in literally all of his other films?
It was great, you butthurt redditor
CGI blood completely ruins movies, everyone thinks they're David Fincher when really they're just lazy.
>claims someone who disagrees with him is from reddit
>implying this isn't proof that you are the redditor come here to shitpost
i liked it
i don't see anything wrong with the CGI at all???
I loved Gears of War 2
You are racist then
y u mad tho? lmao
That was only about 20 shots anyway. Not egregious enough to mention.
Honestly it just looks like he shoots out of a reaction, you don't actually see the shot hitting the helmet
Geeze I dont know, is it called an AK47 or an A.K 47?
Nope, were things he didn't even include in the movie because it would've seemed to unrealistic, despite actually happening. All in all i think this was a great movie and CGI was ok enough.